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Презентации по Английскому языку

Homeless Pets
Homeless Pets

We live in a big country called RussiaBig country – Big problems

People’s Princess. The Truly Story About Lady Diana
People’s Princess. The Truly Story About Lady Diana

Diana, Princess of Wales, was admired throughout the world for her vitality, determination, and beauty. Tragically, she was killed when she was in prime of her life. When she first came on the royal scene in 1981, she brought a new

Welcome to Russia
Welcome to Russia

Russia — democratic federal prezidentsko-parliamentary Capital — the city of Moscow.Is the greatest state of the world (17 075 400 km ²)The population for 2011 makes 142 914 136 persons. The head of the state is the President of Russia selected

My favorite style of clothing
My favorite style of clothing

I love sports fashion style It is very comfortable in it is convenient to run, jump and do tricks

Ways To Good Health
Ways To Good Health

Good health is better than the best medicine. The English proverb «Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind»  expresses a similar idea. 1. Sort out your diet Eating fast food leads to weight gain and even depression in just

Первая встреча с Джорджем Гордоном Байроном (1788 – 1824)
Первая встреча с Джорджем Гордоном Байроном (1788 – 1824)

Хочу я быть ребенком вольным... (1807)I would I were a careless child, Still dwelling in my Highland cave, Or roaming through the dusky wild, Or bounding o'er the dark blue wave… Миссис Байрон, мать Джорджа Гордона Байрона.

Помоги навести порядок. Тренажёр по английскому языку
Помоги навести порядок. Тренажёр по английскому языку

a cata cupa cupa cupa cupa cupa cata cata cata cata cata cata cat Помоги Шарику найти своих друзей


сегодня на уроке мы: узнаем английские слова по теме «Дом» повторим слова по теме «Семья» поиграем с обезьянкой споем песенку

The Influence of English Borrowings on the Image of Kovrov, Vladimir region
The Influence of English Borrowings on the Image of Kovrov, Vladimir region

The main aim of my work.I want to try to attract an audience to the problem of soiling our language.The State Duma concerns about English borrowings in Russian. And the result of such concern is the Federal Law

Критическое мышление
Критическое мышление

1 стадия(фаза) Вызов(evocation)Прием «Корзина идей» «Корзина идей»Совершенствовать произношение; узнавать новую информацию; общаться с коллегами; узнавать новые слова; тренировать грамматические навыки; читать; задавать вопросы; отвечать на вопросы.

Education in Great Britain
Education in Great Britain

School EducationCompulsory education from 5 to 16Primary education is given to children between the ages of 5 - 11Soon to be extended to 18Students follow the National CurriculumThere is no requirement to ‘graduate’

Be situated
Be situated

bankберег, банк financialфинансовый


LIMERICKSA limerick`s a joke in verse, Or even moral (which is worse). There`re many here To fill you with cheer By the end you`ll be feeling quite terse.A limerick, to be sure, Should have five lines, no more. But if you`re

The Knight’s Tale
The Knight’s Tale

The Knight’s Tale Hi! My name is the chevalier Bayard. I’m a knight. I live in Provence

The place we live in
The place we live in

We have a flat of our own. It is rather spacious and large, a 4-room flat, to be exact. It is situated on the second floor of a nine-storey block of flats. That’s why fortunately we


Цель Развитие навыков говорения по теме “Fashion” Обучающая: закрепление лексического и грамматического материала по теме урока, тренировка коммуникативных навыков, умение вести беседу по теме, развитие языковой интуиции.Развивающая: развитие умений выражать свои мысли по теме, поддерживать беседу и диалог.Воспитательная: воспитание чувства прекрасного,

Magic Palace
Magic Palace

1)[ɔ:] hot, all, call, not, tall2) [ai] sail, kite, night, nine3) [e] pen, pan, map, bed, let4) [æ] flag, man, pen, bag, cat

Предлоги места
Предлоги места

“à” (местонахождение, направление)Aller à la gare À la page À deux pas

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