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Презентации по Английскому языку

The University of Toronto
The University of Toronto

U of T Why u of t?The 1st in Canada and is reckoned among the best 20 universities in the worldThe main library of the university is a separate 10-storey building70000 students, 3000 professors ,709 undergraduate programsHere work 10 Nobel laureates

Seasons and Weather
Seasons and Weather

Spring! What a lovely season! SEASONSsPRINGSUMMERAutumn winter

Герои немецких сказок - немецкий язык
Герои немецких сказок - немецкий язык

Das MarchenEs gibt viele marchen.Wir lesen sie gernErzahlen von Prinzen,von Riesen,von SternErzahlen von Zwergen,von Hexen,von Tieren.Wir lesen und konnen da viel phantasieren. Wir machen eine Bekanntschaft!Wer ist das?Wie heisst der Mann?Woher kommt er?Wie ist …?

Short, succinct and descriptive title of technology including application
Short, succinct and descriptive title of technology including application

Talk outline  What is needed in the market?Brief technology description.Stage of development.Who needs it & how many will they need?What is my unique technology advantage?Competitive matrix.How will I beat the competition?Opportunity for joint work. Proprietary information statementThe technology material presented in this

English modern fashion
English modern fashion

Features of an English fashionA distinctive feature of British fashion for centuries are the hats and the scarves. That it has always been a flavor of the personality and individuality. It sets the tone for cap style which helps others to

Historiography of the Renaissance. Renaissance in Ukraine
Historiography of the Renaissance. Renaissance in Ukraine

First of all What is Renaissance?palace complex "Renaissance" ?British progressive rock band formed in 1969 ? The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle

Родной город
Родной город

Задачи:1. Провести экскурсию по примечательным местам.2. Оформить результаты деятельности всех групп в виде презентации.3. Пригласить гостей на экскурсию.Цель проекта:Рассказать о своём любимом городе, показать его достопримечательности, составить маршрут экскурсии. Why do we love our native town?We live in a small town

Перевод рекламных текстов
Перевод рекламных текстов

Актуальность проблемы Особенности перевода рекламных текстовОдна из основных особенностей перевода рекламных текстов выражается в содержательном соотношении между оригиналом и переводом, а также в передаче социолингвистических аспектов переводимого текста.

presentation on the topic Askania Nova
presentation on the topic Askania Nova

Reserve "Askania Nova” Biosphere reserve Askania-Nova is the oldest protected complex of Ukraine. Founded in con. The nineteenth century Friedrich Falz-FEIN as a private reserve of Capli" on 500 acres of land.

Word stress
Word stress

SO…Word stress (WS) can be defined as the singling out of one or more syllables in a word, which is accompanied by the change of the force of utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound which is


Рыцарь («риттер» нем.)- всадник. Дама сердца


Содержание: новые слова текст вопросыстр.3-10 стр.11-28стр.29 Новые слова: typical inventive neither … nor типичный изобретательный ни … ни …


Saint-Petersburg And this problem is…garbage.It’s every where:in the parks , In the museums , near your house, front of your yeas , under your legs.

Традиционная русская кухня
Традиционная русская кухня

Traditional Russian cuisine Russian cuisine is one of the most popular and widely spread in the world.

Turkey for Thanksgiving
Turkey for Thanksgiving

Checking the RecipeMost families eat turkey on Thanksgiving.There are many recipes that tell you how to cook a turkey. Preparing the TurkeyBefore you put the turkey in the oven, you must prepare it.Some people put stuffing inside the turkey.

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