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Презентации по Английскому языку

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko
Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko

Russian sportsmen competing in MMA, sambo-wrestling and judo. Emelianenko is the quadruple world champion on ММА in heavy weight under the version «Pride FC», double — under the version «RINGS», triple — under the version «WAMMA», the quadruple world champion and


Азаматтық қорғанысАзаматтық Қорғаныс (АҚ) — мемлекеттік қорғаныс шаралары жүйесінің құрамдас бөлігі. Міндеттері: жергілікті халық пен халық шаруашылығын жау шабуылынан, жаппай қыру қаруынан, табиғат апаттарынан т.б. төтенше жағдайлардан қорғау және қорғану шараларын үйрету; су тасқыны, сел, жер сілкінісі,

Schools in Australia
Schools in Australia

Remember!Compulsory= obligatoryGovernment schools= state schoolsEducate=teachIndependent= privateFree= no money is paid for tuitionCharge fees= want parents to pay for schoolingCurriculum= school teaching plans School is compulsory in Australia between the ages of six and fifteen-seventeen depending on the state.


Полное название Manchester United Football ClubПрозвища Red Devils (Красные дьяволы),The Reds (Красные)Основан 1878 Домашний стадион «Олд Траффорд» Был открыт в 1910 году.Вместимость 75 653

The British Royal Family
The British Royal Family

Britain has a royal family. The head of the royal family is Queen Elizabeth II.

Mariana Trench
Mariana Trench

Mariana Trench - the oceanic trench in the western Pacific ocean. It is the deepest place on the Earth. Mariana Trench is called «the fourth pole of the Earth». People tried to conquer the North and the South poles of the Earth, ascended Mount

American Indians
American Indians

NameThe name „Indians” has been given by Krzysztof Kolumb, who thought, that floated to India. In different countries and environments are olso used another name of Indians for example in Canada there are called Aboriginal Peoples or aborigines ( " people

ИНТЕРДОМ 6 А класс
ИНТЕРДОМ 6 А класс

ВСЕ ПРО 6»А» Мастер-классы: Игры, поделки, танцы и смех…

Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai
Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai

Aleksandra Mikhaylovna Kollontai was a Russian revolutionary, feminist and the first Soviet female diplomat Alexandra Mikhailovna Domontovich was born on March 31 , 1872 in St. PetersburgAlexandra's mother, Alexandra Androvna Masalina-MravinskaiaHer father, General Мikhail Alekseevich Domontovich


breadBaker’scakes Newsagent’ssweetscomicsmagazines

Films made
Films made

THE FIRST STEPAny film needs a script. The script can be written by yourself or you can buy it. The second is preferable. All good writers are always listed in any writers’ guild. What does a film start from? Naturally from

We are from the Earth planet the Milky Way Galaxy
We are from the Earth planet the Milky Way Galaxy

Our planet goes round the Sun.It’s blue,as there are 5 oceans,green,as there are many forests,bright,as there are many flowers on it. Our planet is very beautiful. But there are a lot of problems:wars,poverty,pollution.We are trying to overcome our difficulties and

Программа социального партнерства Приток 2014
Программа социального партнерства Приток 2014

Встречи с участниками программы «Приток» Экскурсия в аэропорт Домодедово


Урок английского языка We Are Fond Of Pets "We are fond of pets"


Актуальность.Роль и формирование кредитной политики связана с серьезным ее влиянием на устойчивость и результаты деятельности банка.Актуальность. Цели и задачи курсовой работы.Цель - изучение основ кредитной политики коммерческого банка и её формирование на примере ЗАО «ВТБ24». Задачи:Подобрать информационные источники по КР;Раскрыть сущность,

My Clothes
My Clothes

“Clothes make the man”– Mark Twain. Mr. Trousers andMrs. Blouse witha big angrymouse.

Your Game
Your Game

Round 1,Geography. Russia 10$1) Russia is in …Europe; b) Asia; c) Europe and Asia;d) Africa.назад

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