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Презентации по Английскому языку

Движение тел в космосе
Движение тел в космосе

НЕБЕСНЫЕ ТЕЛА -это планеты, кометы, звезды, галактики и другие космические объекты, которые изучает астрономия.

Использование ИКТ на уроках английского языка
Использование ИКТ на уроках английского языка

Информационно-коммуникационные технологииИКТ-это средство получения, преобразования и обработки информации.Более удачным термином для технологий обучения, использующих компьютер, является компьютерная технология.Компьютерные технологии обучения –это процесс подготовки и передачи информации обучаемому, средством осуществления которых является компьютер. Концепция модернизации российского образования на период до 2010 года


Easter is celebrated every spring. It is always celebrated on a Sunday. Easter has its roots in many traditions gathered from many parts of the globe. There are many symbols of Easter. German settlers to Pennsylvania brought with them the story

правильная осанка
правильная осанка

Стоматит – заболевание слизистой оболочки рта, характеризующееся образованием на ней светлого налета и способностью быстро перерастать в болезненные эрозии и язвочки.В зависимости от формы стоматита можно выделить основные задачи профилактики: - соблюдение правил личной гигиены и правил содержания домашних животных; -


London Big Ben   BIG BEN The name "Big Ben" is generally known to describe the clock tower as a whole. However, "Big Ben" is actually the principal bell within the tower. There are two

Michael Jackson - King of pop
Michael Jackson - King of pop

Name: Michael Joseph JacksonBrothers and sisters : Rebbie (Maureen Reilette, 29.05.1950)Jackie (Sigmund Esco, 04.05.1951)Tito (Toriano Adaryll, 15.10.1953)Jermaine (Lajaun, 11.12.1954)LaToya Yvonne (29.05.1956)Marlon David (12.03.1957)Randy (Steven Randall, 31.10.1961)Janet Damita Jo (16.05.1966)Birthday: on August, 29, 1958 in 12:13Sign of zodiac : VirgoBirth-place: Gary, Indiana

I love food
I love food

Drinks: tea, …Vegetables: tomatoes, …Fruits: apples, …Cold food: cheese, …Hot food: fish,…Sweet food: pie,…

Моя семья 5 класс
Моя семья 5 класс

Ex.1 Read the sounds and the words then translate the words: [s]-sportsman, possible, famous, [v]-very, clever, creative, loving; [p]-polite, stupid, typical, [əu] - know, so, close, go; [n]- naughty, independent, unfriendly, [r] - rude, brave,

Presentation on the topic“Hippy’s subculture”
Presentation on the topic“Hippy’s subculture”

Something about historyHippy is such an interesting and strange youth subculture, which started in 1965 in San-Francisco. When it was create – it was such an revolution in the USA. All young people started to be a hippy and it had

My favourite writer
My favourite writer

Explain in English: What is a historical novel?What is a horror story?What is a romance?What is a thriller?What is science fiction?What is an adventure story?What is a fairy-tale?What is a biography?What is a western? A Historical fiction is a genre in


money can often spoil the man who earns it money can help to get what a man wants not everything can be bought it’s good when a man rules money, but

Английский язык для младшего школьного возраста
Английский язык для младшего школьного возраста

Программа адресована учащимся в возрасте 6-11 лет.Срок обучения – 4 года.Вхождение в программу возможно на любом году обучения.

Animals In Our Life
Animals In Our Life

[s], [d], [t], [f], [v], [e], [ei], [a:], [ai]. for, no, five, wet, pet, arm, ham, pale, bed, red, fine, my

Healthy eating
Healthy eating

Complete the sentences:1. The modern bad habits are …2. … is really a good way to live.3. Our town life today gives us little opportunities for …4. Doctors always advice us to eat …5. … makes people healthy and keeps them

Нужные вещи
Нужные вещи

Answer the following questions1) What things are usually advertised?2) Which good reasons are given to buy a camera, a mobile phone?3) Which good reasons are given to buy a microwave oven, a computer?4) Which characteristics of the things are usually highlighted

Popular sports
Popular sports

Popular sports. Britain does not often produce sportsmen or sportswomen who are successful in world sporting championships, but it has been good at inventing sports and writing the rules of games.Sports help people to keep in good health. It is


ON LANGUAGEBy WILLIAM SAFIRE Gifts of Gab Published: August 19, 2007Most popular female names: Maggie, Molly, Daisy, Bailey and Abby. Males: Buddy, Jake, Max, Hunter and Cody. Both sexes, raining both cats and dogs, but probably mainly cats: Tiger. What

I like Sport
I like Sport

Kinds of sport. What kind of sport it is ? erccso referee cktracera surfing

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