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Презентации по Английскому языку

Automatic Kalashnikov
Automatic Kalashnikov

Mikhail Kalashnikov began his career as a weapon designer while in a hospital after he was shot in the shoulder during the Battle of BryanskThe original AK-47 was one of the first assault rifles of 2nd generation, after the German StG


Моє кредоДитина - центр "педагогічного всесвіту", вчитель стоїть поряд з нею, є конструктором її шляху самопізнання для успішної реалізації у дорослому житті. Тому, йдучи на урок , завжди пам'ятаю і повторюю про себе слова Габріели Містраль: Господи!Ти,хто вчив нас,прости, що

Пособие по английскому
Пособие по английскому

Робинс Р.Х. Краткая история языкознания: Учеб. пособие / Пер. с англ. М.Я.Блоха, Н.А.Калевич, Л.И.Кравцовой; Под общей научн. ред. В.М.Алпатова. - М.: Высшая школа, 2010. - 352 с. ISBN 978-5-06-006216-8 Выдержавшая четыре издания в Англии книга Робинса прослеживает историю языкознания от


Tornadoes are natural disasters characterized by a dark, funnel-shaped cloud made of rotating winds. The most violent tornadoes can reap massive amounts of destruction, with wind speeds that can reach 250 to 300 mph. Tornadoes are ranked on a

The Portuguese cuisine
The Portuguese cuisine

The Portuguese cuisine is Based on simple dishes fromThe fish, meat and cabbage,The fresh greens practicallyAre not used.The considerable part of Ethnic cuisine is made by Fish, squids and other Products of the sea. Meat dishes from the beef Are the

Англоязычные страны
Англоязычные страны

Страны ЯзыкиВо многих странах говорят на английском языкеВеликобритании,Канаде,Америке,Шотландии.Существует очень много языков: японский, русский китайский, французский, итальянский, немецкий и другие.


On 1 January 1901, the six colonies federated, forming the Commonwealth of Australia. Since Federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system that functions as afederal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. The federation comprises six states and several territories. The population of 23.1 million is highly urbanised and

National Ecological Centre of Ukraine
National Ecological Centre of Ukraine

About National Ecological Centre of Ukraine National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU) is a non-governmental not-for-profit organization created in 1991 when Ukraine has obtained independence. NECU consolidates individuals for common action to protect the environment. Among NECU members are scientists, journalists,

British Food
British Food

The English proverb says: “Every cook praises his own broth”.One can not say English cookery is bad, but there is not a lot of variety in it in comparison with Europe cuisine. The English are very particular about their meal. Breakfast

The faces of Britain
The faces of Britain

Britain is rich in its historic places which link the present with the past. Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more important part in people's life


Pidhirtsi Castle (Ukrainian: Підгорецький замок; Polish: zamek w Podhorcach) is a residential castle-fortress located in the village of Pidhirtsi in Lviv Oblast (province) western Ukraine, located eighty kilometers east of Lviv. It was constructed by Guillaume Le Vasseur de Beauplan between

Do you know them?
Do you know them?

A) Anne; C) Elizabeth; B) Diana; D) Camilla. A) Harry; C)

Im gesunden Korper
Im gesunden Korper

BALLBall Используемые источники:http://www.fadm.gov.ru/regionmain/region16/news/10390/?print=Yhttp://zo1272.edusite.ru/p62aa1.htmlhttp://www.1zoom.ru/Спорт/обои/1847..http://zo1272.edusite.ru/p62aa1.htmlhttp://www.scritube.com/timp-liber/sport/complexe-de-exerciii652314167.phphttp://raskrashkirus.ru/risunki-detey-pro-sport.htmlhttp://muz4in.net/photo/fotoalbom_polzovatelja_masjanja/tvorchestvo/basketbol/2-...http://bokobok.ru/offers/past/pg30.htmlhttp://lot.co.ua/futbol.htmlhttp://serpeika.com/sports_beauty/vidy_sporta/gandbol/http://www.sport-fit.ru/aerobics/balls/ft_abgb_65.htm

Complexity and Fragility?
Complexity and Fragility?

The popular media has given us three similar visions of our technological future Is there any hope?

Passive Voice
Passive Voice

Страдательный залогОдин из видов временной формы, при которой главным является то, что произошло, и что «пострадало» в процессе действия.Маша съела яблоко. _Активный залог.Яблоко (было) съедено. Страдательный залог. Сравним.The companyemploys three hundred people. (active)Three hundred people are employed by the company. (passive)


What is your style of dressing?My style of dressing is…I’ve got used to wearing something …I like clothes to be…I like to look…It’s very rare for me to wear something…I try to avoid wearing … things. elegant


Journalist, reporterA journalist collects, writes and distributes news collects, writes and distributes news and other information collects, writes and distributes news and other information. A journalist's work is referred to as journalism.A reporter is a type of journalist who researches is a type of journalist who researches, writes, and reports on information to be presented in sources is a type

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