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Презентации по Английскому языку

My favorite artist
My favorite artist

JIM WARRENJim Warren was born November 24, 1949. He is a famous American artist, who work in surrealistic fantasy. Jim is self-taught artist, he usually uses traditional oil paint and brushes on stretched canvas. BIOGRAPHYWarren began painting as a child. His

Биг Бен на английском
Биг Бен на английском

Биг-Бен — название самого большого из шести колоколов Вестминстерского дворца в Лондоне, часто это название относят к часам и Часовой башне в целом, которая с сентября 2012 года официально называется «башней Елизаветы». Часовая башня возвышается на 98 метров над набережной Темзы.

Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren

Sophia LorenSophia Loren(English: /sə'fiə lə'ɹɛn/, Italian: [so'fi:a lo'rɛn]; born Sofia Villani Scicolone on 20 September 1934) is an Italian actress.Loren is widely recognized as the most awarded Italian actress. She was the first actress of the talkie era to win an

The Noun
The Noun

There are countable and uncountable nouns.Countablea chaira questionan engineera busUncountablematermilkfreedomfriendship The countable noun is used in the form of the singular and the plural. The uncountable nouns is used only in the form of singular.

Полиязычие как один из приоритетов современного образования: состояния перспективы
Полиязычие как один из приоритетов современного образования: состояния перспективы

Үштілділік – адамның өмірдегі жетістік қағидасы «Әлемде Қазақстан халқы үш тілді білетін,жоғары білімді ел ретінде танылуы керек.Бұл қазақ тілі- мемлекеттік тіл,орыс тілі-ұлтаралық қатынас тілі және ағылщын тілі-жаһандық экономикамен сәтті ықпалдасудың тілі»

Olympic games
Olympic games

-Doing exercises, I want to make my body more well-balanced.
(Sokrat)-Physical exercises are the healing part of medicine.
(Platon)-When I am among the people who go in for judo, I feel as if they are my closest relatives.
(V.V.Putin) [t] – team, take, tennis[r]

Tag Questions
Tag Questions

What is a tag question?How are they formed? Why do we use them? What is a tag question?A tag question is a short questionadded to the end of a positive ornegative statement:He is, isn't he? He does, doesn't he?He will, won't

Стихи – договорки по английскому языку на тему Продукты
Стихи – договорки по английскому языку на тему Продукты

Дорогой друг! Помоги обезьянке получить много фруктов. Для этого прочти стих – договорку, выбери верное по твоему мнению окончание стиха, если все верно в конце обезьянка получит много фруктов! Удачи!!! Вкуснотища! …very good!  Пищу называют ... FOODBUTTERBREAD

Saint Valentines Day!!!
Saint Valentines Day!!!

Valentine's Day (Saint Valentine's Day) is an occasion celebrated on February 14. It is the traditional day on which people express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery.

Про Рождество на английском
Про Рождество на английском

Christmas in BritainBritish people celebrate Christmas on the (25th) twenty-fifth of December Santa Claus Santa Claus is an old man who brings presents to children. He gets into the houses through the chimney.


Red Hot Chili PeppersRed Hot Chili Peppers -American rock band formed in 1983 in California, vocalist Anthony Kiedis , bassist Michael Belzari ( better known as Flea ) , guitarist Hillel Slovak and drummer Jack Irons . Has 7 "Grammy" awards

The UK
The UK

The Geographic position of the UKThe United Kingdom of Great Britain is situated on the British isles. The 2 main isles are Great Britain and Ireland. The UK consists of 4 parts. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. You can see


LocationHistorySightseeingOutstanding peopleRecommendations for visitorsSalisbury LocationSalisbury Salisbury is a cathedral city in Wiltshire, England. The city forms the largest part of the Salisbury district. The city is located in the south-east of Wiltshire, at the edge of Salisbury Plain.Salisbury is located


Biography.-Metallica is an American heavy metal band of the 1980s, 1990s and the 2000s.-The band was formed.Lars Ulrich, drums.James Hetfield, vocals, rhythm guitar.Kirk Hammett, lead guitar.Robert Trujillo, bass.Fans.Discography.Death Magnetic. Metallica was formed in

Система Земля – Луна
Система Земля – Луна

Земля – третья планета от Солнца в Солнечной системе Масса Земли - 5,974∙1024 кг, Средняя плотность - 5,515 г/см3. Экваториальный радиус - 6 378 км. Полярный радиус - 6 356 км.Сплюснутость Земли с полюсов объясняется вращением. Орбита Земли близка к круговой орбите. Эксцентриситет е = 0,017. Радиус орбиты Земли – 149,6 млн. км. Радиус орбиты Земли принят за 1 астрономическую единицу.Период обращения по орбите составляет 365,256 земных суток или 1 год. Средняя скорость движения по орбите – 29,8 км/с.

Sovetskaya street
Sovetskaya street

Sovetskaya streetSovetskaya street - the Central street of Nikolaev.  Part of the street from the Lenin square to the Lenin avenue is a pedestrianIn 1835, the chief of police Gregory Avtonomov suggested the name Cathedral Till 1920 it was Cathedral street

Cовершенствование знаний, умений и навыков
Cовершенствование знаний, умений и навыков

Развивающие цели:Совершенствование навыков аудирования, говорения и письма;2. Развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления, речи путем обогащения и усложнения словарного запаса на иностранном языке. Воспитательная цель- воспитание культуры общения, интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

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