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Презентация на тему Comparison of Competitors’ Evaporative Light Scattering Detectors

What affects ELSD performance? NebulizationSize of droplet formed: consequently determines size of particle Evaporation Efficiency to remove solvent Light source Intensity Wavelength
Comparison of Competitors’ Evaporative Light Scattering Detectors What affects ELSD performance? NebulizationSize of droplet formed: consequently determines size of NebulizationIncrease Neb gas flow ----------- Reduces droplet sizeIncrease Liquid flow --------------- Increases Over the last four years, the number of ELSD manufacturers has increased Alltech ELSD 800Light source: 670nm @ 5mW laser diodeDetector element: Silicon photodiodeTemperature Alltech ELSD 2000ES Light source: 650nm 30mW Laser diodeDetector element: Silicon photodiodeTemperature Alltech ELSD 3300ES Light source: 650nm 30mW Laser diodeSilicon photodiode detectorTemperature range: NebulizerGas flow adjusted for solvent typeNo nebulizer temperature control EvaporationTemperature setting SEDEX 85 LT-ELSDBlue light sourceExpanded software functionalityMass flow controllerRemote power-downAutomatic gas Nebulizer 3.0 SLMs of gas used to nebulize solvents under standard EvaporationLong coiled tube which removes large droplets by centrifugal force and provides ELSD 2040 Light Source: Tungsten Halogen Lamp Detector Element: PMT Temperature Acquity ELSDDesigned for UPLC an analysis80Hz Data rateSharp peak shape (1.2 - 1.5sec)StackableDigital OutputWaters NebulizerSnap-on design for easy replacementTemperature controllable (% of drift tube temp)Gas ELSD 400 Light source: 670nm LASER Nebuliser: Thermo-split TechnologyFor difficult to evaporate mobile phases, or high flow ZAM 3000 Light source: Tungsten Halogen Detector element: Photomultiplier Temperature range: Nebulizer For difficult to evaporate mobile phases, or high flow rates, Chromachem ELSD Light source: Halogen lamp Detector element: Photomultiplier Temperature range: Nebulizer: Nebulizer Similar design to SEDEX 75Evaporation Similar design to SEDEX 75 ESA’s Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD) How it works:The column eluent is nebulized with nitrogen, before passing into This is a non-optical technique and therefore is not bound by scattering The technique is dependent on nebulization and evaporation stages.It is gradient sensitive Overview of ELSD SalesGlobal ELSD Market - ca. 1000-1500 units/yearPL shares ca. ELSD Sales by Region Competitor Overview Competitor Overview
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What affects ELSD performance?

Size of droplet formed:

What affects ELSD performance? NebulizationSize of droplet formed: consequently determines size

consequently determines size of particle
Efficiency to remove

Light source

Слайд 3 Nebulization
Increase Neb gas flow ----------- Reduces droplet size

NebulizationIncrease Neb gas flow ----------- Reduces droplet sizeIncrease Liquid flow ---------------

Liquid flow --------------- Increases droplet size
Increase Liquid viscosity --------

Increases droplet size

Ideally, you need the largest droplet size possible, but not too large that it can’t be fully evaporated in the drift tube.

Hence, the efficiency of your evaporation step is critical to the performance of an ELSD.

Слайд 4 Over the last four years, the number of

Over the last four years, the number of ELSD manufacturers has

ELSD manufacturers has increased considerably.

Current ELSD manufacturers are:
Polymer Labs


Manufacturers of ELS Detectors

Слайд 5 Alltech
ELSD 800
Light source: 670nm @ 5mW laser

Alltech ELSD 800Light source: 670nm @ 5mW laser diodeDetector element: Silicon

Detector element: Silicon photodiode
Temperature range: Ambient to 110°C
Nebulizer gas:

Up to 3.0L/min,
Gas inlet pressure: 15–90psi (1.0–6.0 Bar)
Typical operating range: 1.0-3.0L/min
Mobile phase flow rate: 1–5.0mL/min
Analog outputs: 1V or 10mV full scale

Слайд 6 Alltech
Light source: 650nm 30mW Laser

Alltech ELSD 2000ES Light source: 650nm 30mW Laser diodeDetector element: Silicon

Detector element: Silicon photodiode
Temperature range: Ambient to 120°C
Nebulizer gas:

Up to 4.0L/min (MFC controlled)
Gas inlet pressure: 60–80psi
Typical operating range: 1.0-3.0L/min
Low temperature operation
The optical and electronic components have been redesigned to minimize background noise and increase sensitivity.

Слайд 7 Alltech
Light source: 650nm 30mW Laser

Alltech ELSD 3300ES Light source: 650nm 30mW Laser diodeSilicon photodiode detectorTemperature

Silicon photodiode detector
Temperature range: Ambient to 120°C
Nebulizer gas: Up

to 4.0L/min (MFC controlled)
Gas inlet pressure: 60–80psi
Typical operating range: 1.0-3.0L/min
Low temperature operation
The optical and electronic components have been redesigned to minimize background noise and increase sensitivity.

Слайд 8 Nebulizer
Gas flow adjusted for solvent type
No nebulizer

NebulizerGas flow adjusted for solvent typeNo nebulizer temperature control EvaporationTemperature

temperature control
Temperature setting dependent on solvent properties

removes the large droplets at low temperatures -limits to how low in temperature can go
Laser source @ 650-670nm - scattering efficiency is lower at higher wavelengths but this is compensated by 30mW LASER
Silicon photodiode detector - optimum sensitivity to red light

Design Features of Alltech’s ELSDs

Слайд 9 SEDEX 85 LT-ELSD
Blue light source
Expanded software functionality

SEDEX 85 LT-ELSDBlue light sourceExpanded software functionalityMass flow controllerRemote power-downAutomatic

flow controller
Remote power-down
Automatic gas shut-off
Tungsten halogen

Coiled drift tube
No mass flow controller
Different nebulizers for different flow rates

Design Features of Sedere’s ELSDs

Слайд 10 Nebulizer
3.0 SLMs of gas used to

Nebulizer 3.0 SLMs of gas used to nebulize solvents under

nebulize solvents under standard conditions
Large volume nebulizer chamber

with a bend removes large droplets
Nebulizer not temperature controlled
cannot connect to SFC systems without modification
Different size nebulizers for different flow rates

Design Features of Sedere’s ELSDs

Слайд 11 Evaporation
Long coiled tube which removes large droplets by

EvaporationLong coiled tube which removes large droplets by centrifugal force and

centrifugal force and provides laminar flow - potential increase

in band broadening
Longer drift tube means the temperature can be lower, compared to a short tube, for a given solvent
Longer tubes have greater equilibration times for heating and cooling
SEDEX 75 Halogen lamp produces a broad range of wavelengths, but low intensity
SEDEX 85 uses a blue LED, same as PL-ELS 2100
PMT gain adjustable

Design Features of Sedere’s ELSDs

Слайд 12 ELSD 2040
Light Source: Tungsten Halogen

ELSD 2040 Light Source: Tungsten Halogen Lamp Detector Element: PMT

Detector Element: PMT
Temperature Range: Ambient to 100°C

Nebulizer Gas: adjustable 3-60psi,
Nebulizer set at 0-100% of Drift tube temp
Gas Inlet Pressure: 65psi min
High and Low flow nebulizers
2 Analog Outputs: 2V full scale
Digital Output


Слайд 13 Acquity ELSD
Designed for UPLC an analysis
80Hz Data

Acquity ELSDDesigned for UPLC an analysis80Hz Data rateSharp peak shape (1.2 - 1.5sec)StackableDigital OutputWaters

Sharp peak shape (1.2 - 1.5sec)
Digital Output


Слайд 14 Nebulizer
Snap-on design for easy replacement
Temperature controllable (%

NebulizerSnap-on design for easy replacementTemperature controllable (% of drift tube

of drift tube temp)
Gas pressure/flow set according to solvent

Coiled drift tube
No design features included to operate at low temperatures
Halogen lamp – high power, but produces a wide range of wavelengths (mean wavelength ca. 900nm)
PMT – detector type not optimized for light source
Heated optics, to prevent condensation onto optical lenses (same as PL-ELS 2100)

Design Features of Waters’ ELSDs

Слайд 15 ELSD 400
Light source: 670nm LASER

ELSD 400 Light source: 670nm LASER

element: Photodiode
Temperature range: Ambient to 120°C
Gas inlet pressure

Nebulizer chamber 0-80°C
Analog Output: 0-1V full scale
Digital Output
Heated/Cooled Nebulizer Chamber (Thermosplit)


Слайд 16 Nebuliser: Thermo-split Technology
For difficult to evaporate mobile

Nebuliser: Thermo-split TechnologyFor difficult to evaporate mobile phases, or high

phases, or high flow rates, the nebulizer chamber walls

are cooled
By making the walls suitably cold, 99+% of an aqueous stream can be diverted away from the evaporative zone
Nebulizer gas pressure set according to solvent type (no MFC)
Heated drift tube (coiled ??) no form of impactor or diffuser
LASER diode – same as Alltech
Photodiode detector

Design Features of SofTA’s ELSDs

Слайд 17

ZAM 3000
Light source: Tungsten Halogen

ZAM 3000 Light source: Tungsten Halogen Detector element: Photomultiplier Temperature

Detector element: Photomultiplier
Temperature range: Ambient to 70°C

Nebulizer gas flow: <1L/min
Drying gas: <2L/min
Analog output: 0-1V full scale
Digital output


Слайд 18 Nebulizer
For difficult to evaporate mobile phases,

Nebulizer For difficult to evaporate mobile phases, or high flow

or high flow rates, the nebulizer chamber walls are

By making the walls suitably cold, 99+% of an aqueous stream can be diverted away from the evaporative zone
Nebulizer gas pressure set according to solvent type (no MFC)
Heated glass drift tube no form of impactor or diffuser
Tungsten Halogen Lamp (av. wavelength ca. 900nm)
Photomultiplier tube - not optimized for light source

Design Features of Schambeck’s ELSDs

Слайд 19

Chromachem ELSD
Light source: Halogen lamp
Detector element:

Chromachem ELSD Light source: Halogen lamp Detector element: Photomultiplier Temperature range:

Temperature range:
Nebulizer: Up to 70°C by

1°C increments
Evaporator: Up to 150°C by 1°C increments
Gas inlet pressure: 0.5 to 3.9 bars (1 to 4 L/min) Helium or Nitrogen
Mobile phase flow rate: 50µl/min to 4 ml/min
Digital outputs: RS232


Слайд 20 Nebulizer
Similar design to SEDEX 75

Nebulizer Similar design to SEDEX 75Evaporation Similar design to SEDEX

design to SEDEX 75
No special design features for

low temperature operation
Tungsten-Halogen lamp (wavelength ca. 900nm)
Photomultiplier tube - not optimized for light source

Design Features of ESA’s ELSDs

Слайд 21

ESA’s Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD)

ESA’s Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD)

Слайд 22 How it works:
The column eluent is nebulized with

How it works:The column eluent is nebulized with nitrogen, before passing

nitrogen, before passing into a heated drift tube.
The droplets

are dried to remove mobile phase, producing analyte particles.
Dried particles are mixed with a secondary stream of positively charged nitrogen as it passes a high-voltage, platinum corona wire.
This charged gas subsequently imparts a charge onto the stream of analyte particles.   
These streams of charged particles then pass through a charge collector where the magnitude of the imparted charge is measured by a electrometer.
A signal is generated which is proportional to the quantity of analyte present.

Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD)

Слайд 23 This is a non-optical technique and therefore is

This is a non-optical technique and therefore is not bound by

not bound by scattering laws.

Small particles, which would be

missed by ELSD, will be charged and detected by CAD.
Charging the particles produces a wider dynamic range.
In principle, the LOD should be better (not necessarily).
Produce more uniform response between compounds as it is not dependent on particle size.
Nebulization is not critical, as droplet size is irrelevant, therefore, nebulizer can set to produce smaller particles that will dry more easily.


Слайд 24 The technique is dependent on nebulization and evaporation

The technique is dependent on nebulization and evaporation stages.It is gradient


It is gradient sensitive - the response will change

as solvent composition changes.
Change in solvent composition makes the technique difficult to apply to unknowns.
Highly volatile compounds will be lost through evaporation.
It is not a linear technique (but is slightly better than ELSD), so unknown quantification is difficult.
Some buffers, such as TEA, can cause problems.
Not all compounds charge easily, so LOD is still compound dependent.


Слайд 25 Overview of ELSD Sales

Global ELSD Market - ca.

Overview of ELSD SalesGlobal ELSD Market - ca. 1000-1500 units/yearPL shares

1000-1500 units/year

PL shares
ca. 25% of the market

PL-ELS 2100
20% PL-ELS 1000

Main Competitors

Слайд 26 ELSD Sales by Region

ELSD Sales by Region

Слайд 27 Competitor Overview

Competitor Overview

Слайд 28 Competitor Overview

Competitor Overview

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