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Презентация на тему Intro to Comparative Politics. Ethnic and national identities

Imagined communitiesPeople within the borders feel a sort of communion with each others even though they have not met, that is why it is imagined rather than absolute. Ex: Zhuz? Other Kazakhs?
PLS 140 Intro to Comparative PoliticsWeek 3 Ethnic and national identitiesDr. Hélène ThibaultFall 2016 Imagined communitiesPeople within the borders feel a sort of communion with each National identityAn institution that binds people together through common political aspirations. A National identityCreation of national identities connected to the process of State formation: James Scott	 1	Authorities initially did not “understand” the societies they governed. They The case of Dutch surnamesIn 1811, France under Napoleon occupied the Netherlands. James Scott 2Modern state seeks to develop a modern legal system, regime CitizenshipAn individual’s relation to the State. Intimates a sense of civic duty.Mutual CitizenshipIt establishes who has membership—with all the rights and privileges—and who is How do you get a citizenship?Jus sanguinis (right of blood)Citizenship is not determined How do you get a citizenship?Jus soli (right of soil)Right of anyone born How do you get a citizenship?You immigrate and apply! Some are harder Revoking a citizenship?A process called Revocation in CanadaSince 2015 The Ministry of citizenship no longer needs the
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Слайд 2 Imagined communities
People within the borders feel a sort

Imagined communitiesPeople within the borders feel a sort of communion with

of communion with each others even though they have

not met, that is why it is imagined rather than absolute.
Ex: Zhuz? Other Kazakhs?

Слайд 3 National identity
An institution that binds people together through

National identityAn institution that binds people together through common political aspirations.

common political aspirations.

A sense of belonging to a


Often but not always derived from an ethnic identity.
Ex: “Ethnic” Russians in KZ.

Can create nationalism: a pride in one’s people and the aspiration to have their own political sovereignty.

Слайд 4 National identity
Creation of national identities connected to the

National identityCreation of national identities connected to the process of State

process of State formation:


Modernization (development of capitalism

+ education systems = common identity).

Слайд 5 James Scott 1
Authorities initially did not “understand” the

James Scott	 1	Authorities initially did not “understand” the societies they governed.

societies they governed.

They lacked local knowledge and the

people were not necessarily interested in being controlled.

State’s endeavours to consolidate group and national identities in an attempt to render populations more legible. 

Attempt to homogenize and unify by attributing surnames to the population: cases of England, Canada, USA.

Слайд 6 The case of Dutch surnames
In 1811, France under

The case of Dutch surnamesIn 1811, France under Napoleon occupied the

Napoleon occupied the Netherlands. They started having a census

for the purpose of taxation, and forced everyone to have a family name.

Zondervan (without a surname)
Suikerbuik (Sugarbelly)
Spring in t Veld (Jump in the Field)
Uiekruier (Onion-crier)
Naaktgeboren (Born naked)
Poepjes (Little shit)
Schooier (Beggar)
Zonderkop (without a head)
Rotmensen (Rotten people)
Zeldenthuis (Rarely at home)
Borst (breast)
Piest (to urinate)
Dick (penis)

Слайд 7 James Scott 2
Modern state seeks to develop a

James Scott 2Modern state seeks to develop a modern legal system,

modern legal system, regime of property rights, taxation system,

mode of military conscription, etc. 

Intentions are not always “bad”.
Ex: education and healthcare systems.

Слайд 8 Citizenship
An individual’s relation to the State.

Intimates a

CitizenshipAn individual’s relation to the State. Intimates a sense of civic

sense of civic duty.
Mutual responsibilities.
Ex: Canadians in Lebanon in

2006. 15,000 recued → 94 million dollars.

Political and more easily changed.

The basis for patriotism: pride in one’s State and citizenship.

Слайд 9 Citizenship
It establishes who has membership—with all the rights

CitizenshipIt establishes who has membership—with all the rights and privileges—and who

and privileges—and who is a foreigner, the ‘other’ who

is excluded.

An instrument of social enclosure that enables states to control the entry of ‘undesirables’ that would deplete state resources.

Слайд 10 How do you get a citizenship?
Jus sanguinis (right

How do you get a citizenship?Jus sanguinis (right of blood)Citizenship is not

of blood)

Citizenship is not determined by place of birth but

by having one or both parents who are citizens of the state.

Children at birth may automatically be citizens if their parents have state citizenship or national identities of ethnic, cultural, or other origins.

Ex: Italy, Germany, Japan, Israel, Ukraine, Greece, etc.

Слайд 11 How do you get a citizenship?
Jus soli (right

How do you get a citizenship?Jus soli (right of soil)Right of anyone

of soil)
Right of anyone born in the territory of a

state to nationality or citizenship.
Birth tourism?

Слайд 12 How do you get a citizenship?
You immigrate and

How do you get a citizenship?You immigrate and apply! Some are


Some are harder to get than others:

Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Austria.

Слайд 13 Revoking a citizenship?
A process called "denaturalization.

Applies almost only

Revoking a citizenship?A process called

to “naturalized” citizens.

Very controversial measure.

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