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Презентация на тему Apache HTTP


Application server. Web server.
Apache HTTP. By Alena Yermokhina Application server. Web server. What is application server? Web server?Web server: gets HTTP requestsends HTTP response Web server: Path TranslationPath translationWeb server root directory What web server can do?All web serversHTTPLogging+ Some canAuthenticationHandling of not only Web and application servers- examples Current Latest VersionsApache Tomcat: 5.5.29, 6.0.35, 7.0.23Apache HTTP:2.0, 2.2, 2.4IBM HTTP (based on Apache HTTP): What tester normally does with web\app servers?BasicsStart/stopAccess admin GUI, check version installedView/delete Apache HTTP \IBM HTTP(on the example of Apache) Apache HTTPd: Get binary distribution for Windowshttp://apache.org/ ->HTTP Server ->from a mirror Apache HTTPd: Install 1. via apache monitor in task bar2. via services3. via command line: Apache HTTPd: Important foldersExecutables ( eg. openssl.exe, httpd.exe) Logs folderDefault web server root folder Apache HTTPd: Log filesaccess.log127.0.0.1 - - [17/Jan/2008:13:04:08 +0200] Apache HTTPd: main configuration file HTTPD.conf#- commentListen 80 – port on which Make file and folder accessible via httpfile:put file (eg, test.htm) here: C:\Program HTTPd.conf: Create \change index file  DirectoryIndex lena.htm HTTPd.conf: Change portListen 81Listen 443Server can listen several ports at the same time Apache: more complex tasksSet up SSLConfigure Apache +TomcatConfigure Apache authorization SSLWe need to generate certificate and tell web server about itWe need Apache HTTPd: Configuring SSLMake sure openSSL installedGet certificateprivate keycertificate signing requestcertificatecertificate in Configure Apache + TomcatWhy this is needed?Apache has better performance for production Set up apache authorization.Detailed instructions:Apache SSO Setup.doc Apache HTTP.For more information, please contact:NameTitleEPAM Systems, Inc.Address City, State, Zip Code Phone: Fax: Email:http://www.epam.com
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Application server. Web server.

Application server. Web server.

Слайд 3 What is application server? Web server?

Web server:

What is application server? Web server?Web server: gets HTTP requestsends HTTP

HTTP request
sends HTTP response ( HTML page + images,


Application server:
Normally has web server functions
Focused on server-side dynamic content
Interaction with database

Servlet container:
Something that can run Java servlets

Слайд 4 Web server: Path Translation

Path translation

Web server root directory

Web server: Path TranslationPath translationWeb server root directory

Слайд 5 What web server can do?
All web servers

+ Some

What web server can do?All web serversHTTPLogging+ Some canAuthenticationHandling of not

Handling of not only static content
HTTPS support
Content compression

(i.e. by gzip encoding) to reduce the size of the responses (to lower bandwidth usage, etc.).
Virtual hosting
Large file support
Bandwidth throttling

Слайд 6 Web and application servers- examples

Web and application servers- examples

Слайд 7 Current Latest Versions
Apache Tomcat: 5.5.29, 6.0.35, 7.0.23

Apache HTTP:2.0,

Current Latest VersionsApache Tomcat: 5.5.29, 6.0.35, 7.0.23Apache HTTP:2.0, 2.2, 2.4IBM HTTP (based on Apache HTTP):

2.2, 2.4

IBM HTTP (based on Apache HTTP):

Слайд 8 What tester normally does with web\app servers?
Access admin

What tester normally does with web\app servers?BasicsStart/stopAccess admin GUI, check version

GUI, check version installed
View/delete logs
Clear cache

Deploy application
Configure virtual folder

Configure Application server + Web server
2 instances on 1 box

Слайд 9 Apache HTTP \IBM HTTP
(on the example of Apache)

Apache HTTP \IBM HTTP(on the example of Apache)

Слайд 10 Apache HTTPd: Get binary distribution for Windows

Apache HTTPd: Get binary distribution for Windowshttp://apache.org/ ->HTTP Server ->from a

Server ->from a mirror ->Other files ->binaries/ ->win32/-> httpd-2.2.21-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8m-r2.msi


httpd-2.2.15-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8m-r2.msi - with SSL (https) support – we select this one
httpd-2.2.15-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi - without SSL (https) support

Слайд 11 Apache HTTPd: Install

Apache HTTPd: Install

Слайд 12 1. via apache monitor in task bar

2. via

1. via apache monitor in task bar2. via services3. via command


3. via command line: httpd ( good for troubleshooting)


Apache HTTPd: Start, Stop – 3 ways

Слайд 13 Apache HTTPd: Important folders
Executables ( eg. openssl.exe, httpd.exe)

Apache HTTPd: Important foldersExecutables ( eg. openssl.exe, httpd.exe) Logs folderDefault web server root folder

Logs folder
Default web server root folder

Слайд 14 Apache HTTPd: Log files
access.log - - [17/Jan/2008:13:04:08 +0200]

Apache HTTPd: Log filesaccess.log127.0.0.1 - - [17/Jan/2008:13:04:08 +0200]

"GET /blablabla.htm HTTP/1.1" 404 211 - - [17/Jan/2008:13:04:23 +0200]

"GET /lena.htm HTTP/1.1" 200 9
[Thu Jan 17 13:03:54 2008] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `test certificate' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jan 17 13:03:54 2008] [warn] Init: (EPBYMINW0332.minsk.epam.com:443) You configured HTTP(80) on the standard HTTPS(443) port!
[Thu Jan 17 13:03:54 2008] [notice] Child 5368: Child process is running
[Thu Jan 17 13:03:54 2008] [notice] Child 5368: Acquired the start mutex.
[Thu Jan 17 13:03:54 2008] [notice] Child 5368: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Thu Jan 17 13:03:54 2008] [notice] Child 5368: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[Thu Jan 17 13:03:54 2008] [notice] Child 5368: Starting thread to listen on port 443.
[Thu Jan 17 13:04:08 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/apachetest/blablabla.htm



What was requested

Status, size

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\logs

Слайд 15 Apache HTTPd: main configuration file HTTPD.conf
#- comment
Listen 80

Apache HTTPd: main configuration file HTTPD.conf#- commentListen 80 – port on

– port on which server listens
LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so –

adds additional module ( just uncomment)
DocumentRoot "D:/apachetest“
ServerName www.domain.tld

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Satisfy all

Слайд 16 Make file and folder accessible via http
put file

Make file and folder accessible via httpfile:put file (eg, test.htm) here:

(eg, test.htm) here: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs
Go to http://localhost/test.htm


make other folder document root folder:
modify DocumentRoot

3. make accessible folder outside DocumentRoot:
Аfter , create
Insert Alias /111 D:/111

Слайд 17 HTTPd.conf: Create \change index file


HTTPd.conf: Create \change index file DirectoryIndex lena.htm


Слайд 18 HTTPd.conf: Change port
Listen 81
Listen 443

Server can listen several

HTTPd.conf: Change portListen 81Listen 443Server can listen several ports at the same time

ports at the same time

Слайд 19 Apache: more complex tasks
Set up SSL
Configure Apache +Tomcat

Apache: more complex tasksSet up SSLConfigure Apache +TomcatConfigure Apache authorization

Apache authorization

Слайд 20 SSL
We need to generate certificate and tell web

SSLWe need to generate certificate and tell web server about itWe

server about it

We need only test certificate ( self


If user says “trust certificate, the rest is done automatically, by browser/server

Слайд 21 Apache HTTPd: Configuring SSL
Make sure openSSL installed
Get certificate

Apache HTTPd: Configuring SSLMake sure openSSL installedGet certificateprivate keycertificate signing requestcertificatecertificate

certificate signing request
certificate in DER form
Listen port 443
Turn on

Detailed instructions : Apache and SSL.doc

Слайд 22 Configure Apache + Tomcat
Why this is needed?

Apache has

Configure Apache + TomcatWhy this is needed?Apache has better performance for

better performance for production needs
Apache: more flexibility to configure

than Tomcat as web server
Apache load balances several tomcats
Customers have this configuration, so we may have to test it.

Detailed instructions : Tomcat_Apache_Configuration.doc

Слайд 23 Set up apache authorization.
Detailed instructions:
Apache SSO Setup.doc

Set up apache authorization.Detailed instructions:Apache SSO Setup.doc

  • Имя файла: apache-http.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 181
  • Количество скачиваний: 0