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Презентация на тему The CNi interface for XP600

RT480, Xnc, NC1000, XP600 controlsBiesseWorks is compatible with Rover machining centers equipped with N.C. XP600 or NC1000 / Xnc version 2.0.00 or updatedBiesseWorksXP600NC1000 / XNC 2.0.00NC1000 / XNC 1.2 or 1.3RT480
The CNi interface for XP600 control is still available in the background RT480, Xnc, NC1000, XP600 controlsBiesseWorks is compatible with Rover machining centers equipped RT480, Xnc, NC1000, XP600 controlsProgram transfer from old machines to a new RT480, Xnc, NC1000, XP600 controlsProgram transfer from old machinesXP600BiesseWorksFiles in CID3 formatISO NC500 controlProgram exchange with machines equipped with the NC500 control is performed
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 RT480, Xnc, NC1000, XP600 controls

BiesseWorks is compatible with

RT480, Xnc, NC1000, XP600 controlsBiesseWorks is compatible with Rover machining centers

Rover machining centers equipped with N.C. XP600 or NC1000

/ Xnc version 2.0.00 or updated


NC1000 / XNC 2.0.00

NC1000 / XNC 1.2 or 1.3

Слайд 3 RT480, Xnc, NC1000, XP600 controls

Program transfer from old

RT480, Xnc, NC1000, XP600 controlsProgram transfer from old machines to a

machines to a new machine equipped with BiesseWorks can

be carried out in two ways:

If the old programs have been created using the CNi Informatica office software (Cad3 o DxfCid+Optix), it is possible to save them in CID3 format and import them in BiesseWorks

If the old programs have been created directly in the CNi editor of the machine it is possible to import the ISO programs directly into the numerical control of the new machine (XP600), make a few simple manual modifications (e.g. names of machine cycles) and execute them (for more details please contact Biesse Service or Product department)

Слайд 4 RT480, Xnc, NC1000, XP600 controls

Program transfer from old

RT480, Xnc, NC1000, XP600 controlsProgram transfer from old machinesXP600BiesseWorksFiles in CID3


Files in CID3 format
ISO programs (with manual modifications)

RT480 /NC1000


New machine

Old machine


  • Имя файла: the-cni-interface-for-xp600.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 0