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Презентация на тему Интегрированный урок математики и английского языка Geometric shapes презентация к уроку по математике (2 класс)

What is the next number? 23,34,45,…,… .
Интегрированный урок математики и английского языкаGeometric shapes2 класс Составила учитель начальных классов What is the next number?  23,34,45,…,… . What geometric shapes do you see? What colour are they? The main geometric shape is a point How many circles        ( squares, triangles, rectangles)? Find the length of the sides of this rectangle Let’s have a rest.We're Going on a Bear Hunt Lena has got 17 balloons. Masha has got 6 balloons more than What number is in the middle of the square?Let’s play. HomeworkDraw a square KLMN KL= 7 cm
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What is the next number?

23,34,45,…,… .

What is the next number? 23,34,45,…,… .

Слайд 3 What geometric shapes do you see? What colour

What geometric shapes do you see? What colour are they?

are they?

Слайд 4 The main geometric shape is a point

The main geometric shape is a point

Слайд 5 How many circles

How many circles    ( squares, triangles, rectangles)?

( squares, triangles, rectangles)?

Слайд 6 Find the length of the sides of this

Find the length of the sides of this rectangle


Слайд 7 Let’s have a rest.
We're Going on a Bear

Let’s have a rest.We're Going on a Bear Hunt


Слайд 8 Lena has got 17 balloons. Masha has got

Lena has got 17 balloons. Masha has got 6 balloons more

6 balloons more than Lena. How many balloons has

Marsha got? How many balloons have they got?

Слайд 9 What number is in the middle of the

What number is in the middle of the square?Let’s play.

Let’s play.

  • Имя файла: integrirovannyy-urok-matematiki-i-angliyskogo-yazyka-geometric-shapes-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-matematike-2-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 113
  • Количество скачиваний: 0