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Презентация на тему Памела Тревелс Мери Поппинс

she was born on August 9, 1899 born - родиться
Памела Линдон Трэверс she was born on August 9, 1899 born - родиться I started writing since the childhood.Childhood – с детства she wrote stories and plays for school theater She wrote the famous book about Mary Poppins The movie was nominated to the award Серия книг о Мэри Поппинс Mary Poppins (1934)Mary Poppins Comes Back (1935)Mary
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 she was born on August 9, 1899

she was born on August 9, 1899 born - родиться

- родиться

Слайд 3 I started writing since the childhood.
Childhood – с

I started writing since the childhood.Childhood – с детства


Слайд 4 she wrote stories and plays for school theater

she wrote stories and plays for school theater

Слайд 5 She wrote the famous book about Mary Poppins

She wrote the famous book about Mary Poppins

Слайд 6 "Mary Poppins's" Disney's movie was released in 1964.

Released –

Слайд 7 The movie was nominated to the award "Oscar"

The movie was nominated to the award

and received five awards.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-pamela-trevels-meri-poppins.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 118
  • Количество скачиваний: 1