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Презентация на тему Страноведческий конкурс Великобритания


Hello! Nice to meet you!
Цифровой образовательный ресурс к страноведческому конкурсу по ВеликобританииКобежикова Ирина Валерьевна,МКОУ «Кодинская СОШ № 4» Hello! Nice to meet you! My Game “Great Britain” Geography – 1 point	What is the eastern coast of the British Isles washed by? Geography – 2 pointsWhat is the longest river in Britain? Geography – 3 pointsWhat is the highest mountain peak in Britain? Geography – 4 pointsWhat is the most famous forest in England? Who lived there? Geography – 5 pointsWhat islands does Scotland include? Places of interest, cities - 1 pointWhat is the home town of William Shakespeare? Places of interest, cities – 2 pointsWhat is the town of Oxford famous for? Places of interest, cities – 3 pointsWhere was Charlie Chaplin born? Places of interest, cities – 4 pointsWhat town is the famous festival in Wales named after? Places of interest, cities - 5 pointsWhat cities did the first passenger History – 1 pointWhat tribes invaded Britain in the 5th century? History – 2 pointsWho came to Britain from Denmark and Norway in the 9th century? History – 3 pointWho defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar? History – 4 pointsShe came to the throne as a young woman History – 5 pointsHow was the last Russian Tsar’s family related to British Royal Family? Literature – 1 pointWho wrote “Treasure Island”? Literature – 2 pointsWhat famous English writer lived in India? Literature – 3 pointWho is known as the author of the books about Harry Porter? Literature – 4 pointsWho is the author of “Mary Poppins”? Literature – 5 pointsWho wrote about the adventures of the girl called Music – 1 pointWhat were the Beatles? Music – 2 pointsName all musicians of the Beatles. Music – 3 pointsThe author of the music for musical “The Phantom of the opera” Music – 4 pointsWhat is the most famous festival in Scotland? Music – 5 pointsWho is the author of the first British opera “Dido and Aeneas” (1689)? London – 1 pointWhat is the oldest part of London? London – 2 pointsWhere did most of the English Kings and Queens have their coronation ceremonies? London – 3 pointsWhat birds live in the Tower of London? London – 4 pointsWhat is Covent Garden in London? London – 5 pointsWhat is Whitehall? And what is it famous for? Holidays, traditions and customs - 1 pointWhen do British people celebrate Christmas? Holidays, traditions and customs - 2 pointsWhat is a single piece of Holidays, traditions and customs - 3 pointsWho delivers traditional Christmas message to Holidays, traditions and customs - 4 pointsWhat are the symbols of Easter? Holidays, traditions and customs - 5 pointsWhat colour do people wear on Sport – 1 pointWhat game was invented in Great Britain and became Sport – 1 pointWhat is the name of the famous stadium in London? Sport – 3 pointsWhat game was started in one of the British Sport – 4 pointsWhat is Wimbledon associated with? Sport – 5 pointsWhat game is sometimes called an English national game? Famous people – 1 pointWho was the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral? Famous people – 2 pointsWhat was John Constable famous for? Famous people – 3 pointsWho discovered penicillin? Famous people – 4 pointsWho played the role of Scarlet in the Famous people – 5 pointsWho printed the first English book?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Hello! Nice to meet you!

Hello! Nice to meet you!

Слайд 3 My Game “Great Britain”

My Game “Great Britain”

Слайд 4 Geography – 1 point
What is the eastern coast

Geography – 1 point	What is the eastern coast of the British Isles washed by?

of the British Isles washed by?

Слайд 5 Geography – 2 points
What is the longest river

Geography – 2 pointsWhat is the longest river in Britain?

in Britain?

Слайд 6 Geography – 3 points
What is the highest mountain

Geography – 3 pointsWhat is the highest mountain peak in Britain?

peak in Britain?

Слайд 7 Geography – 4 points
What is the most famous

Geography – 4 pointsWhat is the most famous forest in England? Who lived there?

forest in England? Who lived there?

Слайд 8 Geography – 5 points
What islands does Scotland include?

Geography – 5 pointsWhat islands does Scotland include?

Слайд 9 Places of interest, cities - 1 point
What is

Places of interest, cities - 1 pointWhat is the home town of William Shakespeare?

the home town of William Shakespeare?

Слайд 10 Places of interest, cities – 2 points
What is

Places of interest, cities – 2 pointsWhat is the town of Oxford famous for?

the town of Oxford famous for?

Слайд 11 Places of interest, cities – 3 points
Where was

Places of interest, cities – 3 pointsWhere was Charlie Chaplin born?

Charlie Chaplin born?

Слайд 12 Places of interest, cities – 4 points
What town

Places of interest, cities – 4 pointsWhat town is the famous festival in Wales named after?

is the famous festival in Wales named after?

Слайд 13 Places of interest, cities - 5 points
What cities

Places of interest, cities - 5 pointsWhat cities did the first

did the first passenger railway in England and in

the world joined?

Слайд 14 History – 1 point
What tribes invaded Britain in

History – 1 pointWhat tribes invaded Britain in the 5th century?

the 5th century?

Слайд 15 History – 2 points
Who came to Britain from

History – 2 pointsWho came to Britain from Denmark and Norway in the 9th century?

Denmark and Norway in the 9th century?

Слайд 16 History – 3 point
Who defeated the French at

History – 3 pointWho defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar?

the Battle of Trafalgar?

Слайд 17 History – 4 points
She came to the throne

History – 4 pointsShe came to the throne as a young

as a young woman in 1837 and reigned until

her death in 1901. She was married a German Prince. During her reign Britain became a rich industrial country with a developed trade, an empire with a lot of colonies.

Слайд 18 History – 5 points
How was the last Russian

History – 5 pointsHow was the last Russian Tsar’s family related to British Royal Family?

Tsar’s family related to British Royal Family?

Слайд 19 Literature – 1 point
Who wrote “Treasure Island”?

Literature – 1 pointWho wrote “Treasure Island”?

Слайд 20 Literature – 2 points
What famous English writer lived

Literature – 2 pointsWhat famous English writer lived in India?

in India?

Слайд 21 Literature – 3 point
Who is known as the

Literature – 3 pointWho is known as the author of the books about Harry Porter?

author of the books about Harry Porter?

Слайд 22 Literature – 4 points
Who is the author of

Literature – 4 pointsWho is the author of “Mary Poppins”?

“Mary Poppins”?

Слайд 23 Literature – 5 points
Who wrote about the adventures

Literature – 5 pointsWho wrote about the adventures of the girl

of the girl called Alice in the Magic country


Слайд 24 Music – 1 point
What were the Beatles?

Music – 1 pointWhat were the Beatles?

Слайд 25 Music – 2 points
Name all musicians of the

Music – 2 pointsName all musicians of the Beatles.


Слайд 26 Music – 3 points
The author of the music

Music – 3 pointsThe author of the music for musical “The Phantom of the opera”

for musical “The Phantom of the opera”

Слайд 27 Music – 4 points
What is the most famous

Music – 4 pointsWhat is the most famous festival in Scotland?

festival in Scotland?

Слайд 28 Music – 5 points
Who is the author of

Music – 5 pointsWho is the author of the first British opera “Dido and Aeneas” (1689)?

the first British opera “Dido and Aeneas” (1689)?

Слайд 29 London – 1 point
What is the oldest part

London – 1 pointWhat is the oldest part of London?

of London?

Слайд 30 London – 2 points
Where did most of the

London – 2 pointsWhere did most of the English Kings and Queens have their coronation ceremonies?

English Kings and Queens have their coronation ceremonies?

Слайд 31 London – 3 points
What birds live in the

London – 3 pointsWhat birds live in the Tower of London?

Tower of London?

Слайд 32 London – 4 points
What is Covent Garden in

London – 4 pointsWhat is Covent Garden in London?


Слайд 33 London – 5 points
What is Whitehall? And what

London – 5 pointsWhat is Whitehall? And what is it famous for?

is it famous for?

Слайд 34 Holidays, traditions and customs - 1 point
When do British

Holidays, traditions and customs - 1 pointWhen do British people celebrate Christmas?

people celebrate Christmas?

Слайд 35 Holidays, traditions and customs - 2 points
What is a

Holidays, traditions and customs - 2 pointsWhat is a single piece

single piece of the national costume in Scotland?

Слайд 36 Holidays, traditions and customs - 3 points
Who delivers traditional

Holidays, traditions and customs - 3 pointsWho delivers traditional Christmas message

Christmas message to the UK and the Commonwealth on


Слайд 37 Holidays, traditions and customs - 4 points
What are the

Holidays, traditions and customs - 4 pointsWhat are the symbols of Easter?

symbols of Easter?

Слайд 38 Holidays, traditions and customs - 5 points
What colour do

Holidays, traditions and customs - 5 pointsWhat colour do people wear

people wear on St. Patrick’s Day in Northern Ireland?

Слайд 39 Sport – 1 point
What game was invented in

Sport – 1 pointWhat game was invented in Great Britain and

Great Britain and became very popular all over the

world? (football)

Слайд 40 Sport – 1 point
What is the name of

Sport – 1 pointWhat is the name of the famous stadium in London?

the famous stadium in London?

Слайд 41 Sport – 3 points
What game was started in

Sport – 3 pointsWhat game was started in one of the

one of the British schools by students who had

broken the rules of football?

Слайд 42 Sport – 4 points
What is Wimbledon associated with?

Sport – 4 pointsWhat is Wimbledon associated with?

Слайд 43 Sport – 5 points
What game is sometimes called

Sport – 5 pointsWhat game is sometimes called an English national

an English national game? It is known that people

played it in England in 1550. It is a very long game. International matches last for 5 days.

Слайд 44 Famous people – 1 point
Who was the architect

Famous people – 1 pointWho was the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral?

of St. Paul’s Cathedral?

Слайд 45 Famous people – 2 points
What was John Constable

Famous people – 2 pointsWhat was John Constable famous for?

famous for?

Слайд 46 Famous people – 3 points
Who discovered penicillin?

Famous people – 3 pointsWho discovered penicillin?

Слайд 47 Famous people – 4 points
Who played the role

Famous people – 4 pointsWho played the role of Scarlet in

of Scarlet in the screen version of “Gone with

the wind”?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-stranovedcheskiy-konkurs-velikobritaniya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 104
  • Количество скачиваний: 0