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Презентация на тему The Queen of people’s hearts

Princess Diana was a famous media star .
The Queen of people’s hearts Princess Diana was a famous media star . She was born on 1st July 1961 into an old aristocratic English family . She worked by a nurse in 1980. In 1981 , Diana married Prince Charles at St Paul’s Cathedral . They had two sons , Prince William and Prince Harry She loved . Princess Diana was well known for She was very kind and beautiful She died on 31st August 1997 in a car crash
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Princess Diana was a famous media star .

Princess Diana was a famous media star .

Слайд 3 She was born on 1st July 1961 into

She was born on 1st July 1961 into an old aristocratic English family .

an old aristocratic English family .

Слайд 4 She worked by a nurse in 1980.

She worked by a nurse in 1980.

Слайд 5 In 1981 , Diana married Prince Charles at

In 1981 , Diana married Prince Charles at St Paul’s Cathedral .

St Paul’s Cathedral .

Слайд 6 They had two sons , Prince William and

They had two sons , Prince William and Prince Harry She

Prince Harry She loved her sons very much. They

were her life.

Слайд 7 . Princess Diana

. Princess Diana was well known for her

was well known for her charity work .

visited a lot of hospitals and schools in different countries . She was against landmines and helped people with dangerous diseases

Слайд 8 She was very kind and beautiful

She was very kind and beautiful

Слайд 9 She died on 31st August 1997

She died on 31st August 1997 in a car crash

in a car crash . Now her name is

included in the list of the most important and famous British people . There are memorials in her honour .

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-the-queen-of-peoples-hearts.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 127
  • Количество скачиваний: 0