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Презентация на тему Я живу в России

I live in Russia and I love my country. I was born and live here. My relatives and friends live here. Russia is a very interesting and wonderful country and I proud it.Russia
Презентация на тему: я живу в Россиимуниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная I live in Russia and I love my country. I I am proud of my country because it is a country of Roctov-on-don KazanNizhny Novgorod I am proud of the nature of my country. Lake Baikal The most large mushrooms in Russia.The deepest lake on the planet.The tract AK-Corum Northern lights in Murmansk  The Sayan mountains I am proud of sport achievements of my country. Forces would certainly be found, if work hard striving to something. I am proud of Russian traditions and holidays.  The Parade of April 12, the Day of CosmonauticsTatyana's Day( the day of students) F.I.TutchevDon't cover Russia with your mind, Don't use your norms for understanding: Источникиhttp://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/http://svoipravila.ru/otdih/interesno-otdyxaem/samie-krasivie-mesta-v-rossii.htmlhttp://images.yandex.ru/?uinfo=ww-1349-wh-661-fw-1290-fh-455-pd-1 Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I live in Russia and I

I live in Russia and I love my country. I

love my country. I was born and live here.

My relatives and friends live here. Russia is a very interesting and wonderful country and I proud it.


Слайд 3 I am proud of my country because it

I am proud of my country because it is a country

is a country of big and beautiful cities.

Слайд 4 Roctov-on-don

Nizhny Novgorod

Roctov-on-don KazanNizhny Novgorod

Слайд 5
I am proud of the nature of

I am proud of the nature of my country.

my country.

Слайд 6 Lake Baikal

The most large mushrooms in Russia.

Lake Baikal The most large mushrooms in Russia.The deepest lake on the planet.The tract AK-Corum

deepest lake on the planet.
The tract AK-Corum

Слайд 7 Northern lights in Murmansk
The Sayan mountains

Northern lights in Murmansk The Sayan mountains

Слайд 8 I am proud of sport achievements of my

I am proud of sport achievements of my country.


Слайд 9 Forces would certainly be found, if work hard

Forces would certainly be found, if work hard striving to something.

striving to something.

Слайд 10 I am proud of Russian traditions and holidays.

I am proud of Russian traditions and holidays. The Parade of   Victory dayShrovetide

The Parade of

Victory day


Слайд 11 April 12, the Day of Cosmonautics
Tatyana's Day
( the

April 12, the Day of CosmonauticsTatyana's Day( the day of students)

day of students)

Слайд 12 F.I.Tutchev
Don't cover Russia with your mind,
Don't use

F.I.TutchevDon't cover Russia with your mind, Don't use your norms for

your norms for understanding:
It has its outstanding kind

You must believe without fading.

Слайд 13 Источники


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-ya-zhivu-v-rossii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
  • Количество скачиваний: 0