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Презентация на тему Rules of survival

In the afternoon you are in cover. If there is no dark place, shade 2 ropes on the objects on top of them, put a rag on them.
Rules of survival In the afternoon you are in cover. If there is no dark Beware of dangerous and poisonous animals. Before you find water under the Beware of dangerous and poisonous animals. Before you find water under the Beware of dangerous and poisonous animals. Before you find water under the Try to move around at night. In the desert it is better Breathe in if it's hard or hard for you. Put a wet If you do not follow these rules, you die in agony or
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
In the afternoon you are in cover.

In the afternoon you are in cover. If there is no

there is no dark place, shade 2 ropes on

the objects on top of them, put a rag on them.

Слайд 3
Beware of dangerous and poisonous animals.
Before you

Beware of dangerous and poisonous animals. Before you find water under

find water under the rocks, poke or inspect the

stones, in the case of animals.

Слайд 4
Beware of dangerous and poisonous animals.
Before you

Beware of dangerous and poisonous animals. Before you find water under

find water under the rocks, poke or inspect the

stones, in the case of animals.

Слайд 5
Beware of dangerous and poisonous animals.
Before you

Beware of dangerous and poisonous animals. Before you find water under

find water under the rocks, poke or inspect the

stones, in the case of animals.

Слайд 6
Try to move around at night.
In the

Try to move around at night. In the desert it is

desert it is better not to move around during

the day.
At night, you can go further and avoid a heat stroke.

Слайд 7
Breathe in if it's hard or hard for

Breathe in if it's hard or hard for you. Put a

Put a wet gauze or cloth on your

Loosen or take off your clothes.

  • Имя файла: rules-of-survival.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 0