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Презентация на тему Restaurant Leadership. Objectives

ObjectivesAfter reading and studying this chapter, you should be able to:Describe the characteristics of effective leadersDiscuss some important factors that must be considered when leading restaurant employeesKnow several important management concepts
“Restaurant Leadership” ObjectivesAfter reading and studying this chapter, you should be able to:Describe the Leading EmployeesEmployee resources are the most valuable asset and competitive advantageWe need Leading Employees (cont’d.)How well employees produce:Depends largely on how well they are Leading Employees (cont’d.)Vision:Articulation of the mission in an appealing way that it Mission & Vision STARBUCKS COFFEE Mission Statement “To inspire and nurture the Leaders and AssociatesRestaurants are dependent on large numbers of people to fill The Power of a Team Characteristics of LeadersTraits of effective leaders:DriveDesire to influence othersHonesty and moral characterSelf-confidenceIntelligenceRelevant knowledgePower Characteristics of Leaders (cont’d.)Power: ability to influence others to behave in a Characteristics of Leaders (cont’d.)Legitimate power comes from the belief that a person Identify an animal that is representative of each type of power and Guide DogExpert Power. The guide dog possesses expert skills and knowledge that GorillaLegitimate Power. The gorilla possesses status in the animal world. Its status WaspCoercive Power. The wasp will influence others with the threat of its PeacockReferent Power.The peacock radiates beauty and because of this captures everyone’s attention. DogReward Power. Owners expect their dogs to be obedient while demonstrating The Nature of LeadershipGetting people to work for you willingly and to The Nature of Leadership (cont’d.)Steps to establishing a foundation for leadership developmentCommit The Nature of Leadership (cont’d.)Make leadership skills a focus of management trainingImplement The Nature of Leadership (cont’d.) LBWA (leadership by walking around)Spending a significant Employee Input and What’s in It for Me?To optimize restaurant potential:Have extensive
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Слайд 2 Objectives
After reading and studying this chapter, you should

ObjectivesAfter reading and studying this chapter, you should be able to:Describe

be able to:

Describe the characteristics of effective leaders
Discuss some

important factors that must be considered when leading restaurant employees
Know several important management concepts

Слайд 3 Leading Employees
Employee resources are the most valuable asset

Leading EmployeesEmployee resources are the most valuable asset and competitive advantageWe

and competitive advantage
We need to realize that leadership of

employee resources is critical:
We don’t manage our employees, we lead them
Being a leader is exciting:
There are challenges, opportunities, and rewards
In the hospitality industry:
Almost everything depends on the physical labor of many hourly (or nonmanagerial) workers
People who cook, serve tables, mix drinks, wash dishes, and mop floors

Слайд 4 Leading Employees (cont’d.)
How well employees produce:
Depends largely on

Leading Employees (cont’d.)How well employees produce:Depends largely on how well they

how well they are led
Greatest challenge: employee motivation
Process by

which a person with a vision is able to influence the activities and outcomes of others
Begins with a vision, a mission, and goals

Слайд 5 Leading Employees (cont’d.)
Articulation of the mission in an

Leading Employees (cont’d.)Vision:Articulation of the mission in an appealing way that

appealing way that it vividly conveys the future
Instills a

common purpose, self-esteem, and a sense of membership
Mission statement:
Describes the purpose of the organization
Outlines activities performed for guests

Слайд 6 Mission & Vision

Mission Statement


Mission & Vision STARBUCKS COFFEE Mission Statement “To inspire and nurture

inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person,

one cup and one neighborhood at a time”

Vision Statement

”The vision of Starbucks is to establish Starbucks as the premium purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow”

Слайд 7 Leaders and Associates
Restaurants are dependent on large numbers

Leaders and AssociatesRestaurants are dependent on large numbers of people to

of people to fill low-wage entry-level jobs
Washing dishes,

busing tables, hosting, etc.
Often taken for granted
Turnover is high
Another level of hourly worker is the skilled or semiskilled
Cashiers, bartenders, cooks, and servers
May also be temporary workers

Слайд 8 The Power of a Team

The Power of a Team

Слайд 9 Characteristics of Leaders
Traits of effective leaders:
Desire to influence

Characteristics of LeadersTraits of effective leaders:DriveDesire to influence othersHonesty and moral characterSelf-confidenceIntelligenceRelevant knowledgePower

Honesty and moral character
Relevant knowledge

Слайд 10 Characteristics of Leaders (cont’d.)
Power: ability to influence others

Characteristics of Leaders (cont’d.)Power: ability to influence others to behave in

to behave in a particular way

French and Raven introduced

the Five Forms of Power in 1959:

Legitimate Power
Reward Power.
Expert Power.
Referent Power.
Coercive Power.

Слайд 11 Characteristics of Leaders (cont’d.)
Legitimate power comes from the

Characteristics of Leaders (cont’d.)Legitimate power comes from the belief that a

belief that a person has the formal right to

make demands, and to expect others to be compliant and obedient.

Reward power results from one person's ability to compensate another for compliance.

Expert power is based on a person's high levels of skill and knowledge.

Referent power is the result of a person's perceived attractiveness, worthiness and right to others' respect.

Coercive power comes from the belief that a person can punish others for noncompliance.

Informational power results from a person's ability to control the information that others need to accomplish something

Слайд 12 Identify an animal that is representative of each

Identify an animal that is representative of each type of power

type of power and how it helps them get

what they want

Слайд 13 Guide Dog
Expert Power.
The guide dog possesses expert

Guide DogExpert Power. The guide dog possesses expert skills and knowledge

skills and knowledge that enable a blind person to

be independent.

A blind person will always listen, trust and respect the guide dog and in return will be compliant with the dogs instruction.

The guide dog will always outperform other dogs.

The owner will always look upon the guide dog has the leader in the relationship.

Слайд 14 Gorilla
Legitimate Power.
The gorilla possesses status in the

GorillaLegitimate Power. The gorilla possesses status in the animal world. Its

animal world.

Its status speaks volumes and derives from

its sheer strength and size.

Others in lower ranking positions look up to the gorilla and will be compliant through fear of repercussions.

Слайд 15 Wasp
Coercive Power.
The wasp will influence others with

WaspCoercive Power. The wasp will influence others with the threat of

the threat of its sting.

It has the ability

to punish those who don’t comply with its wishes.

Others will comply through fear of the sting.

Слайд 16 Peacock
Referent Power.
The peacock radiates beauty and because of

PeacockReferent Power.The peacock radiates beauty and because of this captures everyone’s

this captures everyone’s attention.

It doesn’t have to try

very hard to capture everyone's attention, it has a natural ability through its visual beauty.

Everyone will always admire, trust and respect the Peacock.

Слайд 17 Dog
Reward Power.
Owners expect their dogs to

DogReward Power. Owners expect their dogs to be obedient while

be obedient while demonstrating good behaviour.

Dogs are frequently

rewarded with something they love for their compliance and behaviour.

Rewards may not always be available.

Without the rewards compliance and good behaviour may become harder to achieve for the owner.

The dog may be difficult to mange without rewards and become less compliant.

Слайд 18 The Nature of Leadership
Getting people to work for

The Nature of LeadershipGetting people to work for you willingly and

you willingly and to the best of their ability

The right to command, given by the organization
Real authority
Conferred by subordinates
You have to earn the right to lead them

Слайд 19 The Nature of Leadership (cont’d.)
Steps to establishing a

The Nature of Leadership (cont’d.)Steps to establishing a foundation for leadership

foundation for leadership development
Commit to investing the time, resources,

and money needed
Identify and communicate the differences between management skills and leadership abilities
Develop quantifiable measurements that support leadership skills

Слайд 20 The Nature of Leadership (cont’d.)
Make leadership skills a

The Nature of Leadership (cont’d.)Make leadership skills a focus of management

focus of management training
Implement ongoing programs that focus on

leadership skills
Know that in the right culture, leaders can be found at entry level
Recognize, reward, and celebrate leaders for their passion, dedication, and results

Слайд 21 The Nature of Leadership (cont’d.)
LBWA (leadership by

The Nature of Leadership (cont’d.) LBWA (leadership by walking around)Spending a

walking around)
Spending a significant part of your day talking

to your employees, guests, and peers

Слайд 22 Employee Input and What’s in It for Me?

Employee Input and What’s in It for Me?To optimize restaurant potential:Have

optimize restaurant potential:
Have extensive employee input:
into not only the

vision and mission but also how to achieve or exceed them

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  • Количество просмотров: 108
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