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Презентация на тему What language do dolphins speak?

Performed by:Zinnyatullina VictoriaHoshbekyan AllaProject manager:Mukhitdinova N.M.Teacher of English
What language do dolphins speak ? Performed by:Zinnyatullina VictoriaHoshbekyan AllaProject manager:Mukhitdinova N.M.Teacher of English Dolphins, who are they? Dolphins are related to a family of mammals, of the cetaceans order What is the difference between dolphins and us? Similarities and differences SimilaritiesAverage heightCommon ancestorWarm-bloodedViviparousSee the world in the same shadesThe same kinds of DifferencesHabitantBrain weightGyrosSleepInformation about the worldPerception of soundsPerception of high frequency soundsLife expectancy DolphinPeopleChimpanzeeMonkeyRat There are auditory and echolocation devices, that gives 90 % of information to dolphins The amazing sounds Even after the death of the dolphin skin remains intact Intellectual abilities Dolphins live in packs Assistants Interview
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Performed by:
Zinnyatullina Victoria
Hoshbekyan Alla
Project manager:
Mukhitdinova N.M.
Teacher of English

Performed by:Zinnyatullina VictoriaHoshbekyan AllaProject manager:Mukhitdinova N.M.Teacher of English

Слайд 6 Dolphins,
who are they?

Dolphins, who are they?

Слайд 7 Dolphins are related to a family of mammals,

Dolphins are related to a family of mammals, of the cetaceans order

of the cetaceans order

Слайд 8 What is the difference
between dolphins and us?

What is the difference between dolphins and us?

Слайд 10 Similarities and differences

Similarities and differences

Слайд 11 Similarities
Average height
Common ancestor
See the world in the same

SimilaritiesAverage heightCommon ancestorWarm-bloodedViviparousSee the world in the same shadesThe same kinds

The same kinds of diseases (stroke, heart attack, diabete,

neurological disorders)
Creative approach to the process
Gregarious lifestyle
Communication between each other
Amenable to learning
Availability of names

Слайд 12 Differences
Brain weight
Information about the world
Perception of sounds
Perception of

DifferencesHabitantBrain weightGyrosSleepInformation about the worldPerception of soundsPerception of high frequency soundsLife expectancy

high frequency sounds
Life expectancy

Слайд 13 Dolphin


Слайд 14 There are auditory and echolocation devices, that gives

There are auditory and echolocation devices, that gives 90 % of information to dolphins

90 % of information to dolphins

Слайд 15 The amazing sounds

The amazing sounds

Слайд 17 Even after the death of the dolphin skin

Even after the death of the dolphin skin remains intact

remains intact

Слайд 19 Intellectual abilities

Intellectual abilities

Слайд 23 Dolphins live in packs

Dolphins live in packs

Слайд 30 Assistants


Слайд 40 Interview


  • Имя файла: what-language-do-dolphins-speak.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 113
  • Количество скачиваний: 0