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Презентация на тему Barriers to communication. Interpersonal skills

Barriers to CommunicationOn the whiteboard write down any barriers to communication that you know UNIT 1: COMMUNICATION & EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSInterpersonal Skills By the end of this lesson…You will knowBe able to identify the Assessment Criteria - CoveredExplain the principles of effective communication (P2) How do we Communicate?SenderCommunication MethodReceivere.g. people, computer systemse.g letter, memo, telephone calle.g. people, computer systems Activity 1 - Methods of CommunicationOn the post-it notes provided, write down Methods of CommunicationVerbal exchanges work for most peopleBut for those who cannot Activity 2 - SigningIn pairs and using the document “FingerSpelling Alphabet” on Ways of CommunicatingTypes of CommunicationVerbal e.g. chatting, apologisingWrittene.g. letter, application formVisualSigning, Lip Verbal CommunicationTypes of verbal communicationsChattingEnquiringApologizingDelegatingDirectingAdvisingInformingChallengingDebatingT	Think before you speakA	Analyse what is said before Visual CommunicationVisual CommunicationChartsBody LanguageDrawingsMoving & Static ImagesLip ReadingPictures/MapsGraphsSigning Techniques and CuesTo express emotion in verbal communication, some change of tone Activity 1 – Negative and Positive LanguageIndividually, look at the list of Active EngagementCommunication doesn’t just happen when you are speakingYou can and do Types of QuestionsCommunication is not just two people speaking in turnThere needs Speed of ResponseQuestions can be answered in a number of waysQuickly and Key TermsSummarise – to sum up the most important points of a Activity 2 – Barriers to CommunicationUsing the True and False cards provided, Activity 2 – StatementsUse terminology that will be understood by all of TaskGeneral skills:cultural differencesadapting content and style to suit audience needsquestion and answeraccuracytechniques Plenary
Слайды презентации


Interpersonal Skills


Слайд 3 By the end of this lesson…
You will know

By the end of this lesson…You will knowBe able to identify

able to identify the different interpersonal communication skills
Be able

to explain what the interpersonal communication skills are

Слайд 4 Assessment Criteria - Covered
Explain the principles of effective

Assessment Criteria - CoveredExplain the principles of effective communication (P2)

communication (P2)

Слайд 5 How do we Communicate?
Communication Method
e.g. people, computer systems

How do we Communicate?SenderCommunication MethodReceivere.g. people, computer systemse.g letter, memo, telephone calle.g. people, computer systems

letter, memo, telephone call
e.g. people, computer systems

Слайд 6 Activity 1 - Methods of Communication
On the post-it

Activity 1 - Methods of CommunicationOn the post-it notes provided, write

notes provided, write down all the methods of communication

that you know

When you are finished, stick the post-it notes to the cupboard at the front of the classroom

Слайд 7 Methods of Communication
Verbal exchanges work for most people


Methods of CommunicationVerbal exchanges work for most peopleBut for those who

for those who cannot speak, using sign language or

lip reading for those who maybe deaf

Using recognised signing systems as an aid for communication with the deaf (www.british-sign.co.uk)

Written communication (to be covered next week)

Слайд 8 Activity 2 - Signing
In pairs and using the

Activity 2 - SigningIn pairs and using the document “FingerSpelling Alphabet”

document “FingerSpelling Alphabet” on the VLE, try signing you


Слайд 9 Ways of Communicating
Types of
e.g. chatting, apologising

Ways of CommunicatingTypes of CommunicationVerbal e.g. chatting, apologisingWrittene.g. letter, application formVisualSigning,

letter, application form
Signing, Lip Reading, Pictures, Drawings

Smiling, frowning, hugging

Слайд 10 Verbal Communication
Types of verbal communications

T Think before you speak
A Analyse

Verbal CommunicationTypes of verbal communicationsChattingEnquiringApologizingDelegatingDirectingAdvisingInformingChallengingDebatingT	Think before you speakA	Analyse what is said

what is said before you respond
L Listen to all aspects

of the conversation
K Kind words are free
I Insults carry a price
N Never seem distracted when somebody is talking
G Give as much attention to the conversation as possible

Acronym that ensures success with this type of communication

Слайд 11 Visual Communication


Body Language
Moving & Static Images
Lip Reading

Visual CommunicationVisual CommunicationChartsBody LanguageDrawingsMoving & Static ImagesLip ReadingPictures/MapsGraphsSigning

Слайд 12 Techniques and Cues
To express emotion in verbal communication,

Techniques and CuesTo express emotion in verbal communication, some change of

some change of tone is needed
A raised voice can

indicate anger or impatience
A lowered voice can show fear or insecurity

In face-to-face discussions, the tone of voice may be accompanied by some body language

When using the telephone, body language is not possible, but hearing a pause or identifying emotions through intonation is still possible

Слайд 13 Activity 1 – Negative and Positive Language
Individually, look

Activity 1 – Negative and Positive LanguageIndividually, look at the list

at the list of positive and negative statements on

the Whiteboard, identify which statements are positive and which are negative

On the second slide, sort the positive and negative words under the correct headings

Swap seats with another student and check each others work, do you agree?

Слайд 14 Active Engagement
Communication doesn’t just happen when you are

Active EngagementCommunication doesn’t just happen when you are speakingYou can and


You can and do communicate in several ways while

the other person speaks

By paying attention and reacting to what the other person is saying, for example, with a nod or a frown

Слайд 15 Types of Questions
Communication is not just two people

Types of QuestionsCommunication is not just two people speaking in turnThere

speaking in turn

There needs to be a link between

the people and questions can help to create such a link

Using Open, Closed and Probing questions

Слайд 16 Speed of Response
Questions can be answered in a

Speed of ResponseQuestions can be answered in a number of waysQuickly

number of ways

Quickly and maybe with passion
Slowly after what

looks like consideration of all the issues
Something in between or not at all

Answering a question with a question is a delaying tactic that is often used in discussions
Repeating the question back to the questioner is another delaying tactic that sometimes works

Слайд 17 Key Terms
Summarise – to sum up the most

Key TermsSummarise – to sum up the most important points of

important points of a communication
Paraphrase – to say again

but using different words
Open question – a question that could be answered in a variety of unanticipated ways
Closed question – a question that expects a limited range of answers as Yes/No
Probing question – a question that seeks out further information and narrows the responses down to the required answer

Слайд 18 Activity 2 – Barriers to Communication
Using the True

Activity 2 – Barriers to CommunicationUsing the True and False cards

and False cards provided, indicate whether the following statements

about barriers to communication are True or False

Слайд 19 Activity 2 – Statements
Use terminology that will be

Activity 2 – StatementsUse terminology that will be understood by all

understood by all of those people involved in the

Nodding you head towards a speaker indicates interest and agreement
Body language can lead to misunderstandings
Shaking your head horizontally in China means yes
Smile at someone while your tone of voice shows anger sends a mixed messages

Слайд 20 Task
General skills:
cultural differences
adapting content and style to suit

TaskGeneral skills:cultural differencesadapting content and style to suit audience needsquestion and

audience needs
question and answer
techniques for engaging audience
Produce a leaflet

that explains the principles of effective communication. It must discuss 3 points from each of the following areas:

Interpersonal skills:
techniques and cues
positive and negative language
active engagement
types of question

  • Имя файла: barriers-to-communication-interpersonal-skills.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 141
  • Количество скачиваний: 0