Слайд 2
ing form -> the Gerund герундий
Слайд 3
Герундий - это неличная форма глагола, обладающая признаками
как глагола, так и существительного. Подобной формы в русском
языке нет.
Слайд 4
В предложении герундий употребляться:
В функции подлежащего:
Your coming now and saying "I'm
her father" doesn't change my feellings.
После таких глаголов, как
to like, dislike, prefer, enjoy, love, hate.
I like skiing in winter.
После таких глаголов, как
to avoid, admit, appreciate, consider, continue, deny, fancy, go, imagine, mind, miss, p to need, to mind (в значении возражать), ptactise, prevent, quit, save, suggest, spend, waste, lose.
You should avoid eating junk food.
После выражений:
be busy, it`s no use, it`s no good, it`s (not) worth, what`s the use of, can`t help, there is no point (in), can`t stand, have difficulty (in), have trouble.
I have difficulty in understanding what he says.
Слайд 5
После некоторых глаголов с предлогами и наречиями:
to give
to be afraid of
to be famous for
to be fond
to be interested in
to be worth of
to be proud of
to depend on
to insist on (upon)
to know of
to object to
to prevent from
to think of
to go on
You are proud of being a teacher, aren't you?
После глаголов hear, listen to, notice, see watch, feel для описания незавершенного действия
I saw Paul waiting for the bus. (I only saw part of the action)
Слайд 6
После предлогов.
He apologised for being late.
В конструкции be/get
used to +ing form
I`m used working very hard.
Слайд 7
Инфинитив - это неличная форма глагола, которая выражает
действие, но без указания на число, лицо, наклонение.
В русском
языке инфинитиву соответствует неопределенная форма глагола.
Инфинитив имеет признаки существительного и глагола.
Слайд 8
Инфинитив используется:
Для выражения цели
She went to the shop
to buy some cheese.
После глаголов to agree, appear, decide,
expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse, want.
I expect him to be here.
После would like, would prefer, would love
I would love to come to your party.
После прилагательных: happy, glad, sad, eager, reluctant, willing, clever kind – выражают эмоции, желание и готовность к действиям, характер человека.
I was sad to hear you were not feeling well.
После too/enough
She is old enough to watch the film.
С конструкцией it + be + adjective/noun.
It was moving to see him again after so many years.
Слайд 9
После be + first/second/next/last
She was the first person
to call me on my birthday.
После глаголов и выражений:
ask, decide, explain, find out, learn, want, want to know - когда они сопровождаются вопросительным словом.
She asked me where to get tickets.
В выражениях: to tell the truth, to be honest, to sum up, to begin with.
В конструкции so + adj + as
Would you be so kind as to help me with the door?
В конструкции for + noun/pronoun + to –inf
It was very unusual for John to speak so rudely.