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Презентация на тему American descriptivism

American Descriptivism 1. Basic ideas of American Descriptivism.2. Edward Sapir’s linguistic conception.3. Leonard Bloomfield’s linguistic conception.4. Antimentalism.5. Distributionalism.6. Morphology in American structural Linguistics.
Made by:Kostyshyna Iryna, Kvilinska Vasylyna, L. BloomfieldAmerican Descriptivism American Descriptivism 1. Basic ideas of American Descriptivism.2. Edward Sapir’s linguistic conception.3. Modern subject of Linguistics European approachArise out of aims and methods of American approach: Field methods - techniques for the recording and analysis of E d w a r d  S a p i rThe Edward Sapir’s Linguistic Conception FormalFunctionalLanguage unitsRadical (grammatical) elements and sentences (finished sentence Leonard Bloomfield - the most outstanding representative of American structuralism.- “Introduction of Bloomfield’s mechanistic approachThe main goal is to put Linguistics on scientific footing Basic behaviouristic schemeS – R a stimulus that brings about a reaction“Jack American structuralismAmerican structuralism is focused on formal analysis, leaving the meaning facet Bloomfield’s two top categories  GrammarThe arrangement of morphemesLexiconTotal stock of morphemes The principle of immediate constituentsThe basic principle is the division of each Word as the smallest unit being a free form.Primary wordConsist of a A n t i m e n t a l i s DistributionalismAfter 1945It is based on the distribution of linguistic forms, which is The crucial problem of distributional analysisThe positions taken by the distributionalists:Joos was The crucial problem of distributional analysisForms identical in meaning would be mutually Pike’s theory of tagmemicsEtic view(distributionalism)Consist in refusing all hypotheses concerning the function Morphology in American Structural LinguisticsAdherents to American structural school typically viewed linguistics Main contribution of structuralistsEach word has intricate internal structure – it consists Literaturehttp://www.peoples.ru/state/king/england/henry_8/ http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/universityhttp://images.yandex.ua/search?text=генрих%208&stype=image
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 American Descriptivism
1. Basic ideas of American Descriptivism.
2. Edward

American Descriptivism 1. Basic ideas of American Descriptivism.2. Edward Sapir’s linguistic

Sapir’s linguistic conception.
3. Leonard Bloomfield’s linguistic conception.
4. Antimentalism.
5. Distributionalism.

Morphology in American structural Linguistics.

Слайд 3 Modern subject of Linguistics
European approach
Arise out of aims

Modern subject of Linguistics European approachArise out of aims and methods

and methods of the 19th century comparative philology with

its focus on written records, historical analysis and interpretation.

American approach

Its pioneer was Franz Boas. Arose from preoccupations of American anthropologist, who established descriptions of the American Indian languages before they disappeared. Historical analysis was ruled out.

Слайд 4 American approach:
Field methods - techniques for the recording

American approach: Field methods - techniques for the recording and analysis

and analysis of languages which the linguist himself could

not speak and which had not previously been committed to writing.

- Antropological and ethnographical view – the attantion is paid to the life, habbits and “behaviour” of Indian tribes.

- Structuralistic view . Formed by Franz Boas : it is not necessary for all traditional categories to be present in all languages.

Mathematical methods – to formalize the analysis of the language and develop various models of grammatical description.

- Concentration on the form. The lexical meaning was disregarded.

Слайд 5 E d w a r d S

E d w a r d S a p i rThe

a p i r
The world of our experience must

be enormously simplified and generalized into a symbolic inventory – language signs are units having form (speech sounds) and meaning (elements of experience).

Language is a dynamic system : “The feeling that our language is practically a fixed system is fallacious” [Language p.155]

“Eliminate society and the individual will never learn to talk”

- the founder of Ethnolinguistics

Language has a certain norm – individual variations are swamped in or absorbed by major agreements.

Слайд 6 Edward Sapir’s Linguistic Conception
Language units
Radical (grammatical) elements and

Edward Sapir’s Linguistic Conception FormalFunctionalLanguage unitsRadical (grammatical) elements and sentences (finished

sentences (finished sentence is a living sentence type, which

means that many sentences can be formed in relation to the same fundamental sentence pattern).


Слайд 7 Leonard Bloomfield -
the most outstanding representative of

Leonard Bloomfield - the most outstanding representative of American structuralism.- “Introduction

American structuralism.
- “Introduction of the Study of Language” (1914)

“A set of postulates for the science of language” (1926)
-- “Language” (1933) – generations of American linguists during the 30s-40s.

Слайд 8 Bloomfield’s mechanistic approach
The main goal is to put

Bloomfield’s mechanistic approachThe main goal is to put Linguistics on scientific

Linguistics on scientific footing by scientific introduction, a perfect

description of a language.

The methods of linguists should resemble those of natural sciences.

The ideal use of language is seen in Mathematics.

The explanations of different kinds are cause-and-effect sequences.

Слайд 9 Basic behaviouristic scheme
S – R a stimulus that

Basic behaviouristic schemeS – R a stimulus that brings about a

brings about a reaction
“Jack and Jill are walking down

a lane. Jill is hungry, sees an apple, and makes a noise with her larynx, tongue and lips. Jack vaults the fence, climbs the tree, takes the apple, and brings it to Jill, who eats it.”

The scheme of this story is: S – r…s – R. Linguists should deal with the mediating part of the scheme (r….s).

Слайд 10 American structuralism
American structuralism is focused on formal analysis,

American structuralismAmerican structuralism is focused on formal analysis, leaving the meaning

leaving the meaning facet aside. The analysis of meaning

is the weak point in language study, which is related to the limited human knowledge.

This part of grammar was to be purely formal study, independent of semantics. On the other hand Bloomfield assumed that each linguistic form has a constant and definite meaning.

Слайд 11 Bloomfield’s two top categories
The arrangement of morphemes
Total stock

Bloomfield’s two top categories GrammarThe arrangement of morphemesLexiconTotal stock of morphemes

of morphemes in a language
A morpheme can have several

allomorphs. A set of related forms constitute a paradigm.

Morpheme – is the linguistic form that cannot be further divided into smaller parts. Linguistic form can be free (can be spoken alone) and bound (cannot be spoken alone).

Morpheme – is the minimal unit of grammatical structure. Its meaning is termed the sememe.

Слайд 12 The principle of immediate constituents
The basic principle is

The principle of immediate constituentsThe basic principle is the division of

the division of each complex form into two, lower-level,


Poor John ran away.
IC: poor John & ran away.

Poor John.
IC: poor & John.

IC: a & way

Слайд 13 Word as the smallest unit being a free

Word as the smallest unit being a free form.Primary wordConsist of

Primary word
Consist of a single morpheme such as man,

boy, cut or contain more than one bound form: re-ceive, de-ceive.

Compounds and derivations such as happy-go-lucky, down-to-earth

Secondary word

Слайд 14 A n t i m e n t

A n t i m e n t a l i

a l i s m
Mechanism of mentalism thesis: Speech

must be explained by the external conditions as well as internal one.

A speech act is an instance of behavior of a particular type.

Speech is an explanation that cannot be immediately achieved.

Bloomfieldian Linguistics took as a point of departure the behavourists Psychology.

They say that human conduct is totally predictable on the basis of the situations in which it occurs.

Слайд 15 Distributionalism
After 1945
It is based on the distribution of

DistributionalismAfter 1945It is based on the distribution of linguistic forms, which

linguistic forms, which is the sum of the environments

in which the elements occurs.

The distributionalist program arose indirectly out of the view of meaning as a domain of continuously variable and possibly unknowable details without verifiable internal organization.

Слайд 16 The crucial problem of distributional analysis
The positions taken

The crucial problem of distributional analysisThe positions taken by the distributionalists:Joos

by the distributionalists:
Joos was actively interested in lexicology and

semantic structure;
Bloch regarded meaning as a practical shortcut to the results best obtained through more laborious;
Trager was fully committed to excluding meaning from Linguistics altogether.

The problem was to decide whether forms occuring in the same environments were different or equivalent.

Слайд 17 The crucial problem of distributional analysis
Forms identical in

The crucial problem of distributional analysisForms identical in meaning would be

meaning would be mutually substitutable in all environments, and

thus would not differ in distribution;
Forms differing in meaning are not mutually substitutable in all environments, and therefore differ in distribution;
Observation shows that different forms always differ somewhat in distribution, and therefore must differ somewhat in meaning;
A difference in form implies a difference in distribution and in turn a difference in meaning. There are thus no true synonyms.

Bloomfield’s view:

Слайд 18 Pike’s theory of tagmemics
Etic view
Consist in refusing all

Pike’s theory of tagmemicsEtic view(distributionalism)Consist in refusing all hypotheses concerning the

hypotheses concerning the function of the events being reported

and in characterizing them only by means of spatio-temporal criteria.

Consist in interpreting events according to their particular function in the particular world to which they belong.

Emic view

Слайд 19 Morphology in American Structural Linguistics
Adherents to American structural

Morphology in American Structural LinguisticsAdherents to American structural school typically viewed

school typically viewed linguistics not so much as a

“theory” of the language nature, but rather as a body of descriptive and analytical procedures.

Linguistic analysis was expected to proceed by focusing selectively on one dimension of language structure at a time before tacking the next one.

Each dimention was formally referred to as a linguistic level.

The task was the separation of levels – first the pronunciation, then the word structure, then the sentence structure and finally the meaning of utterance.

Слайд 20 Main contribution of structuralists
Each word has intricate internal

Main contribution of structuralistsEach word has intricate internal structure – it

structure – it consists of morphemes – the smallest

units of meaning and grammatical function.

The structuralists introduced morphology as a separate sub-branch of Linguistics.

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  • Количество просмотров: 111
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