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Презентация на тему Analysis of possible application of high-temperature nuclear reactors to contemporary large output steam power plants on ships

Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering and Applied Physics
Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering and Applied Physics Analysis of possible application of high-temperature nuclear reactors to contemporary large output Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) High Temperature Reactor (HTR) Types of presently used ship power plantsPressurized Water Reactor (PWR)parameters of live Simplified characteristics of reactivity losses as a result of Xe-135 poisoning during start-ups and power reduction The “twin” system of ship power plant The cycle of power plant with interstage steam overheat Results of analysisChanges in the generator efficiency ηG, net electric efficiency ηnetto, Results of analysisChanges in the generator efficiency ηG, net electric efficiency ηnetto, ABSTRACTHTR reactors can effectively interact with thermodynamic cycles used at nuclear power Thank you for attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering and Applied Physics

Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering and Applied Physics

Слайд 3 Analysis of possible application of high-temperature nuclear reactors

Analysis of possible application of high-temperature nuclear reactors to contemporary large

to contemporary large output steam power plants on ships

Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R. E. Alekseev

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Слайд 4 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)

Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)

Слайд 5 High Temperature Reactor (HTR)

High Temperature Reactor (HTR)

Слайд 6 Types of presently used ship power plants

Pressurized Water

Types of presently used ship power plantsPressurized Water Reactor (PWR)parameters of

Reactor (PWR)
parameters of live steam in steam cycle: 300°C

and 4 MPa

High Temperature Reactor (HTR)
parameters of live steam in steam cycle: 535°C and 10 MPa

Слайд 7 Simplified characteristics of reactivity losses as a result

Simplified characteristics of reactivity losses as a result of Xe-135 poisoning during start-ups and power reduction

of Xe-135 poisoning during start-ups and power reduction

Слайд 8 The “twin” system of ship power plant

The “twin” system of ship power plant

Слайд 9 The cycle of power plant with interstage steam

The cycle of power plant with interstage steam overheat


Слайд 10 Results of analysis
Changes in the generator efficiency ηG,

Results of analysisChanges in the generator efficiency ηG, net electric efficiency

net electric efficiency ηnetto, average mechanical efficiency of the

turbines, ηT, the relative steam flux mx/m0 and the relative turbine inlet pressure in function of changes in the power plant load Nx/NG for the “twin” cycle

Слайд 11 Results of analysis
Changes in the generator efficiency ηG,

Results of analysisChanges in the generator efficiency ηG, net electric efficiency

net electric efficiency ηnetto, average mechanical efficiency of HP

and LP part of the turbine, ηT, as well as the relative steam flux mx/m0, all in function of change in the power plant load Nx/NG for the cycle with interstage overheat

HTR reactors can effectively interact with thermodynamic cycles

ABSTRACTHTR reactors can effectively interact with thermodynamic cycles used at nuclear

used at nuclear power plants at the present time.

analysis of the efficiency characteristics that single-case steam turbines operating under a simple thermodynamic cycle, doubled or multiplied in ship power plant, are able to ensure a higher energy conversion efficiency of power plant at partial loads. The idea of application of high-temperature, graphite-moderated, helium-cooled nuclear reactors eliminates operational disadvantages of contemporary ship nuclear power plants by increasing their parameters over those of contemporary conventional steam power plants.
Application of HTR reactors improves hence profitability of ship nuclear power plants compared to today used PWR reactors, increases their safety and lowers hazards to the environment.

  • Имя файла: analysis-of-possible-application-of-high-temperature-nuclear-reactors-to-contemporary-large-output-steam-power-plants-on-ships.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
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