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Презентация на тему Chapter 2operating system overview


RoadmapOperating System Objectives/FunctionsThe Evolution of Operating SystemsMajor AchievementsDevelopments Leading to Modern Operating SystemsMicrosoft Windows OverviewUNIX SystemsLinux
Chapter 2 Operating System OverviewOperating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 6/E William Stallings RoadmapOperating System Objectives/FunctionsThe Evolution of Operating SystemsMajor AchievementsDevelopments Leading to Modern Operating SystemsMicrosoft Windows OverviewUNIX SystemsLinux Operating SystemA program that controls the execution of application programsAn interface between Layers and Views Services Provided  by the Operating SystemProgram developmentEditors and debuggers.Program executionOS handles Services cont…Controlled access to filesAccessing different media but presenting a common interface Services cont…Error detection and responseInternal and external hardware errorsSoftware errors Operating system The Role of an OSA computer is a set of resources for Operating System  as SoftwareThe OS functions in the same way as Evolution of Operating SystemsOperating systems will evolve over timeHardware upgrades plus new types of hardwareNew servicesFixes RoadmapOperating System Objectives/FunctionsThe Evolution of Operating SystemsMajor AchievementsDevelopments Leading to Modern Operating SystemsMicrosoft Windows OverviewUNIX SystemsLinux Evolution of  Operating SystemsIt may be easier to understand the key Serial ProcessingNo operating systemMachines run from a console with display lights, toggle Simple batch systemEarly computers were extremely expensiveImportant to maximize processor utilizationMonitorSoftware that Monitor’s perspectiveMonitor controls the sequence of eventsResident Monitor is software always in Job Control LanguageSpecial type of programming language to control jobs Provides instruction Desirable Hardware  FeaturesMemory protection for monitorJobs cannot overwrite or alterTimerPrevent a Modes of OperationUser ModeUser program executes in user mode Certain areas of Multiprogrammed  Batch SystemsCPU is often idle Even with automatic job sequencing.I/O UniprogrammingProcessor must wait for I/O instruction to complete before preceding MultiprogrammingWhen one job needs to wait for I/O, the processor can switch to the other job Multiprogramming Time Sharing SystemsUsing multiprogramming to handle multiple interactive jobsProcessor’s time is shared Early Example: CTSSCompatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS) Developed at MIT as project MACTime CTSS Operation Problems and IssuesMultiple jobs in memory must be protected from each other’s RoadmapOperating System Objectives/FunctionsThe Evolution of Operating SystemsMajor AchievementsDevelopments Leading to Modern Operating Systems Major AdvancesOperating Systems are among the most complex pieces of software ever ProcessFundamental to the structure of OS’sA process is:A program in executionAn instance Causes of Errors when Designing System SoftwareError in designing an OS are Components of  a ProcessA process consists ofAn executable programAssociated data needed Memory ManagementThe OS has 5 principal storage management responsibilitiesProcess isolationAutomatic allocation and Virtual MemoryFile system implements long-term storeVirtual memory allows programs to address memory PagingAllows process to be comprised of a number of fixed-size blocks, called Virtual Memory Virtual Memory  Addressing Information Protection  and SecurityThe problem involves controlling access to computer systems Scheduling and Resource ManagementKey responsibility of an OS is managing resourcesResource allocation policies must consider:FairnessDifferential responsivenessEfficiency Key Elements of an  Operating System System StructureView the system as a series of levelsEach level performs a OS Design Hierarchy RoadmapOperating System Objectives/FunctionsThe Evolution of Operating SystemsMajor AchievementsDevelopments Leading to Modern Operating SystemsMicrosoft Windows OverviewUNIX SystemsLinux Different Architectural ApproachesVarious approaches have been tried, categories include: Microkernel architecture Multithreading Microkernel ArchitectureMost early OS are a monolithic kernelMost OS functionality resides in MultithreadingProcess is divided into threads that can run concurrentlyThreadDispatchable unit of workexecutes Symmetric  multiprocessing (SMP)An SMP system hasmultiple processorsThese processors share same main SMP AdvantagesPerformanceAllowing parallel processingAvailabilityFailure of a single process does not halt the Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing Distributed  Operating SystemsProvides the illusion of a single main memory space Object-oriented designUsed for adding modular extensions to a small kernelEnables programmers to
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Слайд 2 Roadmap
Operating System Objectives/Functions
The Evolution of Operating Systems
Major Achievements

RoadmapOperating System Objectives/FunctionsThe Evolution of Operating SystemsMajor AchievementsDevelopments Leading to Modern Operating SystemsMicrosoft Windows OverviewUNIX SystemsLinux

Leading to Modern Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows Overview
UNIX Systems

Слайд 3 Operating System
A program that controls the execution of

Operating SystemA program that controls the execution of application programsAn interface

application programs
An interface between applications and hardware
Main objectives of

an OS:
Ability to evolve

Слайд 4 Layers and Views

Layers and Views

Слайд 5 Services Provided by the Operating System
Program development
Editors and

Services Provided by the Operating SystemProgram developmentEditors and debuggers.Program executionOS handles

Program execution
OS handles scheduling of numerous tasks required to

execute a program
Access I/O devices
Each device will have unique interface
OS presents standard interface to users

Слайд 6 Services cont…
Controlled access to files
Accessing different media but

Services cont…Controlled access to filesAccessing different media but presenting a common

presenting a common interface to users
Provides protection in multi-access

System access
Controls access to the system and its resources

Слайд 7 Services cont…
Error detection and response
Internal and external hardware

Services cont…Error detection and responseInternal and external hardware errorsSoftware errors Operating

Software errors
Operating system cannot grant request of application

usage statistics
Monitor performance

Слайд 8 The Role of an OS
A computer is a

The Role of an OSA computer is a set of resources

set of resources for the movement, storage, and processing

of data.
The OS is responsible for managing these resources.

Слайд 9 Operating System as Software
The OS functions in the

Operating System as SoftwareThe OS functions in the same way as

same way as an ordinary computer software
It is a

program that is executed by the CPU
Operating system relinquishes control of the processor

Слайд 10 Evolution of Operating Systems
Operating systems will evolve over

Evolution of Operating SystemsOperating systems will evolve over timeHardware upgrades plus new types of hardwareNew servicesFixes

Hardware upgrades plus new types of hardware
New services

Слайд 11 Roadmap
Operating System Objectives/Functions
The Evolution of Operating Systems
Major Achievements

RoadmapOperating System Objectives/FunctionsThe Evolution of Operating SystemsMajor AchievementsDevelopments Leading to Modern Operating SystemsMicrosoft Windows OverviewUNIX SystemsLinux

Leading to Modern Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows Overview
UNIX Systems

Слайд 12 Evolution of Operating Systems
It may be easier to

Evolution of Operating SystemsIt may be easier to understand the key

understand the key requirements of an OS by considering

the evolution of Operating Systems
Stages include
Serial Processing
Simple Batch Systems
Multiprogrammed batch systems
Time Sharing Systems

Слайд 13 Serial Processing
No operating system
Machines run from a console

Serial ProcessingNo operating systemMachines run from a console with display lights,

with display lights, toggle switches, input device, and printer

Setup time

Слайд 14 Simple batch system
Early computers were extremely expensive
Important to

Simple batch systemEarly computers were extremely expensiveImportant to maximize processor utilizationMonitorSoftware

maximize processor utilization
Software that controls the sequence of events

jobs together
Program returns control to monitor when finished

Слайд 15 Monitor’s perspective
Monitor controls the sequence of events
Resident Monitor

Monitor’s perspectiveMonitor controls the sequence of eventsResident Monitor is software always

is software always in memory
Monitor reads in job and

gives control
Job returns control to monitor

Слайд 16 Job Control Language
Special type of programming language to

Job Control LanguageSpecial type of programming language to control jobs Provides

control jobs
Provides instruction to the monitor
What compiler to

What data to use

Слайд 17 Desirable Hardware Features
Memory protection for monitor
Jobs cannot overwrite

Desirable Hardware FeaturesMemory protection for monitorJobs cannot overwrite or alterTimerPrevent a

or alter
Prevent a job from monopolizing system
Privileged instructions
Only executed

by the monitor

Слайд 18 Modes of Operation
User Mode
User program executes in user

Modes of OperationUser ModeUser program executes in user mode Certain areas

Certain areas of memory protected from user access

instructions may not be executed
Kernel Mode
Monitor executes in kernel mode
Privileged instructions may be executed, all memory accessible.

Слайд 19 Multiprogrammed Batch Systems
CPU is often idle
Even with

Multiprogrammed Batch SystemsCPU is often idle Even with automatic job sequencing.I/O

automatic job sequencing.
I/O devices are slow compared to processor

Слайд 20 Uniprogramming
Processor must wait for I/O instruction to complete

UniprogrammingProcessor must wait for I/O instruction to complete before preceding

before preceding

Слайд 21 Multiprogramming
When one job needs to wait for I/O,

MultiprogrammingWhen one job needs to wait for I/O, the processor can switch to the other job

the processor can switch to the other job

Слайд 22 Multiprogramming


Слайд 23 Time Sharing Systems
Using multiprogramming to handle multiple interactive

Time Sharing SystemsUsing multiprogramming to handle multiple interactive jobsProcessor’s time is

Processor’s time is shared among multiple users
Multiple users simultaneously

access the system through terminals

Слайд 24 Early Example: CTSS
Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS)
Developed at

Early Example: CTSSCompatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS) Developed at MIT as project

MIT as project MAC
Time Slicing:
When control was passed to

a user
User program and data loaded
Clock generates interrupts about every 0.2 sec
At each interrupt OS gained control and could assign processor to another user

Слайд 25 CTSS Operation

CTSS Operation

Слайд 26 Problems and Issues
Multiple jobs in memory must be

Problems and IssuesMultiple jobs in memory must be protected from each

protected from each other’s data
File system must be protected

so that only authorised users can access
Contention for resources must be handled
Printers, storage etc

Слайд 27 Roadmap
Operating System Objectives/Functions
The Evolution of Operating Systems
Major Achievements

RoadmapOperating System Objectives/FunctionsThe Evolution of Operating SystemsMajor AchievementsDevelopments Leading to Modern Operating Systems

Leading to Modern Operating Systems

Слайд 28 Major Advances
Operating Systems are among the most complex

Major AdvancesOperating Systems are among the most complex pieces of software

pieces of software ever developed
Major advances include:

Information protection and security
Scheduling and resource management

Слайд 29 Process
Fundamental to the structure of OS’s
A process is:

ProcessFundamental to the structure of OS’sA process is:A program in executionAn

program in execution
An instance of a running program
The entity

that can be assigned to and executed on a processor
A single sequential thread of execution, a current state, and an associated set of system resources.

Слайд 30 Causes of Errors when Designing System Software
Error in

Causes of Errors when Designing System SoftwareError in designing an OS

designing an OS are often subtle and difficult to

Errors typically include:
Improper synchronization
Failed mutual exclusion
Non-determinate program operation

Слайд 31 Components of a Process
A process consists of
An executable

Components of a ProcessA process consists ofAn executable programAssociated data needed

Associated data needed by the program
Execution context of the

program (or “process state”)
The execution context contains all information the operating system needs to manage the process

Слайд 32 Memory Management
The OS has 5 principal storage management

Memory ManagementThe OS has 5 principal storage management responsibilitiesProcess isolationAutomatic allocation

Process isolation
Automatic allocation and management
Support of modular programming
Protection and

access control
Long-term storage

Слайд 33 Virtual Memory
File system implements long-term store
Virtual memory allows

Virtual MemoryFile system implements long-term storeVirtual memory allows programs to address

programs to address memory from a logical point of

Without regard to the limits of physical memory

Слайд 34 Paging
Allows process to be comprised of a number

PagingAllows process to be comprised of a number of fixed-size blocks,

of fixed-size blocks, called pages
Virtual address is a page

number and an offset within the page
Each page may be located anywhere in main memory

Слайд 35 Virtual Memory

Virtual Memory

Слайд 36 Virtual Memory Addressing

Virtual Memory Addressing

Слайд 37 Information Protection and Security
The problem involves controlling access

Information Protection and SecurityThe problem involves controlling access to computer systems

to computer systems and the information stored in them.

issues are:
Data integrity

Слайд 38 Scheduling and Resource Management
Key responsibility of an OS is

Scheduling and Resource ManagementKey responsibility of an OS is managing resourcesResource allocation policies must consider:FairnessDifferential responsivenessEfficiency

managing resources
Resource allocation policies must consider:
Differential responsiveness

Слайд 39 Key Elements of an Operating System

Key Elements of an Operating System

Слайд 40 System Structure
View the system as a series of

System StructureView the system as a series of levelsEach level performs

Each level performs a related subset of functions
Each level

relies on the next lower level to perform more primitive functions
This decomposes a problem into a number of more manageable subproblems

Слайд 41 OS Design Hierarchy

OS Design Hierarchy

Слайд 42 Roadmap
Operating System Objectives/Functions
The Evolution of Operating Systems
Major Achievements

RoadmapOperating System Objectives/FunctionsThe Evolution of Operating SystemsMajor AchievementsDevelopments Leading to Modern Operating SystemsMicrosoft Windows OverviewUNIX SystemsLinux

Leading to Modern Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows Overview
UNIX Systems

Слайд 43 Different Architectural Approaches
Various approaches have been tried, categories

Different Architectural ApproachesVarious approaches have been tried, categories include: Microkernel architecture

Microkernel architecture
Symmetric multiprocessing
Distributed operating systems

Object-oriented design

Слайд 44 Microkernel Architecture
Most early OS are a monolithic kernel

Microkernel ArchitectureMost early OS are a monolithic kernelMost OS functionality resides

OS functionality resides in the kernel.
A microkernel assigns only

a few essential functions to the kernel
Address spaces
Interprocess communication (IPC)
Basic scheduling

Слайд 45 Multithreading
Process is divided into threads that can run

MultithreadingProcess is divided into threads that can run concurrentlyThreadDispatchable unit of

Dispatchable unit of work
executes sequentially and is interruptible
Process is

a collection of one or more threads

Слайд 46 Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)
An SMP system has
multiple processors
These processors

Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)An SMP system hasmultiple processorsThese processors share same main

share same main memory and I/O facilities
All processors can

perform the same functions
The OS of an SMP schedules processes or threads across all of the processors.

Слайд 47 SMP Advantages
Allowing parallel processing
Failure of a single process

SMP AdvantagesPerformanceAllowing parallel processingAvailabilityFailure of a single process does not halt

does not halt the system
Incremental Growth
Additional processors can be


Слайд 48 Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing

Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing

Слайд 49 Distributed Operating Systems
Provides the illusion of
a single

Distributed Operating SystemsProvides the illusion of a single main memory space

main memory space and
single secondary memory space

stage of development

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