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Презентация на тему Computer games

Computer games in our lifeComputers have become a major part of our everyday life. People simply can’t live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different
Computer GamesThe presentation preparedStudents 2th course FmfIvanov IliyaNikonov Dmitiry Computer games in our lifeComputers have become a major part of our Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining more Some people claim that such games are harmful Another argument against computer games is that they contain And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing our But there are some people who support computer games. They say Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with other Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Computer games in our life
Computers have become a

Computer games in our lifeComputers have become a major part of

major part of our everyday life. People simply can’t

live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games.

Слайд 3 Speaking about computer games, I should say that

Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining

they are gaining more and more popularity both among

kids and adults and there are two points of view on this question.

Слайд 4
Some people claim that

Some people claim that such games are harmful and

such games are harmful and pointless. They destroy our

life balance. First of all, computer games are unhealthy for the eye sight. If we look at the monitor for a long time, it gets worse. Secondly, sitting glued to the same place can make us fatter.

Слайд 5 Another argument against computer games

Another argument against computer games is that they contain

is that they contain lots of violent scenes. Thus,

playing them can make our behavior more aggressive.

Слайд 6 And, finally, computer games steal our time. We

And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing

start rarely seeing our friends and relatives. To keep

the balance it is better to have some active hobbies too, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band.

Слайд 7 But there are some people who support

But there are some people who support computer games. They

computer games. They say that this activity has many


For example, it can develop a good memory because while we play, we try to remember different details. Other than that, it develops logical thinking and even language skills.

Слайд 8 Spending lots of time online can lead to

Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with

virtual friendship with other players. And, of course, for

many people it is one of the best ways of entertainment.

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  • Количество просмотров: 97
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