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Презентация на тему Content

Content1. Methods to control inflation?2. The Inflation in Healthcare Industry of Kazakhstan.3. Research. Taylors Model Hypothesis 4. Observations: Imrovement of Inflation 5. Conclusion
Aziza KosimovaZhanara AblayevaAruzhan ZhumakhanAruzhan MaxutovaInfluence of Inflation on Kazakhstani market Content1. Methods to control inflation?2. The Inflation in Healthcare Industry of Kazakhstan.3. BackgroundPolicies to reduce inflation :Monetary policy – Higher interest rates. This increases Comparison of overall Inflation to the Healthcare Inflation in 2016Changes in prices Taylors Rule Hypothesis Taylors Model on Kazakhstan Inflation Assumption of Phillips Curve to Healthcare Industry Consumer Price Indexes MAIN RESULTS OF OUR ANALYSIS CONCLUSION Bibliography 1.Bank, T. W. (2015). Получено 2017, из http://www.worldbank.org/en/country/kazakhstan/overview2.Best Advertisement . (n.d.). THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Content
1. Methods to control inflation?
2. The Inflation in

Content1. Methods to control inflation?2. The Inflation in Healthcare Industry of

Healthcare Industry of Kazakhstan.
3. Research. Taylors Model Hypothesis

Observations: Imrovement of Inflation
5. Conclusion
6. Bibliography

Слайд 3 Background

Policies to
reduce inflation :

Monetary policy – Higher

BackgroundPolicies to reduce inflation :Monetary policy – Higher interest rates. This

interest rates. This increases cost of borrowing and discourages

spending. This leads to lower economic growth and lower inflation.
Tight fiscal policy – Higher income tax and / or lower government spending, will reduce aggregate demand, leading to lower growth and less demand pull inflation
Supply side policies – These aim to increase long-term competitiveness, e.g. privatisation and deregulation may help reduce costs of business, leading to lower inflation.

Слайд 4 Comparison of overall Inflation to the Healthcare Inflation

Comparison of overall Inflation to the Healthcare Inflation in 2016Changes in

in 2016

Changes in prices for consumer goods and services

in %, an increment.

Слайд 5 Taylors Rule Hypothesis

Taylors Rule Hypothesis

Слайд 6 Taylors Model on Kazakhstan Inflation

Taylors Model on Kazakhstan Inflation

Слайд 7 Assumption of Phillips Curve to Healthcare Industry

Assumption of Phillips Curve to Healthcare Industry

Слайд 9 Consumer Price Indexes

Consumer Price Indexes





Слайд 12 Bibliography

1.Bank, T. W. (2015). Получено 2017, из

Bibliography 1.Bank, T. W. (2015). Получено 2017, из http://www.worldbank.org/en/country/kazakhstan/overview2.Best Advertisement .

2.Best Advertisement . (n.d.). From Astana. SANA The warmest

house: http://old.express-k.kz/show_article.php?art_id=9917
3.Красавина Л.Н. Регулирование инфляции как фактор экономической стабилизации // Финансы.-2000.-N4
4. Website of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan http://www.nationalbank.kz
5. htttp://www.nomad.su
6. http://ru.tradingeconomics.com/kazakhstan/inflation-cpi
7.All about advertisement. (n.d.). From Alamty: : http://oreklame.kz/articles/4e894fa8725df7610a001269

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  • Количество просмотров: 110
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