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Презентация на тему Happiness

What is happiness.When we are happy we smile; we are over the moon and in high spirits.When we are happy everything goes right:The future looks brightWe become frivolousWe are self-satisfied and light-heartedWe are overjoyed.
Happiness What is happiness.When we are happy we smile; we are over the If you want to be happy – do it.Happy people even look It is not difficult to be happyIt is not so hard to
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What is happiness.
When we are happy we smile;

What is happiness.When we are happy we smile; we are over

we are over
the moon and in high


When we are happy everything goes right:
The future looks bright
We become frivolous
We are self-satisfied and light-hearted
We are overjoyed.

Слайд 3 If you want to be happy – do it.

If you want to be happy – do it.Happy people even

people even look
They look joyful
They become

sociable and
Their eyes are full of radiance

  • Имя файла: happiness.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 75
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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