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Презентация на тему Introduction to the radio:

How radio communication works?
Introduction to the Radio: How radio communication works? How radio communication works?Information such as sound is transformed into an electronic Introduction to the Radio: Introduction to the Radio:  Science has many gifts for us. Radio is one IMPORTANCE OF RADIO IMPORTANCE OF RADIO  Radio is the simple and powerful media for Usefulness of the Radio: Radio Station Radio Station:   Each country has got more than one radio station. From these
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 How radio communication works?

How radio communication works?

Слайд 3 How radio communication works?
Information such as sound is

How radio communication works?Information such as sound is transformed into an

transformed into an electronic signal which is applied to

a transmitter.
The transmitter sends the information through space on a radio wave (electromagnetic wave).
A receiver catch some of the radio wave and extracts the information-bearing electronic signal, which is converted back to its original form by a transducer such as a speaker.

Слайд 4 Introduction to the Radio:

Introduction to the Radio:

Слайд 5 Introduction to the Radio:
Science has many gifts

Introduction to the Radio: Science has many gifts for us. Radio is one

for us. Radio is one of them. It was invented by

Marconi the great Italian Scientist  1895. 

Radio is a box with a few wires in it. But it does the world's greatest wonder.



Radio is the simple and powerful

IMPORTANCE OF RADIO Radio is the simple and powerful media for

media for journalism.

*Through the radio latest news, speeches, interviews

etc. can be effectively transmitted to the audience.

*Because radio is portable and cheap.
It will be very helpful for the audience. As radio is only audible, the language should be properly used for explaining everything.

Слайд 8 Usefulness of the Radio:

Usefulness of the Radio:

Слайд 10 Radio Station

Radio Station

Слайд 11 Radio Station:
Each country has got more than

Radio Station:  Each country has got more than one radio station. From these

one radio station.

From these stations everything is relayed. The main radio station

in Kazakhstan is called.
“Kazakhstan National Radio”

In great Britain it is called "The British Broadcasting Corporation" or the B.B.C.

  • Имя файла: introduction-to-the-radio.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 177
  • Количество скачиваний: 0