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Презентация на тему John willard marriott

Bill John Willard
John Willard MARRIOTTHotel operator does not necessarily to build hotels. Can effectively manage other people's objects Bill Willard MARRIOTT with his wife Alice Bill Marriott Cafe on nine seats: A&W Root Beer The Hot Shoppe The First one ,offering customers to eat in their cars The First delivery of food on Board the aircraft The First Hotel:Twin-Bridges Marriott Motor Hotel The first budget hotel Hotels in Moscow:  MARRIOTT New Arbat MARRIOTT Royal Aurora MARRIOTT Grand Marriott New Arbat Marriott Royal Aurora Marriott Grand Marriott Courtyard Center Marriott Renaissance Monarch Centre Marriott Tverskaya Marriott Courtyard Paveletskaya Ritz Carlton Curtsy for the guests Corporate culture Willard Marriott Award of Excellence The 100 -th Hotel in Maui,Hawaii The 4000 -th Hotel in Washington DC
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Bill

Bill      John Willard

John Willard

Слайд 3 Willard MARRIOTT with his wife Alice

Willard MARRIOTT with his wife Alice

Слайд 4 Bill Marriott

Bill Marriott

Слайд 5 Cafe on nine seats: A&W Root Beer

Cafe on nine seats: A&W Root Beer

Слайд 6 The Hot Shoppe

The Hot Shoppe

Слайд 7 The First one ,offering customers to eat in

The First one ,offering customers to eat in their cars

their cars

Слайд 8 The First delivery of food on Board the

The First delivery of food on Board the aircraft


Слайд 9 The First Hotel:
Twin-Bridges Marriott Motor Hotel

The First Hotel:Twin-Bridges Marriott Motor Hotel

Слайд 10 The first budget hotel

The first budget hotel

Слайд 11 Hotels in Moscow:

Hotels in Moscow: MARRIOTT New Arbat MARRIOTT Royal Aurora MARRIOTT Grand

Aurora MARRIOTT Grand MARRIOTT Courtyard Center MARRIOTT Renaissance Monarch Centre MARRIOTT Tverskaya MARRIOTT

Courtyard Paveletskaya Ritz Carlton

Слайд 12 Marriott New Arbat

Marriott New Arbat

Слайд 13 Marriott Royal Aurora

Marriott Royal Aurora

Слайд 14 Marriott Grand

Marriott Grand

Слайд 15 Marriott Courtyard Center

Marriott Courtyard Center

Слайд 16 Marriott Renaissance Monarch Centre

Marriott Renaissance Monarch Centre

Слайд 17 Marriott Tverskaya

Marriott Tverskaya

Слайд 18 Marriott Courtyard Paveletskaya

Marriott Courtyard Paveletskaya

Слайд 19 Ritz Carlton

Ritz Carlton

Слайд 21 Curtsy for the guests

Curtsy for the guests

Слайд 22 Corporate culture
Willard Marriott Award of Excellence

Corporate culture Willard Marriott Award of Excellence

Слайд 23 The 100 -th Hotel in Maui,Hawaii

The 100 -th Hotel in Maui,Hawaii

  • Имя файла: john-willard-marriott.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 102
  • Количество скачиваний: 0