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Презентация на тему Leasehold Conveyancing - Conversion Audit for graphics update_sanitized

The Overall Narrative“You should really get in touch with us now [lots of contact options]”“The longer you wait, the worse it will be and the more money it will cost you” – but not the clearest
Please work on the way the text overlay looks – it needs The Overall Narrative“You should really get in touch with us now [lots X cases helped in Stanmore Add a graphic to say – ‘guidance Your Stanmore lease extension in numbers99 The standard number of years for The Lenders Lenders and short leases in StanmoreSame content, but much easier Why Us?What makes us experts in Stanmore lease extensions? Years in the The CloseThe real-life cases offer a great way to close the narrative,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Overall Narrative
“You should really get in touch

The Overall Narrative“You should really get in touch with us now

with us now [lots of contact options]”
“The longer you

wait, the worse it will be and the more money it will cost you” – but not the clearest description of that perhaps

“Mortgage lenders hate short leases, so you won’t be able to sell”

“Why you should talk to us if you have a short leasehold property in Stanmore”
[Now we get to answering some of the visitor questions!]

Слайд 3 X cases helped in Stanmore
Add a graphic

X cases helped in Stanmore Add a graphic to say –

to say – ‘guidance given to 25 people for

lease extensions in Stanmore’

How it works




Arrange a time to talk; every situation is different

Get free expert advice from a local qualified property lawyer

Move forward with your extension with total confidence

Need to add this element under the graphic. Needs to work well on Mobile too.
Show ideas on graphic options

The How It Works

Слайд 4
Your Stanmore lease extension in numbers
The standard

Your Stanmore lease extension in numbers99 The standard number of years

number of years for a lease
With 81 years left,

you should consider extension

Extensions are more expensive with <80 years left


Same content, but much easier to digest – please work on options for the graphic (they don’t have to be just blue circles)

The copy is important for SEO, so placing it behind a dropdown, or simply beneath the a graphic like the one to the left would enable both clarity and SEO value to be maintained

Talk to an expert

At the end of each section, make sure there is a Call To Action available for the visitor to make that contact

Lease Extension Reasons

Слайд 5 The Lenders

Lenders and short leases in Stanmore


The Lenders Lenders and short leases in StanmoreSame content, but much

content, but much easier to digest – think about

the hand-holding that visitors know that they need – this establishes knowledge and your ability to clearly outlined information



Term +30

Term +30


Additional detail can be added beneath the “headline” table for specific of each lender

Talk to an expert

The copy is important for SEO, so placing it behind a dropdown, or simply beneath the a graphic like the one to the left would enable both clarity and SEO value to be maintained

At the end of each section, make sure there is a Call To Action available for the visitor to make that contact

Слайд 6 Why Us?

What makes us experts in Stanmore lease

Why Us?What makes us experts in Stanmore lease extensions? Years in


Years in the business
We won’t charge you a

penny for our advice

Comfort of knowing your home is secure

Talk to an expert


The copy is important for SEO, so placing it behind a dropdown, or simply beneath the a graphic like the one to the left would enable both clarity and SEO value to be maintained

Same content, but much easier to digest – please work on options for the graphic (they don’t have to be just blue circles)

At the end of each section, make sure there is a Call To Action available for the visitor to make that contact

  • Имя файла: leasehold-conveyancing-conversion-audit-for-graphics-update_sanitized.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 131
  • Количество скачиваний: 0