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Презентация на тему Lift up hole RF breakdown

After experiment ESC surface has no damage, although many gas hole low power breakdowns occurred
Lift up hole RF breakdownSE-4000 Experimental2006.06.27 ~ 2006.07.14   Old type After experiment ESC surface has no damage, although many gas hole low power breakdowns occurred Under cathode parts has no damage too. But one lift up hole and lift up pin has tracesof RF capacitive discharge Cathode bottom surface around this lift up holehas traces of RF capacitive Position of capacitive dischargeinside lift up hole 2006/07/24 V.Menagarishvili
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 After experiment ESC surface has no damage, although

After experiment ESC surface has no damage, although many gas hole low power breakdowns occurred

many gas hole low power breakdowns occurred

Слайд 4 Under cathode parts has no damage too.

Under cathode parts has no damage too.

Слайд 5 But one lift up hole and lift up

But one lift up hole and lift up pin has tracesof RF capacitive discharge

pin has traces
of RF capacitive discharge

Слайд 6 Cathode bottom surface around this lift up hole

Cathode bottom surface around this lift up holehas traces of RF

traces of RF capacitive discharge too.
Clean surface
Surface after discharge

after discharge

  • Имя файла: lift-up-hole-rf-breakdown.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 87
  • Количество скачиваний: 0