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Презентация на тему Marketing research

Definition of MRMarketing researches – process of collecting, the analysis, storage, access and use of various information helping to make decisions in the field of marketing.
Marketing research Definition of MRMarketing researches – process of collecting, the analysis, storage, access Types of MRPrimary – are connected with obtaining information from interrogated (respondents). Stages of market researches Preliminary studying of information at the formulation of the purposes Research planning: choice of methods of communicationpoll by mail;telephone survey;personal interview:- individual History of focus groupIn May, 1921 when spirits of CHANEL No. 5 Personal interviewWhat do you think of attempt of the MICROSOFT company to Home TestWould you disagree to taste a box of this vodka? Focus groupToday we will talk to you about means against baldness Telephone interviewWhat you most often buy in drugstores? Hall-testWhat font for phone buttons is more pleasant to you? Deep interviewAnd how the tax law influences to your business? Thank you for attention!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Definition of MR
Marketing researches – process of collecting,

Definition of MRMarketing researches – process of collecting, the analysis, storage,

the analysis, storage, access and use of various information

helping to make decisions in the field of marketing.

Слайд 3 Types of MR
Primary – are connected with obtaining

Types of MRPrimary – are connected with obtaining information from interrogated

information from interrogated (respondents).

Secondary– are connected with obtaining

information from various reports: firms, competitors, suppliers, the state and public organizations, and also from mass media, the Internet.

Слайд 4 Stages of market researches

Stages of market researches

Слайд 5 Preliminary studying of information at the formulation of

Preliminary studying of information at the formulation of the purposes

the purposes
Analysis of internal reports: statistical

reports on sales volumes, accounting information, analytical reports of departments, results of the conducted earlier market researches.

Analysis of external secondary sources.
business press;
specialized branch press;
the specialized periodic press on marketing and advertizing;
annual reports of manufacturing firms;
information of the government statistical bodies;
The Internet in all directions: branch, research firms, advertizing agencies.

Слайд 6 Research planning: choice of methods of communication
poll by

Research planning: choice of methods of communicationpoll by mail;telephone survey;personal interview:-

telephone survey;
personal interview:
- individual interview;
- group interview;
diary entries;
experiment (the

respondent put in a model situation in which he makes the decision);
deep interview;
focus group;
mystery Shopping.

Слайд 7 History of focus group
In May, 1921 when spirits

History of focus groupIn May, 1921 when spirits of CHANEL No.

of CHANEL No. 5 were already ready, Coco Chanel

decided to note widely it a festive dinner to which many women of fashion were invited.
At evening it sprayed from a spray new spirits among guests.
Ladies, having experienced new aroma, looked for a look its source and on their reaction authors of spirits understood that they were successful.
Now new perfume aromas are tested in CHANEL for focus - groups

Слайд 8 Personal interview
What do you think of attempt of

Personal interviewWhat do you think of attempt of the MICROSOFT company

the MICROSOFT company to increase the influence on the


Слайд 9 Home Test
Would you disagree to taste a box

Home TestWould you disagree to taste a box of this vodka?

of this vodka?

Слайд 10 Focus group
Today we will talk to you about

Focus groupToday we will talk to you about means against baldness

means against baldness

Слайд 11 Telephone interview
What you most often buy in drugstores?

Telephone interviewWhat you most often buy in drugstores?

Слайд 12 Hall-test
What font for phone buttons is more pleasant

Hall-testWhat font for phone buttons is more pleasant to you?

to you?

Слайд 13 Deep interview
And how the tax law influences to

Deep interviewAnd how the tax law influences to your business?

your business?

  • Имя файла: marketing-research.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 94
  • Количество скачиваний: 0