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Презентация на тему New york tours

New York City is known as “New York”, “NYC” or “The Big Apple”. It is famous for its media, arts, tradition, style, research, food and business. The city has one of the largest and most well-known
New York Tours New York City is known as “New York”, “NYC” or “The Big What to see in NEW YORKpaulkasmingallery.commetropolitan museum of artTenement Museum New York City -
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 New York City is known as “New York”,

New York City is known as “New York”, “NYC” or “The

“NYC” or “The Big Apple”. It is famous for

its media, arts, tradition, style, research, food and business. The city has one of the largest and most well-known skylines in the world. Visitors around the world are attracted by the cosmopolitism, culture and liveliness of New York City.

New York City is one of the most important cities in the world. It is the global center for many worldwide businesses, politics, communications, music and movies. In New York, you will find various exclusive museums, world-class art galleries and famous theaters. Paul Kasmin gallery, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Tenement Museum are the most visited museums and art galleries among others. You can also find yourself relaxed in the Central Park, Columbus Park or Trinity Church cemetery. You can enjoy your evening with some off beat theaters at the Abrons Art Center.

New York is a great place for shopping and food as well. Many high-class shopping malls and international restaurants are there in New York. There are plenty of things to do and visit in New York City which make it one of the most attractive holiday destinations in the world.

  • Имя файла: new-york-tours.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 96
  • Количество скачиваний: 0