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Презентация на тему Present tenses (active voice)

Present simpleHow to build up? Statement:I live in Moscow - He lives in MoscowNegative: I don’t live in Moscow – He doesn’t live in MoscowQuestion: Do you live in Moscow? – Does he live in Moscow?
Present Tenses (Active voice)Present Simple; Present Continuous; Present Perfect; Present Perfect Continuous Present simpleHow to build up? Statement:I live in Moscow - He lives Present SimpleUse: current habitTo talk about how often things happenPermanent situationStatesGeneral truth Present Simple Present SimpleWhat can you say about this person using Present Simple? Mary32Works Present simple Use do and does in a statement for the emphasis!Examples: Present Continuous How to build up? Statement: He is driving a car Present ContinuousUseAction happening nowTemporary series of actionsTemporary situationsChanging and developing situationsAnnoying habits Present Continuous Present ContinuousDescribe the situation that you see on the picture using Present Continuous Tense Stative Verbs!UseThinkingExistenceEmotionsThe human sensesAppearancePossession and relationships between thingsExamplebelieve, imagine, know, mean, think*, Present Perfect SimpleHow to build up? Statement: He has read this book. Present Perfect SimpleUseSituations and states that started in the past and are Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect ContinuousHow to build up? Statement: We have been driving for Present Perfect ContinuousUse: Actions continuing up to the present momentActions stopping just
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Present simple
How to build up?
I live in

Present simpleHow to build up? Statement:I live in Moscow - He

Moscow - He lives in Moscow
I don’t live

in Moscow – He doesn’t live in Moscow
Do you live in Moscow? – Does he live in Moscow?

Слайд 3 Present Simple
current habit
To talk about how often

Present SimpleUse: current habitTo talk about how often things happenPermanent situationStatesGeneral

things happen
Permanent situation
General truth
My dad walks to work

doesn’t visit us very often
Carlo works in a travel agency
Do you have a passport?
Poland is in European Union.

Слайд 4 Present Simple

Present Simple

Слайд 5 Present Simple
What can you say about this person

Present SimpleWhat can you say about this person using Present Simple?

using Present Simple?

Works at school
walks to work
6 days

a week

works hard

likes children

Слайд 6 Present simple
Use do and does in a

Present simple Use do and does in a statement for the

statement for the emphasis!
It seems to me that

you don’t like studying English. – Actually I do like studying English, but it’s too difficult for me!
I do like going to school on foot, but sometimes I’m very tired and I go there by bus.

Слайд 7 Present Continuous
How to build up?

Present Continuous How to build up? Statement: He is driving a

is driving a car now.
He isn’t

driving a bus now.
Is he driving a car or going on foot now?

Слайд 8 Present Continuous
Action happening now
Temporary series of actions
Temporary situations

Present ContinuousUseAction happening nowTemporary series of actionsTemporary situationsChanging and developing situationsAnnoying

and developing situations
Annoying habits (usually with always)
Mike is driving

to work at the moment
Taxi drivers aren’t stopping there because of the road works.
I am living Moscow this week
Your English is getting better
You are always telling such stupid jokes!

Слайд 9 Present Continuous

Present Continuous

Слайд 10 Present Continuous
Describe the situation that you see on

Present ContinuousDescribe the situation that you see on the picture using Present Continuous Tense

the picture using Present Continuous Tense

Слайд 11 Stative Verbs!
The human senses
Possession and relationships between things

Stative Verbs!UseThinkingExistenceEmotionsThe human sensesAppearancePossession and relationships between thingsExamplebelieve, imagine, know, mean,

imagine, know, mean, think*, understand
be, exist
hate, love, like, dislike,

need, prefer, satisfy, want
hear, see, smell*, sound, taste
appear, look, resemble, seem
belong to, consist of, have*, include, involve, own

Слайд 12 Present Perfect Simple
How to build up?

Present Perfect SimpleHow to build up? Statement: He has read this

has read this book.
He hasn’t read this

Has he read this book?

Слайд 13 Present Perfect Simple
Situations and states that started in

Present Perfect SimpleUseSituations and states that started in the past and

the past and are still true
A series of actions

continuing up to now
Completed actions at a time in the past which is not mentioned
Completed actions where the important thing is the present result

She has had her motorbike for over six years.
We’ve travelled by taxi, bus, plane and train – all in the last twenty-four hours.
Have you ever flown in a helicopter?
I have booked the tickets.

Слайд 14 Present Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Simple

Слайд 15 Present Perfect Continuous
How to build up?

Present Perfect ContinuousHow to build up? Statement: We have been driving

have been driving for 2 hours.
We haven’t

been driving for 2 hours.
Have you been driving for 2 hours?

Слайд 16 Present Perfect Continuous
Actions continuing up to the

Present Perfect ContinuousUse: Actions continuing up to the present momentActions stopping

present moment
Actions stopping just before the present moment
We have

been driving four hours. Can’t we have a break soon?
I’m out of breath because I’ve been running to get here in time.

  • Имя файла: present-tenses-active-voice.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 105
  • Количество скачиваний: 0