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Презентация на тему по теме So Yummy!

I am a long yellow fruit !Banana !
So Yummy!Food Riddles for the 4th-6th FormersАвтор:Ольга Михайловна Степановаучитель английского языка МБОУ I am a long yellow fruit !Banana ! I am cold and sweet. You eat me especially in summer!Ice-cream! I am a popular fast food with a sausage in the middle!Hot dog ! I am yellow but sour. People often put me into the tea!Lemon! I am an orange vegetable. Rabbits like me very much!Carrot ! I am white drink. Cats love me so much, too!Milk! I am white and I make your tea and coffee sweet!Sugar ! I am white outside and you eat me fried, boiled and scrambled!Egg ! If you eat me every day, you keep I am round and make you cry but I am I am orange and I am like a ball!Orange ! I am orange and round but smaller I am brown outside and white I am green, round and I am a goat’s favorite I am green and long and I have Eat healthy food and be healthy !The End ! Для фона слайдов использована иллюстрация https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1BiigBqaZu0/UPYJDNZAeBI/AAAAAAAAAzA/EmULqd1njL0/w800-h800/SoYummy-Logo.png Загадки придуманы автором.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I am a long yellow fruit !

Banana !

I am a long yellow fruit !Banana !

Слайд 3 I am cold and sweet. You eat me

I am cold and sweet. You eat me especially in summer!Ice-cream!

especially in summer!


Слайд 4 I am a popular fast food with a

I am a popular fast food with a sausage in the middle!Hot dog !

sausage in the middle!

Hot dog !

Слайд 5 I am yellow but sour. People often put

I am yellow but sour. People often put me into the tea!Lemon!

me into the tea!


Слайд 6 I am an orange vegetable. Rabbits like me

I am an orange vegetable. Rabbits like me very much!Carrot !

very much!

Carrot !

Слайд 7 I am white drink. Cats love me so

I am white drink. Cats love me so much, too!Milk!



Слайд 8 I am white and I make your tea

I am white and I make your tea and coffee sweet!Sugar !


Sugar !

Слайд 9 I am white outside and you eat me

I am white outside and you eat me fried, boiled and scrambled!Egg !

fried, boiled and scrambled!

Egg !

Слайд 10 If you eat me every day, you keep

If you eat me every day, you keep

the doctor away!

Apple !

Слайд 11 I am round and make you cry but

I am round and make you cry but I am

I am

a very useful vegetable !

Onion !

Слайд 12 I am orange and I am like a

I am orange and I am like a ball!Orange !


Orange !

Слайд 13 I am orange and round but smaller

I am orange and round but smaller

than an orange!


Слайд 14 I am brown outside and white

I am brown outside and white

inside. I grow underground!

Potato !

Слайд 15 I am green, round and I am a

I am green, round and I am a goat’s favorite   food, too!Cabbage !

goat’s favorite food, too!



Слайд 16 I am green and long and I have

I am green and long and I have

pimples on my body!

Cucumber !

Слайд 17 Eat healthy food and be healthy !

The End

Eat healthy food and be healthy !The End !

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-so-yummy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 0