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Problem Definition
MINI IN CHINA. A NEW CAR CONCEPT Problem Definition AgendaChinese Car MarketMINI in ChinaTarget GroupSWOTNew Car Concept AgendaChinese Car Market    MINI in China Sales DevelopmentChinese Car Market    MINI in China Growth FactorsChinese Car Market    MINI in China Current Car Segments Chinese Car Market    MINI in China Relevant Future Car SegmentsChinese Car Market    MINI in China Reasons to go green		Chinese Car Market    MINI in China Local Production vs. ImportChinese Car Market    MINI in China AgendaChinese Car Market    MINI in China MINI Sales Volume in ChinaChinese Car Market    MINI in Image of MINI in China Chinese Car Market    MINI Differentiation of MINI ModelsChinese Car Market    MINI in China Competitors of MINI Small CarsChinese Car Market    MINI in Competitors of MINI SUVChinese Car Market    MINI in China AgendaChinese Car Market    MINI in China Customer ProfileNumber of respondents: 	141Male: 	68Female: 	73Age range: 	18-35Cities: 	Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu Customer ProfileChinese Car Market    MINI in China Customer ProfileChinese Car Market    MINI in China Needs and PreferencesChinese Car Market    MINI in China AgendaChinese Car Market    MINI in China SWOT AnalysisChinese Car Market    MINI in China SWOT AnalysisChinese Car Market    MINI in China AgendaChinese Car Market    MINI in China New Target GroupYoung families with childrenMINI SUV as first family carSpecial needs: New Model MINI TigerChinese Car Market    MINI in China PostioningPorter’s Generic StrategyChinese Car Market    MINI in China ProductFuel efficient engineChinese Car Market    MINI in China ProductChinese Car Market    MINI in China Product Chinese Car Market    MINI in China PlaceMINI Dealers, Distribution & Customer RelationsChinese Car Market    MINI PriceChinese Car Market    MINI in China Glocalized PromotionChinese Car Market    MINI in China Problem SolutionProductFuel efficiencySizeGlocalizationLocalized productionExpansion of distribution infrastructureSuccessful launch of the MINI TigerPoints ReferencesAbel, B. (2011): International Marketing. Skript zur Vorlesung International Marketing, MiBA, Univerität Referenceshttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/9132020/BMW-hits-record-as-China-buys-Mini-and-Rolls-Royces.html (2012-03-14)http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/9132020/BMW-hits-record-as-China-buys-Mini-and-Rolls-Royces.html (2012-03-14)http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/02/china-to-start-pilot-program-providing-subsidies-for-electric-cars-and-hybrids/ (2012-03-17)http://www.autoobserver.com//2010/06/china-announces-plan-to-subsidize-evs-and-plug-in-hybrids-in-five-major-cities.html (2012-03-15)http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/02/china-to-start-pilot-program-providing-subsidies-for-electric-cars-and-hybrids/ (2012-03-18)http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/03/19/uk-china-fuel-prices-idUKBRE82I0BT20120319 (2012-04-24)http://motoring.asiaone.com/Motoring/News/Story/A1Story20100816-232286.html (2012-05-02)http://www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/auto-china-peking-motor-show-707270.html (2012-05-02)http://finance.chinanews.com/auto/2012/01-20/3620044.shtml (2012-03-02)http://db.auto.sohu.com/photo_1021/pic1441844.shtml (2012-03-02)http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/transportation/chinas-suv-sales-up-25-percent-in-2011/1456http://www.asia.udp.cl/Informes/2012/chinese_consumer_2020.pdfhttp://faculty.msb.edu/homak/homahelpsite/webhelp/Price_Skimming.htmhttp://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/13/bmw-china-idUSL3E8CD0HI20120113 (2012-03-14) Thank you for your attention! Backup Local Production vs. ImportChinese Car Market    MINI in China BackupChina’s fastest growing provinces for retail Retail as an indicator for purchasing powerSource: red-luxury.com Success of MINI SUVSource: BMW Group investor presentation (March 2012) Car Sales BRIC Countries Passenger car salesChina: highest volume & fastest growingSource: Deloitte (2011) BRIKT Analysis BMW and MINI sales in 2011Source: BMW Group investor presentation Current Age Structure: Online Survey Questions1. If you wanted to buy a car, what features Online Survey Questions4. Would you prefer buying a MINI that was imported
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Problem Definition

Problem Definition

Слайд 3 Agenda
Chinese Car Market
MINI in China
Target Group
New Car Concept

AgendaChinese Car MarketMINI in ChinaTarget GroupSWOTNew Car Concept

Слайд 4 Agenda
Chinese Car Market MINI in

AgendaChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target Group

China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

The Chinese Car Market
Economic factors
Social factors
Political & Technological Factors
2. MINI in China
3. Target Group
5. The New Car Concept

Слайд 5 Sales Development
Chinese Car Market MINI

Sales DevelopmentChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target

in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM)

The world largest automotive market
2nd biggest market for BMW Group in 2011
Enhanced governmental subsidies since 2009

Слайд 6 Growth Factors
Chinese Car Market MINI

Growth FactorsChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target

in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: BMW Group Investor Presentation (2012)

Слайд 7 Current Car Segments
Chinese Car Market

Current Car Segments Chinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target

Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: China Automotive Monthly (March 2012)

Слайд 8 Relevant Future Car Segments
Chinese Car Market

Relevant Future Car SegmentsChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target

Group SWOT Analysis New Concept


2,1 million SUV sales in 2011 (25,3% growth)

> 20% annual volume growth rate for SUVs expected by 2020


Source: BMW Group Investor Presentation (2012), www.bloomberg.com, www.smartplanet.com, McKinsey Quarterly (March 2012)

Слайд 9 Reasons to go green

Chinese Car Market

Reasons to go green		Chinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target

Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: www.chinadaily.com.cn, www.autopbserver.com, www.nytimes.com, uk.reuters.com

Chinese fuel prices versus U.S. crude prices

Incease of about
150 % within 9 years

Government Interventions

Слайд 10 Local Production vs. Import
Chinese Car Market

Local Production vs. ImportChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target

Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

2011 total sales volume: 14,470,000

High import tariffs (25%)

Cost savings due to local production,
e.g. BMW X1 (10-20%)
Import price: RMB 360,000 - 550,000
Local price: RMB 282,000 - 498,000

Source: WTO Accession China Tariff Schedule, www.car.bitauto.com, Deloitte World Tax Advisor, China Automobile Trading Co. Ltd, China Association of Automobile Manufacturers

Слайд 11 Agenda
Chinese Car Market MINI in

AgendaChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target Group

China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

The Chinese Car Market
MINI in China
Sales Volume
Differentiation of MINI Models
3. Target Group
5. The New Car Concept

Слайд 12 MINI Sales Volume in China
Chinese Car Market

MINI Sales Volume in ChinaChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China

Target Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

MINI Sales Volume



Share of worldwide MINI sales volume 2011: ~ 5,5 %

Sales increase 2010/2011



Source: BMW Group Annual Report (2011), www.club.autohome.com.cn, www.reuters.com

Слайд 13 Image of MINI in China

Chinese Car Market

Image of MINI in China Chinese Car Market  MINI in

MINI in China

Target Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: Simms/Trott (2007), Riklin (2010), www.prcenter.de, www.bmwgroup.com, BMW Group Investor Presentation (2012), BMW Group in China Report (2011)

Слайд 14 Differentiation of MINI Models
Chinese Car Market

Differentiation of MINI ModelsChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target

Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: www.mini.de

Слайд 15 Competitors of MINI Small Cars
Chinese Car Market

Competitors of MINI Small CarsChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China

Target Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: www.chinacartimes.com, www.inautonews.com

Слайд 16 Competitors of MINI SUV
Chinese Car Market

Competitors of MINI SUVChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target

Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: www.chinacartimes.com, www.inautonews.com, www.carnewschina.com

Слайд 17 Agenda
Chinese Car Market MINI in

AgendaChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target Group

China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

The Chinese Car Market
MINI in China
Target Group
Customer Profile
Needs and Preferences
5. The New Car Concept

Слайд 18 Customer Profile
Number of respondents: 141
Male: 68
Female: 73
Age range:

Customer ProfileNumber of respondents: 	141Male: 	68Female: 	73Age range: 	18-35Cities: 	Shanghai, Guangzhou,

Cities: Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu
Expert Interview
Shanghai MINI dealer

Car Market MINI in China Target Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

Online Survey

Слайд 19 Customer Profile
Chinese Car Market MINI

Customer ProfileChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target

in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: retailer information

Слайд 20 Customer Profile
Chinese Car Market MINI

Customer ProfileChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target

in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: retailer information

Слайд 21 Needs and Preferences
Chinese Car Market

Needs and PreferencesChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: Booz&company quantitative research (2008), online survey

Слайд 22 Agenda
Chinese Car Market MINI in

AgendaChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target Group

China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

The Chinese Car Market
MINI in China
Target Group
5. The New Car Concept

Слайд 23 SWOT Analysis
Chinese Car Market MINI

SWOT AnalysisChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target

in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

(SW) Expansion of target group by offering a compact SUV as family 1st car
(SW) Cost reduction through local production

Source: Doll, N. (2011), BMW Group Investor Presentation (March 2012), BMW Group in China Report (May 2011), Haley (2012), www.reuters.com, www.telegraph.co.uk

Слайд 24 SWOT Analysis
Chinese Car Market MINI

SWOT AnalysisChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target

in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: Doll, N. (2011), BMW Group Investor Presentation (March 2012), BMW Group in China Report (May 2011), Haley (2012), www.reuters.com, www.telegraph.co.uk

Слайд 25 Agenda
Chinese Car Market MINI in

AgendaChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target Group

China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

The Chinese Car Market
MINI in China
Target Group
The New Car Concept
New Target Group
New Model
Marketing Mix

Слайд 26 New Target Group
Young families with children

New Target GroupYoung families with childrenMINI SUV as first family carSpecial

first family car

Special needs:

Chinese Car Market

MINI in China Target Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

Enough room for all family members and related equipment
Common safety features & special safety features for children
Fuel efficient engine
Entertainment for children

Слайд 27 New Model
MINI Tiger
Chinese Car Market

New Model MINI TigerChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target

Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

Local production

Fuel efficient engine

Bigger Size

Length: 4,25m
Height: 1,57m Width: 1,8m

Слайд 28 Postioning
Porter’s Generic Strategy

Chinese Car Market

PostioningPorter’s Generic StrategyChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Unique MINI style

Specific target group

Relatively high price

Source: Murray (1988)

Слайд 29 Product

Fuel efficient engine

Chinese Car Market

ProductFuel efficient engineChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: www.timeshighereducations.co.uk, www.motoringfile.com, www.cbichina.org.cn, www.getrag.com, www.manager-magazin.de

R&D cooperation with universities
Expansion of existing field trial cooperation
Increased involvement in the GETRAG BOSCH hybrid cooperation

Слайд 30 Product
Chinese Car Market MINI in

ProductChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target Group

China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: www.timeshighereducations.co.uk, www.motoringfile.com, www.cbichina.org.cn, www.getrag.com, www.manager-magazin.de

Слайд 31 Product

Chinese Car Market MINI

Product Chinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target

in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: www.mini.de

Слайд 32 Place
MINI Dealers, Distribution & Customer Relations
Chinese Car Market

PlaceMINI Dealers, Distribution & Customer RelationsChinese Car Market  MINI in

MINI in China

Target Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

Current BMW/ MINI Outlets

MINI represented in most of the provinces with fastest growing purchasing power
 further suggestion: Gansu

Most dealers offer MINI together with BMW
keep this strategy

Online 4 S stores
Communicate with customers
Build brand perception
Complement conventional dealership

290 67

Source: www.mini.china.com, Ernst & Young (2011), BMW Group investor presentation (March 2012) , www.red-luxary.com, www.motoring.asiaone.com

Слайд 33 Price
Chinese Car Market MINI in

PriceChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target Group

China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Source: www.faculty.msb.edu

Слайд 34 Glocalized Promotion
Chinese Car Market MINI

Glocalized PromotionChinese Car Market  MINI in China   Target

in China Target Group

SWOT Analysis New Concept

Message: MINI. Surprisingly Large.

Product Launch
Shanghai Auto Show 2015

Product awareness
Campaign with Yao Ming
TV Spots

Product liking
Cooperation with Apple
Sport events

Source: Abel (2011)

Слайд 35 Problem Solution
Fuel efficiency
Localized production
Expansion of distribution infrastructure
Successful launch

Problem SolutionProductFuel efficiencySizeGlocalizationLocalized productionExpansion of distribution infrastructureSuccessful launch of the MINI

of the MINI Tiger
Points of sale
In accordance with MINI

brand image

Слайд 36 References

Abel, B. (2011): International Marketing. Skript zur Vorlesung

ReferencesAbel, B. (2011): International Marketing. Skript zur Vorlesung International Marketing, MiBA,

International Marketing, MiBA, Univerität Hamburg.
Bähnisch, S. (2011): Chinesen clonen

den Mini. Retrived from http://www.autobild.de/artikel/mini-dreiste-china-kopie-2300312.html (2011-03-14)
BMW Group in China, Report May 2011. Available at: http://www.bmwgroup.com/e/0_0_www_bmwgroup_com/investor_relations/ir_services/_pdf/BMW_Investor_Meeting_China_Presentation_CS_20110517.pdf (2012-04-02)
BMW Group Investor Presentation March 2012. Availabel at: http://www.bmwgroup.com/bmwgroup_prod/e/0_0_www_bmwgroup_com/investor_relations/ir_services/_pdf/InvestorPresent_March_2012_online.pdf (2012-04-02)
BMW Group Geschäftsbericht 2011. Available at: http://www.bmwgroup.com/bmwgroup_prod/d/nav/index.html?http://www.bmwgroup.com/bmwgroup_prod/d/0_0_www_bmwgroup_com/investor_relations/corporate_events/hauptversammlung/2011/hauptversammlung.html (2012-04-30)
Deloitte World Tax Advisor (2009): China: Local content rule for import of auto parts abolished. Availabel at: http://deloitte.12hna.com/newsletters/2009/WTA/a090918_2.pdf (2012-04-23)
Deloitte(2011): Driving Through BRIC Markets Lessons for Indian Car Manufacturers. Available at: http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom-India/Local%20Assets/Documents/Driving_Through_BRIC_Markets.pdf
Doll, N. (2010): BMW bringt den Elektro-Mini auch nach China. Retrived from http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article10873572/BMW-bringt-den-Elektro-Mini-auch-nach-China.html (2012-03-14)
Ernst & Young (2011): Mega trends shaping the Chinese light vehicle industry. Available at: http://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/Mega_trends_shaping_the_Chinese_light_vehicle_industry/$FILE/GAC%20%20CHINA%20Megatrends%20FINAL.pdf
Haley, U. (2012): Putting the pedal to the metal. Subsidies to China’s auto-parts industry from 2001 to 2011. Availabel at: http://www.epi.org/publication/bp316-china-auto-parts-industry/ (2012-04-03)
Murray, A. (1988): A Contingency View of Porter's "Generic Strategies“, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Jul., 1988), pp. 390-400

Riklin, T. (2010): Markenrepositionierung – zwischen Trading Up und Trading Down.

Simms, C. and Trott, P. (2007): An analysis of the repositioning of the “BMW Mini” brand. In: Journal of Product & Brand Management, 16 (5), pp. 279-309.

WTO Accession China Tariff Schedule. Availabel at: http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2003/september/tradoc_113817.pdf (2012-04-23)

Слайд 37 References
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/9132020/BMW-hits-record-as-China-buys-Mini-and-Rolls-Royces.html (2012-03-14)

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/9132020/BMW-hits-record-as-China-buys-Mini-and-Rolls-Royces.html (2012-03-14)

http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/02/china-to-start-pilot-program-providing-subsidies-for-electric-cars-and-hybrids/ (2012-03-17)

http://www.autoobserver.com//2010/06/china-announces-plan-to-subsidize-evs-and-plug-in-hybrids-in-five-major-cities.html (2012-03-15)

http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/02/china-to-start-pilot-program-providing-subsidies-for-electric-cars-and-hybrids/ (2012-03-18)

http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/03/19/uk-china-fuel-prices-idUKBRE82I0BT20120319 (2012-04-24)

http://motoring.asiaone.com/Motoring/News/Story/A1Story20100816-232286.html (2012-05-02)


Referenceshttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/9132020/BMW-hits-record-as-China-buys-Mini-and-Rolls-Royces.html (2012-03-14)http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/9132020/BMW-hits-record-as-China-buys-Mini-and-Rolls-Royces.html (2012-03-14)http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/02/china-to-start-pilot-program-providing-subsidies-for-electric-cars-and-hybrids/ (2012-03-17)http://www.autoobserver.com//2010/06/china-announces-plan-to-subsidize-evs-and-plug-in-hybrids-in-five-major-cities.html (2012-03-15)http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/02/china-to-start-pilot-program-providing-subsidies-for-electric-cars-and-hybrids/ (2012-03-18)http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/03/19/uk-china-fuel-prices-idUKBRE82I0BT20120319 (2012-04-24)http://motoring.asiaone.com/Motoring/News/Story/A1Story20100816-232286.html (2012-05-02)http://www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/auto-china-peking-motor-show-707270.html (2012-05-02)http://finance.chinanews.com/auto/2012/01-20/3620044.shtml (2012-03-02)http://db.auto.sohu.com/photo_1021/pic1441844.shtml (2012-03-02)http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/transportation/chinas-suv-sales-up-25-percent-in-2011/1456http://www.asia.udp.cl/Informes/2012/chinese_consumer_2020.pdfhttp://faculty.msb.edu/homak/homahelpsite/webhelp/Price_Skimming.htmhttp://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/13/bmw-china-idUSL3E8CD0HI20120113 (2012-03-14)


http://finance.chinanews.com/auto/2012/01-20/3620044.shtml (2012-03-02)
http://db.auto.sohu.com/photo_1021/pic1441844.shtml (2012-03-02)
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/13/bmw-china-idUSL3E8CD0HI20120113 (2012-03-14)

Слайд 38 Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

Слайд 39 Backup


Слайд 40 Local Production vs. Import
Chinese Car Market

Local Production vs. ImportChinese Car Market  MINI in China

MINI in China Target

Group SWOT Analysis New Concept

in ´000 units

Volume of imported cars 2005-2011

Source: WTO Accession China Tariff Schedule, car.bitauto.com, Deloitte World Tax Advisor, www.db.auto.sohu.com

Слайд 41 Backup
China’s fastest growing provinces for retail

 Retail as

BackupChina’s fastest growing provinces for retail Retail as an indicator for purchasing powerSource: red-luxury.com

an indicator for purchasing power

Source: red-luxury.com

Слайд 42 Success of MINI SUV
Source: BMW Group investor presentation

Success of MINI SUVSource: BMW Group investor presentation (March 2012)

(March 2012)

Слайд 43 Car Sales BRIC Countries
Passenger car sales

China: highest

Car Sales BRIC Countries Passenger car salesChina: highest volume & fastest growingSource: Deloitte (2011)

volume & fastest growing
Source: Deloitte (2011)

Слайд 44 BRIKT Analysis

BMW and MINI sales in 2011

BRIKT Analysis BMW and MINI sales in 2011Source: BMW Group investor

BMW Group investor presentation (March 2012)
Chinese market is more

than 2x bigger than the market of BRIKT countries together

Слайд 45 Current Age Structure

Current Age Structure:

Слайд 46 Online Survey


1. If you wanted to buy

Online Survey Questions1. If you wanted to buy a car, what

a car, what features would you be looking for?

4 wheel drive B. Data and media system
C. Individuality D. Hybrid or e-car E. Others

2. Do you think the local production of MINI in China would damage the image of the brand?
A. Damages the brand image B. No effect

3. Do you think it is desirable to buy a MINI that is adapted to the Chinese market (vs. a global uniform)?
A. Desirable B. Undesirable

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