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Презентация на тему Smart vacation

learn and nevertheless get pleasure from a vacation - it's possible!We offer for students from 10 to 17 years who want to improve their foreign language skills, exciting and well organized holiday in England! . This
Smart vacation Education + learn and nevertheless get pleasure from a vacation - it's possible!We offer Our lessons are built in an exciting , entertaining way that allows During the excursions , sports or games during our experienced teachers create Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 learn and nevertheless get pleasure from a vacation

learn and nevertheless get pleasure from a vacation - it's possible!We

- it's possible!
We offer for students from 10 to

17 years who want to improve their foreign language skills, exciting and well organized holiday in England! .
This helps overcome the transition from abroad and study grammar and some words to practical communication with native speakers. Linguistic camp participants are divided into groups according to the level of proficiency.

Слайд 3 Our lessons are built in an exciting ,

Our lessons are built in an exciting , entertaining way that

entertaining way that allows students to learn the material

easily. At the same experiences and emotions experienced by the child will be the reference point of the lesson. The camp operates a schedule of activities : the first half of the day , usually allotted to a class, the second half of the day is devoted to sports, excursions , company officer and general activities.

Слайд 4 During the excursions , sports or games during

During the excursions , sports or games during our experienced teachers

our experienced teachers create game situations that are exciting

for children and motivate members to act with the use of a foreign language. Each of our clients individually organized and formed according to age , level of foreign language skills , interests and wishes of the individual participants.

  • Имя файла: smart-vacation.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 78
  • Количество скачиваний: 0