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Презентация на тему The earth .

We live on the Earth .It is very ,very big . There is a lot of water on the Earth.That s why the Earth looks blue from space because 70% nearly three quarters is covered with
The Earth .Students 8 «Б»Akimenco S.Suhodolova L. We live on the Earth .It is very ,very big . There There are four oceans on the Earth : the Pacific ,the Atlantic There are large coutries and small countries . When it is day You can see the moon and the stars in the sky at night . The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in April 22 is Earth Day . People all over the world think In 1961 all people on the Earth learned about the first man A lot of cosmonauts say how beautiful our blue planet is how Life on Earth depends on the temperatures. So we must protect our planet Earth . The Earth is a house for miltion kinds of living things .They Poluses of Earth coverrages of ice wich inclide sea s ice . The And
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 We live on the Earth .It is very

We live on the Earth .It is very ,very big .

,very big . There is a lot of water

on the Earth.That s why the Earth looks blue from space because 70% nearly three quarters is covered with water.

Слайд 3 There are four oceans on the Earth :

There are four oceans on the Earth : the Pacific ,the

the Pacific ,the Atlantic ,the Indian and the Arctic

.The oceans contain 97% of all the water on the Earth .

Слайд 4 There are large coutries and small countries .

There are large coutries and small countries . When it is

When it is day in one country it is

night in another country .When the sun shines it is day ,when the sun does not shine it is night .

Слайд 5 You can see the moon and the stars

You can see the moon and the stars in the sky at night .

in the sky at night .

Слайд 6 The Earth is the fifth largest of the

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets

nine main planets in the Solar System .It s

the third planet from the Sun .

Слайд 7 April 22 is Earth Day . People all

April 22 is Earth Day . People all over the world

over the world think about planet , because people

live on it and use everything that are around .

Слайд 8 In 1961 all people on the Earth learned

In 1961 all people on the Earth learned about the first

about the first man in space , Yuri Gagarin

. He circled the Earth in Vostok spaceship.

Слайд 9 A lot of cosmonauts say how beautiful our

A lot of cosmonauts say how beautiful our blue planet is

blue planet is how small and fragile it is


Слайд 10 Life on Earth depends on the temperatures. So

Life on Earth depends on the temperatures. So we must protect our planet Earth .

we must protect our planet Earth .

Слайд 11 The Earth is a house for miltion kinds

The Earth is a house for miltion kinds of living things

of living things .They are people and animals .

Слайд 13 Poluses of Earth coverrages of ice wich inclide

Poluses of Earth coverrages of ice wich inclide sea s ice

sea s ice . Some sientists said that

the Earth will sate the life of living thing during 0,50 – 2,3 years .

  • Имя файла: the-earth-.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 92
  • Количество скачиваний: 0