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Презентация на тему Ukrainian agriculture

Land structureGrainsOilseeds & SugarbeetHorticultureAgriholdingsContent
Ukrainian agriculture Land structureGrainsOilseeds & SugarbeetHorticultureAgriholdingsContent Land structureUkraine’s area, on January’11 Land usersAround 70 huge agriholdings with total land bank of 5 mln ha Typical farmers Peasant families who grow crops and have some chickens, pigs and cows Peasants who get land after privatization process and decided to farmFarms Sown area GrainsHarvested area, ths ha Grains Grains WheatYield, 00 kg/ha Wheat Barley Barley Corn Sunflower Rapeseed Soybean Sugar beet HorticultureShare in harvested area by producers Potato VegetablesStructure of vegetables production Fruits&Berries Grape Structural change: Agriholding15 agriholding made IPO or private placement at International Stock Agriholding*According to UCAB study on “Ukrainian Super-large Farms: efficiency and competitiveness”, 2010 60 agriholdings produce*22% wheat35% corn13% sunflower55% sugar beet27% soybean30% rapeseed64% poultry20% pork18% Regulations Average rent income in 2006-2010, $/hаAverage arable land price Arable land price Rural population:  socio-economic situationCurrent rural
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Land structure
Oilseeds & Sugarbeet


Land structureGrainsOilseeds & SugarbeetHorticultureAgriholdingsContent

Слайд 3 Land structure
Ukraine’s area, on January’11

Land structureUkraine’s area, on January’11

Слайд 4 Land users
Around 70 huge agriholdings with total land

Land usersAround 70 huge agriholdings with total land bank of 5 mln ha

bank of 5 mln ha

Слайд 5 Typical farmers

Typical farmers

Слайд 6 Peasant families who grow crops and have some

Peasant families who grow crops and have some chickens, pigs and

chickens, pigs and cows for own consumption and to

sell surplus


Слайд 7 Peasants who get land after privatization process and

Peasants who get land after privatization process and decided to farmFarms

decided to farm

Слайд 8 Sown area

Sown area

Слайд 9 Grains
Harvested area, ths ha

GrainsHarvested area, ths ha

Слайд 10 Grains


Слайд 11 Grains


Слайд 12 Wheat
Yield, 00 kg/ha

WheatYield, 00 kg/ha

Слайд 14 Barley


Слайд 15 Barley


Слайд 17 Sunflower


Слайд 18 Rapeseed


Слайд 19 Soybean


Слайд 20 Sugar beet

Sugar beet

Слайд 21 Horticulture
Share in harvested area by producers

HorticultureShare in harvested area by producers

Слайд 22 Potato


Слайд 23 Vegetables
Structure of vegetables production

VegetablesStructure of vegetables production

Слайд 24 Fruits&Berries


Слайд 26 Structural change: Agriholding
15 agriholding made IPO or private

Structural change: Agriholding15 agriholding made IPO or private placement at International

placement at International Stock Exchanges
In January their total market

capitalization reached $5 bln

*According to UCAB study on
“Ukrainian Super-large Farms: efficiency and competitiveness”, 2010


Слайд 27 Agriholding
*According to UCAB study on
“Ukrainian Super-large Farms:

Agriholding*According to UCAB study on “Ukrainian Super-large Farms: efficiency and competitiveness”, 2010

efficiency and competitiveness”, 2010

Слайд 28 60 agriholdings produce*
22% wheat
35% corn
13% sunflower
55% sugar beet

60 agriholdings produce*22% wheat35% corn13% sunflower55% sugar beet27% soybean30% rapeseed64% poultry20%

30% rapeseed
64% poultry
20% pork
18% milk
*In industrial agriculture according to

UCAB study on
“Ukrainian Super-large Farms: efficiency and competitiveness”, 2010

Слайд 29 Regulations


Слайд 30 Average rent income in 2006-2010, $/hа
Average arable land

Average rent income in 2006-2010, $/hаAverage arable land price Arable land

Arable land price for profitable enterprises
Arable land price

for 15% of most profitable

По данным исследования УКАБ
«Оценка рыночной стоимости пахотных земель в Украине»

Land market: price of arable land in Ukraine

  • Имя файла: ukrainian-agriculture.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 123
  • Количество скачиваний: 0