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Презентация на тему Ulysses deridingpolyphemus- homer'sodyssey

Some key facts1829Mythological paintingOne of Turner´s few oil paintingsThe canvas is exhibited in the National Gallery in London
Ulysses deriding Polyphemus- Homer's Odyssey Joseph Mallord William Turner Some key facts1829Mythological paintingOne of Turner´s few oil paintingsThe canvas is exhibited The plot of the pictureis taken from the „Odyssey“ by Homer.Odyssey returned The are three mythological details on this pucture. the figure of the cyclopsApollo´s hoarsesseamaids the cyclops silhouette is painted blurred (размыто) so it can be misinterpreted as a cloud we can see some hoarses silhouettes. It means Apollo riding in the The light figures near the ship are seamaids, mythological figures, too. Turner painted this picture after his visiting Italia that´s why we can Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Some key facts
Mythological painting
One of Turner´s few oil

Some key facts1829Mythological paintingOne of Turner´s few oil paintingsThe canvas is

The canvas is exhibited in the National Gallery in


Слайд 4 The plot of the picture
is taken from the

The plot of the pictureis taken from the „Odyssey“ by Homer.Odyssey

„Odyssey“ by Homer.
Odyssey returned home after the Trojan War

and met cyclops Polyphemus, who was a son of Poseidon.
Polyphemus ate several sailors, but clever Odyssey burned out his only eye. Sailing away Odyssey derided the beaten enemy.

Слайд 5 The are three mythological details on this pucture.


The are three mythological details on this pucture. the figure of the cyclopsApollo´s hoarsesseamaids

figure of the cyclops
Apollo´s hoarses

Слайд 6 the cyclops silhouette is painted blurred (размыто) so

the cyclops silhouette is painted blurred (размыто) so it can be misinterpreted as a cloud

it can be misinterpreted as a cloud

Слайд 7 we can see some hoarses silhouettes. It means

we can see some hoarses silhouettes. It means Apollo riding in

Apollo riding in the chariot through the sky. It

embodies sunrise.

Слайд 8 The light figures near the ship are seamaids,

The light figures near the ship are seamaids, mythological figures, too.

mythological figures, too.

Слайд 9 Turner painted this picture after his visiting Italia

Turner painted this picture after his visiting Italia that´s why we

that´s why we can see the influence of the

italien painters here.
e.g. masterful colour effects
light and shade effects

These effects become more important than the characters themselfs.

  • Имя файла: ulysses-deridingpolyphemus-homersodyssey.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 92
  • Количество скачиваний: 0