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Презентация на тему Word composition

Word composition is the type of word- formation, in which new words are produced by combining two or more Immediate Constituents ( ICs), which are both derivational bases.
Word composition Word composition is the type of word- formation, in which new words The Ics of compound words represent bases of all three structural types:Bases The bases built on stems may be of different degrees of complexity: The meaning of compound word is made up of two components: structural and lexical. The structural meaningThe meaning of their distributional pattern fruit-marketMarket-fruitThe meaning of their derivational pattern n+VenDuty-boundWind-driven The lexical meaningis formed on the base of the combined lexical meanings Classification of compound words According to the relations between the Ics compound words fall into:Coordinative Subordinative Coordinative compounds: A) reduplicative : poof-poof, fifty-fiftyB) compounds formed by joining the Subordinative compoundsBased on the domination of the head-member which is the second IC.ex. Stone-deaf, age-long According to the part of speech compounds fall into: Compound nouns- sunbeamCompound Compound adverbs- nowhere, inside Compound verbs- to bypass According to the means of composition:1) compounds, composed without connecting elements, ex. According to the type of basesCompounds properex. Door-stepDerivational compoundsEx. Long-legged
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Word composition is the type of word- formation,

Word composition is the type of word- formation, in which new

in which new words are produced by combining two

or more Immediate Constituents ( ICs), which are both derivational bases.

Слайд 3 The Ics of compound words represent bases of

The Ics of compound words represent bases of all three structural

all three structural types:
Bases that coincide with morphological stems

that coincide with word-forms

Bases that coincide with word-groups

Слайд 4 The bases built on stems may be of

The bases built on stems may be of different degrees of

different degrees of complexity:


2) Derived letter-writer
3) Compound aircraft-carrier

Слайд 5 The meaning of compound word is made up

The meaning of compound word is made up of two components: structural and lexical.

of two components: structural and lexical.

Слайд 6 The structural meaning
The meaning of their distributional pattern

The structural meaningThe meaning of their distributional pattern fruit-marketMarket-fruitThe meaning of their derivational pattern n+VenDuty-boundWind-driven

The meaning of their derivational pattern

Слайд 7 The lexical meaning
is formed on the base of

The lexical meaningis formed on the base of the combined lexical

the combined lexical meanings of their constituents.
ex. Handbag is

not “a bag designed to be carried in the hand” but “ a woman’s small bag to carry everyday personal item”

Слайд 8 Classification of compound words

Classification of compound words

Слайд 9 According to the relations between the Ics compound

According to the relations between the Ics compound words fall into:Coordinative Subordinative

words fall into:

Слайд 10 Coordinative compounds:
A) reduplicative : poof-poof, fifty-fifty
B) compounds formed

Coordinative compounds: A) reduplicative : poof-poof, fifty-fiftyB) compounds formed by joining

by joining the phonically variated rhythmic twin forms: chit-chat,

C) additive compounds: actor -manager

Слайд 11 Subordinative compounds
Based on the domination of the head-member

Subordinative compoundsBased on the domination of the head-member which is the second IC.ex. Stone-deaf, age-long

which is the second IC.
ex. Stone-deaf, age-long

Слайд 12 According to the part of speech compounds fall

According to the part of speech compounds fall into: Compound nouns-

Compound nouns- sunbeam
Compound Adjectives – heart-free
Compound pronouns- somebody, nothing

Слайд 13 Compound adverbs- nowhere, inside
Compound verbs- to bypass

Compound adverbs- nowhere, inside Compound verbs- to bypass

Слайд 14 According to the means of composition:
1) compounds, composed

According to the means of composition:1) compounds, composed without connecting elements,

without connecting elements, ex. Dog-house
2) compounds, composed with a

help of a vowel or a consonant as a linking element, ex. Statesman
3) compounds, composed with a help of linking elements represented by preposition or conjunction stems, ex. Son-in -law

  • Имя файла: word-composition.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 111
  • Количество скачиваний: 1