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Презентация на тему по теме A healthy diet

We all realize that we have to eat to live. Your diet should include protein, fruits, vegetables, and carbohydrates. The less processed and fat-filled the food is, the healthier you'll be.
A healthy diet We all realize that we have to eat to live. Your diet should Types of foods:Red foods;Orange foods;Yellow foods;Green foods;Blue foods;Purple foods. Red foods get you moving. They give you that extra boost when Orange foods are brain food. They help you keep your mind on Yellow foods are natural way of helping us to stay happy. They make us more optimistic. Green foods are great when you want to relax, calm yourself or Blue foods are soothing, both emotionally and physically, and prepare you for a good night`s rest. Purple foods like figs, prunes and beetroot make people more creative. Keep a healthy diet!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 We all realize that we have to eat

We all realize that we have to eat to live. Your diet

to live. Your diet should include protein, fruits, vegetables, and

carbohydrates. The less processed and fat-filled the food is, the healthier you'll be.

Слайд 3 Types of foods:

Red foods;
Orange foods;
Yellow foods;
Green foods;
Blue foods;

Types of foods:Red foods;Orange foods;Yellow foods;Green foods;Blue foods;Purple foods.


Слайд 4 Red foods get you moving. They give you

Red foods get you moving. They give you that extra boost

that extra boost when you really need it the

most and protect you from illnesses.

Слайд 5 Orange foods are brain food. They help you

Orange foods are brain food. They help you keep your mind

keep your mind on things are really improve your

powers of concentration.

Слайд 6 Yellow foods are natural way of helping us

Yellow foods are natural way of helping us to stay happy. They make us more optimistic.

to stay happy. They make us more optimistic.

Слайд 7 Green foods are great when you want to

Green foods are great when you want to relax, calm yourself

relax, calm yourself or keep your emotions under control.

Слайд 8 Blue foods are soothing, both emotionally and physically,

Blue foods are soothing, both emotionally and physically, and prepare you for a good night`s rest.

and prepare you for a good night`s rest.

Слайд 9 Purple foods like figs, prunes and beetroot make

Purple foods like figs, prunes and beetroot make people more creative.

people more creative.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-a-healthy-diet.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 166
  • Количество скачиваний: 0