The upper Mississippi flows through many lakes and swamps, forming waterfalls in inter-lake areas. Mississippi is one of the greatest rivers of the world.
a huge space in the center of North America. From the Saskatchewan river in the North to the Rio Grande in the South, from the Mississippi river in the East to the Rocky mountains in the West, there were vast stretches of country, broken by many rivers and here and there raised by hills and rocks. Countless herds of Buffalo roamed these vast territories. By the beginning of the XVIII century, there were about 60 million.
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In the collision of two worlds - Europeans
and "children of the prairies" inhabiting North America-not all
managed to survive. Some Indian tribes have been wiped out, some have become extinct, some are dying out today. Among them are the Assiniboine Indian people. They were part of the tribal Union of North American Indians and lived on the Great plains. Their name translated as “stone” is connected with peculiarities of their preparations food: these Indians put a pot on the fire, and put slice of meat in water and threw in this water red-hot stones, until water boiled, and meat became soft.
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Среди океана Лежала страна, И были спокойны Её племена. Под небом лазурным Там
пальмы росли На почве обильной Прекрасной земли. Беспечны и вольны Там были отцы, И
жёны, и дети, И мужи-бойцы. Пришли европейцы: Земля им нужна - И стали туземные Гнать племена. И всех истребили, - Последний бежал, В лесах проскитался, Без вести пропал. Нет даже преданий! Прошло время то, И как оно жило - Не знает никто. И знаем мы только: Теперь его нет! Зачем оно было? Кто даст мне ответ?