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Презентация на тему по теоретической фонетике на тему Stress in compound words

Words composed of separable root morphemes are called compounds.Among compound words we find compound nouns, adjectives, verbs. 
Stress in compound words Words composed of separable root morphemes are called compounds.Among compound words we find compound nouns, adjectives, verbs.  Compound words usually consist of two words (two components) that Examples of compound words:toothpaste; flashlight зубная паста; фонарик night club ночной клубgo Compound nouns In compound nouns, both components (both words) are stressed. Primary stress falls Primary stress on the first component Primary stress on the first component reflects the tight connection between the Compare these pairs where the first is  a compound noun GREENhouse – green HOUSEтеплица, парник – зелёный дом (цвет)BLACKboard – black BOARDшкольная DARKroom – dark ROOMкомната для проявки фото – тёмная комнатаEVEning dress – STONE Age – stone BUILDingкаменный век – каменное зданиеENGlish teacher – English There are some exceptions from the standard pattern of compound noun stress, Compound nouns written as two words Language learners usually have no problem with stress in compound nouns written FOOTball player; CAR dealerфутболист; торговец автомобилямиFIRE fighter; SMOKE detectorпожарный; дымоуловительMATH student; GRAMMar FRYing pan; dePARTment storeсковорода; универмагLIVing room; LIGHT bulbгостиная; электрическая лампочкаTRAIN station; BUS CELL phone; PHONE callсотовый телефон; телефонный звонокPOST office; TELephone bookпочта; телефонный справочникBLOOD Proper nouns Proper nouns are specific names of people, places or things. For example: Jeniffer, Reflexive pronouns Reflexive pronouns show that the action affects the person who performs the action. Phrasal verbs with postpositions Phrasal verbs with postpositions (with adverbial particles) are compound verbs in which 'fall aPART; 'turn aWAYразвалиться на части; отвернуться'come BACK; 'come INвернуться; войти'break DOWN; If a compound noun is formed from a phrasal verb, primary stress Compound adjectives Both parts of compound adjectives are stressed. Stronger stress usually falls on well-KNOWN; well-DRESSedхорошо известный; хорошо одетыйbroken-HEARTed; HEARTbrokenс разбитым сердцем; с разбитым сердцемeasyGOing, easy-GOingс stone-BLIND; ice-COLDсовершенно слепой; ледянойduty-FREE; skin-DEEPбеспошлинный; неглубокий, поверхностныйman-MADE; handMADEсозданный человеком; сделанный вручнуюhalf-DEAD; half-FULLполумёртвый; наполовину полныйself-CONscious; self-CONfidentмнительный; самоуверенный Stress on the noun If one of the components in a two-word adjective is a noun, Compound numerals In compound numerals consisting of several words, each component / each word thirTEEN; sevenTEENтринадцать; семнадцатьfifTEENTH; eighTEENTHпятнадцатый; восемнадцатыйtwenty-THREE; forty-SIXдвадцать три; сорок шестьfifty-SEVen; ninety-EIGHTпятьдесят семь; девяносто five HUNdred and thirty-TWOпятьсот тридцать два three hundred THOUsandтриста тысячone-HALF, one HALFодна Thank you for attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Words composed of separable root morphemes are called compounds.

Words composed of separable root morphemes are called compounds.Among compound words we find compound nouns, adjectives, verbs. 

compound words we find compound nouns, adjectives, verbs. 

Слайд 3 Compound words usually consist of two

Compound words usually consist of two words (two components) that

words (two components) that may be written separately, with

a hyphen, or as one word.
Rules and recommendations for the use of the hyphen with compound words are rather complicated and subject to change, so it is best to consult a good up-to-date dictionary.

Слайд 4 Examples of compound words:
toothpaste; flashlight
зубная паста; фонарик

Examples of compound words:toothpaste; flashlight зубная паста; фонарик night club ночной

night club
ночной клуб
go out; light-green
выйти; светло-зелёный


Слайд 5 Compound nouns

Compound nouns

Слайд 6 In compound nouns, both components (both words) are

In compound nouns, both components (both words) are stressed. Primary stress

Primary stress falls on the first component (the

first word), even if the two words are written separately.
Usually, the second component is a noun.
The first component may be a noun, a gerund, an adjective, or a verb.

Слайд 7

FOOTball; ARMchair;

FOOTball; ARMchair; MAILbox
футбол; кресло; почтовый ящик
PHOtograph; TELegram; TELescope
фотография; телеграмма; телескоп
WRITing desk; SWIMming pool
письменный стол; плавательный бассейн
HIGH school; HIGHway; HOT dog
средняя школа; шоссе; сосиска
CRYbaby; PUSHcart; BREAKthrough
плакса; ручная тележка; прорыв

Слайд 8 Primary stress on the first component

Primary stress on the first component

Слайд 9 Primary stress on the first component reflects the

Primary stress on the first component reflects the tight connection between

tight connection between the two parts of a compound

noun. This stress is the main distinguishing mark between a compound noun (stress on the first component) and a regular / free Attribute + Noun combination in which primary stress is on the second word (on the noun).

Слайд 10 Compare these pairs where the first is

Compare these pairs where the first is a compound noun

a compound noun

(tight connection between the two components; primary stress on the first component; secondary stress on the second component), and the second is a free combination of an adjective or participle with a noun (loose connection between the two words; primary stress on the second word; secondary stress on the first word).

Слайд 11 GREENhouse – green HOUSE
теплица, парник – зелёный дом

GREENhouse – green HOUSEтеплица, парник – зелёный дом (цвет)BLACKboard – black

BLACKboard – black BOARD
школьная доска – чёрная доска (цвет)

– black BIRD
дрозд– черная птица
GOLDfish – gold FISH
золотая рыбка - рыба золотого цвета
STRONGbox - strong BOX
сейф - крепкий ящик

Слайд 12 DARKroom – dark ROOM
комната для проявки фото –

DARKroom – dark ROOMкомната для проявки фото – тёмная комнатаEVEning dress

тёмная комната
EVEning dress – evening SKY
вечернее платье (тип одежды)

– вечернее небо
WALKing stick – walking PEOPLE
трость для ходьбы – гуляющие люди
READing test – reading BOY
тест по чтению – читающий мальчик
SINGing lesson – singing GIRL
урок пения – поющая девочка
MOBile phone – mobile PERson
мобильный телефон – мобильный человек

Слайд 13 STONE Age – stone BUILDing
каменный век – каменное

STONE Age – stone BUILDingкаменный век – каменное зданиеENGlish teacher –

ENGlish teacher – English TEACHer
учитель английского – учитель-англичанин
SUMmertime –

summer CLOTHES
лето, летний сезон – летняя одежда
NIGHT school, EVEning school – night HOURS, evening HOURS
вечерняя школа – ночные часы, вечерние часы (период времени)

Слайд 14 There are some exceptions from the standard pattern

There are some exceptions from the standard pattern of compound noun

of compound noun stress, for example,
manKIND (человечество).

there are two variants of stress in compound nouns:
well-BEing; WELL being (благосостояние).

Слайд 15 Compound nouns written as two words

Compound nouns written as two words

Слайд 16 Language learners usually have no problem with stress

Language learners usually have no problem with stress in compound nouns

in compound nouns written as single words (POSTcard; PANcake)

but may have difficulty identifying compound nouns written as two separate words (CREDit card; WEDding cake).
Primary stress is on the first word; secondary stress is on the second word.

Слайд 17 FOOTball player; CAR dealer
футболист; торговец автомобилями
FIRE fighter; SMOKE

FOOTball player; CAR dealerфутболист; торговец автомобилямиFIRE fighter; SMOKE detectorпожарный; дымоуловительMATH student;

пожарный; дымоуловитель
MATH student; GRAMMar book
студент математики; учебник грамматики
CONference hall;

MEDical school
зал заседаний; мединститут
MINeral water; FRUIT juice
минеральная вода; фруктовый сок
PORK chop; CARVing knife
свиная отбивная; нож для разделки мяса

Слайд 18 FRYing pan; dePARTment store
сковорода; универмаг
LIVing room; LIGHT bulb

FRYing pan; dePARTment storeсковорода; универмагLIVing room; LIGHT bulbгостиная; электрическая лампочкаTRAIN station;

электрическая лампочка
TRAIN station; BUS stop
вокзал; автобусная остановка
PARKing lot; DRIVing

автостоянка; экзамен по вождению
eCONomy class; dePARture time
эконом-класс; время отправления
CREDit card; SAVings account
кредитная карточка; сберегательный счёт

Слайд 19 CELL phone; PHONE call
сотовый телефон; телефонный звонок
POST office;

CELL phone; PHONE callсотовый телефон; телефонный звонокPOST office; TELephone bookпочта; телефонный

TELephone book
почта; телефонный справочник
BLOOD type; HEALTH check
группа крови; медосмотр

problem; HEART disease
злоупотребление алкоголем; болезнь сердца
DEATH sentence; LIFE insurance
смертный приговор; страхование жизни
HORror movie; GHOST story
фильм ужасов; рассказ с привидениями
AIR pressure; WEATHer report
давление воздуха; прогноз погоды

Слайд 20 Proper nouns

Proper nouns

Слайд 21 Proper nouns are specific names of people, places or

Proper nouns are specific names of people, places or things. For example:

For example: Jeniffer, Spain, Google.  The second word is

always the one that takes the stress Examples:

Слайд 22 Reflexive pronouns

Reflexive pronouns

Слайд 23 Reflexive pronouns show that the action affects the person

Reflexive pronouns show that the action affects the person who performs the

who performs the action.
For example: I hit myself. 
The second

syllable usually takes the stress.

Слайд 24 Phrasal verbs with postpositions

Phrasal verbs with postpositions

Слайд 25 Phrasal verbs with postpositions (with adverbial particles) are

Phrasal verbs with postpositions (with adverbial particles) are compound verbs in

compound verbs in which both components are stressed, usually

with stronger stress on the postposition.

Слайд 26 'fall aPART; 'turn aWAY
развалиться на части; отвернуться
'come BACK;

'fall aPART; 'turn aWAYразвалиться на части; отвернуться'come BACK; 'come INвернуться; войти'break

'come IN
вернуться; войти
'break DOWN; 'break IN
сломаться; ворваться
'break THROUGH; 'go

прорваться, пробиться; продолжать
'take OFF; 'look OUT
взлететь; выглянуть
'move OVer; 'give UP
подвинуться; отказаться
'make UP; 'bring UP
накладывать косметику; воспитывать (детей)

Слайд 27 If a compound noun is formed from a

If a compound noun is formed from a phrasal verb, primary

phrasal verb, primary stress in it falls on the

first component, and the noun is usually written as a single word or with a hyphen.
GETaway; COMEback
побег; возвращение
BREAKdown; BREAKthrough
поломка; прорыв
LOOKout; OUTlook
пункт наблюдения; вид, перспектива
DOWNfall; UPbringing
падение; воспитание
MAKE-up; TAKE(-)off
косметика; взлёт

Слайд 28 Compound adjectives

Compound adjectives

Слайд 29 Both parts of compound adjectives are stressed. Stronger

Both parts of compound adjectives are stressed. Stronger stress usually falls

stress usually falls on the second component of two-word

compound adjectives.
dark-GREEN; light-BROWN
темно-зелёный; светло-коричневый
grayish-BLUE; bright-RED
серо-голубой; ярко-красный
red-HOT; white-HOT
раскалённый докрасна; раскалённый добела
absent-MINDed; low-SPIRited
рассеянный; удручённый
old-FASHioned; cold-BLOODed
старомодный; хладнокровный

Слайд 30 well-KNOWN; well-DRESSed
хорошо известный; хорошо одетый
broken-HEARTed; HEARTbroken
с разбитым сердцем;

well-KNOWN; well-DRESSedхорошо известный; хорошо одетыйbroken-HEARTed; HEARTbrokenс разбитым сердцем; с разбитым сердцемeasyGOing,

с разбитым сердцем
easyGOing, easy-GOing
с лёгким характером
good-LOOKing; longSTANDing
привлекательный; давний, длительный

белоснежный; небесно-голубой

Слайд 31 stone-BLIND; ice-COLD
совершенно слепой; ледяной
duty-FREE; skin-DEEP
беспошлинный; неглубокий, поверхностный
man-MADE; handMADE

stone-BLIND; ice-COLDсовершенно слепой; ледянойduty-FREE; skin-DEEPбеспошлинный; неглубокий, поверхностныйman-MADE; handMADEсозданный человеком; сделанный вручнуюhalf-DEAD; half-FULLполумёртвый; наполовину полныйself-CONscious; self-CONfidentмнительный; самоуверенный

человеком; сделанный вручную
half-DEAD; half-FULL
полумёртвый; наполовину полный
self-CONscious; self-CONfident
мнительный; самоуверенный

Слайд 32 Stress on the noun

Stress on the noun

Слайд 33 If one of the components in a two-word

If one of the components in a two-word adjective is a

adjective is a noun, stronger stress may fall on

the noun, irrespective of whether it is the first or second component.
COLor-blind; WATerproof
не различающий цвета; водонепроницаемый
high-CLASS; high-SPEED
высокого класса; скоростной
low-COST; low-KEY
недорогой; неброский
LAW-abiding; EARsplitting
законопослушный; оглушающий
нестандартного цвета; сомнительный
AIRsick; SEAsick
страдающий воздушной болезнью; страдающий морской болезнью

Слайд 34 Compound numerals

Compound numerals

Слайд 35 In compound numerals consisting of several words, each

In compound numerals consisting of several words, each component / each

component / each word is stressed (except "and"); the

last component receives the strongest stress.
Compound numerals from twenty-one to ninety-nine are hyphenated. Fractions in the function of nouns may be with or without a hyphen.

Слайд 36 thirTEEN; sevenTEEN
тринадцать; семнадцать
пятнадцатый; восемнадцатый
twenty-THREE; forty-SIX
двадцать три; сорок

thirTEEN; sevenTEENтринадцать; семнадцатьfifTEENTH; eighTEENTHпятнадцатый; восемнадцатыйtwenty-THREE; forty-SIXдвадцать три; сорок шестьfifty-SEVen; ninety-EIGHTпятьдесят семь;

fifty-SEVen; ninety-EIGHT
пятьдесят семь; девяносто восемь
sixty-SECond; seventy-FIFTH
шестьдесят второй; семьдесят пятый

Слайд 37 five HUNdred and thirty-TWO
пятьсот тридцать два
three hundred

five HUNdred and thirty-TWOпятьсот тридцать два three hundred THOUsandтриста тысячone-HALF, one

триста тысяч
one-HALF, one HALF
одна вторая
две третьих
one twenty-FIFTH

двадцать пятая
twenty-three HUNdredths
двадцать три сотых

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