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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Do you like holidays?

St Valentine’s Day [snt ‘væləntaınz ֽdeı] sign [ sain] Christmas [‘krısməs]
Do you like holidays? St Valentine’s Day  [snt ‘væləntaınz ֽdeı] Make presents for my relativesMake telephone callsHave a picnic with my friendsVisit What else come to your mind when you think about holidays?( When What do you know about St. Valentine’s Day? (Easter?)How do the British What holidays celebrate in our country? What holidays celebrate only Russia? Why Victory Day is a special holiday?(Victory Day is a special day because…..) Fill the table. Tell your classmates about one of the holidays. What are the most popular holidays in your family? Which holidays do Thank you for the lesson
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 St Valentine’s Day [snt ‘væləntaınz ֽdeı]

St Valentine’s Day [snt ‘væləntaınz ֽdeı]     sign

sign [


Christmas [‘krısməs] hollow [ holəu]

Easter [‘i:stə] roast turkey [reust]

New Year [‘nju: ֽjıə]

Motherland Defender’s Day [‘m٨ðəlænd dı‘fendəz ֽdeı]

Day of Knowledge [‘deı əv ‘nolıdƷ]

Women’s Day [‘wımınz ֽdeı]

Victory Day [‘vıktərı ֽdeı]

May Day [meı ֽdeı]

Mother’s Day ['m٨ðəzֽdeı]

Слайд 3 Make presents for my relatives
Make telephone calls
Have a

Make presents for my relativesMake telephone callsHave a picnic with my

picnic with my friends
Visit my friends
Buy presents for my

friends and relatives
Send postcards
Cook special dishes
Go out with my friends
Invite my friends to my place

roast turkey [reust]

Слайд 4
What else come to your mind when you

What else come to your mind when you think about holidays?(

think about holidays?

( When I think about holidays, I


Слайд 6 What do you know about St. Valentine’s Day?

What do you know about St. Valentine’s Day? (Easter?)How do the


How do the British celebrate Christmas? (New Year, Mother’s


Слайд 7 What holidays celebrate in our country?

What holidays celebrate in our country?

Слайд 8 What holidays celebrate only Russia?

What holidays celebrate only Russia?

Слайд 10 Why Victory Day is a special holiday?
(Victory Day

Why Victory Day is a special holiday?(Victory Day is a special day because…..)

is a special day because…..)

Слайд 11 Fill the table. Tell your classmates about one

Fill the table. Tell your classmates about one of the holidays.

of the holidays.

Слайд 12 What are the most popular holidays in your

What are the most popular holidays in your family? Which holidays

Which holidays do you like most of all?
How do

you celebrate it?
What presents you would like to get for your favourite holiday?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-do-you-like-holidays.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0