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Презентация на тему доклад Новый год и Рождество

New Year holidayNew Year's Day is one of the most favourite holidays in Russia. One the New Year's Eve Russians decorate tree, hide present for each other , make fireworks, cook includes a party with a
Happy New YearВыполнила: ученица 8А классаГнётова Надежда New Year holidayNew Year's Day is one of the most favourite holidays Christmas Christmas is one of the brightest Christian holidays. The discrepancy between the Christmas in EnglandThe British were the first to decorate the house with
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 New Year holiday
New Year's Day is one of

New Year holidayNew Year's Day is one of the most favourite

the most favourite holidays in Russia. One the New

Year's Eve Russians decorate tree, hide present for each other , make fireworks, cook includes a party with a tasty dinner and watching TV. The integral part of this holiday is Farther Frost . For the first time this holiday was introduced by Peter the Great in 1700 . People start to celebrate the new year, is made ten minutes before the New Year. People begin to celebrate the New Year in at midnight on the 31st of December. At midnight, people can see the president on TV, greeting them with traditional words of congratulations.
Among the ancient Slavs, the New Year began on the first day of spring-March 1, when nature came to life. From the 10th century, when Christianity was adopted in Russia, the New Year began to be celebrated according to the Byzantine calendar - September 1. And since 1700, by the decree of Peter the First, New Year is celebrated in Russia on the night of December 31 to January 1.
Ewerywhere you can see slogans "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year"

Слайд 4 Christmas


Слайд 5 Christmas is one of the brightest Christian holidays.

Christmas is one of the brightest Christian holidays. The discrepancy between

The discrepancy between the dates of the celebration of

Christmas by different churches is currently due to the fact that a number of churches use the Julian calendar, December 25, which corresponds to January 7, the Gregorian calendar. The customs of celebrating Christmas have their roots in Ancient Russia , but not all of them are relevant to this day. Nowadays, the ancient custom of caroling is still preserved. Basically, only children go caroling, and as treats they are given sweets and sweets. The main and mandatory on the Christmas table are meat dishes. Also drinking compotes and jelly.

Слайд 6


Christmas traditions in Russia:

On the night of 6 to 7 January, a group of people was made to dress up and go to each house with festive congratulatory poems and songs.
Christmas Kutia is a traditional Christian dish. It is prepared from whole grains and seasoned with sweet syrup. Christmas Pudding is usually served on Christmas Eve as the first dish before a meal.

Слайд 8 Christmas in England
The British were the first to

Christmas in EnglandThe British were the first to decorate the house

decorate the house with ivy . Plants had to

clean the house from evil spirits. It has long been believed that the good Santa Claus carries gifts to children. On Christmas eve, children hung their stockings over the fireplace so that Santa Claus could put presents in them . Christmas is celebrated on the night of 24 to 25 December. On the Central Trafalgar square put the main tree of the country. Today, Christmas lunch involves traditional dishes such as stuffed Turkey and of course , PUM pudding. After lunch, everyone goes to listen to the Queen's Christmas speech on TV. A mandatory tradition is to visit the Church.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-doklad-novyy-god-i-rozhdestvo.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 167
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