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Презентация на тему Формирование грамматического навыка употребления конструкции Passive Voice

We use Passive Voice…Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. Example: "A letter was written." The focus, here, is
Passive Voice  (страдательный залог)Подготовила:Учитель английского языкаКулешова Д.Н. We use Passive Voice…Passive voice is used when the focus is on the FORMING THE PASSIVE VOICE ExamplesThe letter was written last week.The picture will be drawn soon.The floor CompareActive Voice: We watch TV every day.Passive Voice:TV is watched every day. ExercisesMake Passive sentences in Present Simple1. the window / open 2. the ExercisesMake Passive sentences in Past Simple.1. the cat / feed2. the test ExercisesMake Passive sentences in Future Simple .1. the exhibition / visit 2. ExercisesSentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive ExercisesComplete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). You must either use Simple
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 We use Passive Voice…

Passive voice is used when

We use Passive Voice…Passive voice is used when the focus is on

the focus is on the action. It is not important

or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. Example: "A letter was written." The focus, here, is on the fact that a letter was written. We don't know, however, who wrote it.

Passive Voice – это конструкция, которая используется, когда предмет не сам выполняет действие, а испытывает его на себе со стороны другого действия или лица.
Когда мы используем страдательный залог, нам важно действие, а не его исполнитель.



To be + V3

Simple Present

Simple Past


is (not)


will (not) be

Participle II
(III form,-ed)

Когда важно кто (или что) совершил (совершило)
действие, используется предлог by:

She was given flowers by Steve.


Слайд 4 Examples
The letter was written last week.
The picture will

ExamplesThe letter was written last week.The picture will be drawn soon.The

be drawn soon.
The floor is always washed by mother.

Слайд 5 Compare
Active Voice:
We watch TV every day.

Passive Voice:

CompareActive Voice: We watch TV every day.Passive Voice:TV is watched every day.

is watched every day.

Слайд 6 Exercises
Make Passive sentences in Present Simple
1. the window

ExercisesMake Passive sentences in Present Simple1. the window / open 2.

/ open
2. the shoes / buy
3. the

car / wash
4. the letter / send
5. the book / read / not
6. the songs / sing / not
7.the shop / close / not

Слайд 7 Exercises
Make Passive sentences in Past Simple.

1. the cat

ExercisesMake Passive sentences in Past Simple.1. the cat / feed2. the

/ feed
2. the test / write
3. the table

/ set
4. the house / build
5. dinner / serve
6. this computer / sell / not
7. the tables / clean / not

Слайд 8 Exercises
Make Passive sentences in Future Simple .

1. the

ExercisesMake Passive sentences in Future Simple .1. the exhibition / visit

exhibition / visit
2. the windows / clean

the message / read
4. the photo / take
5. these songs / sing
6. a dictionary / use / not
7. credit cards / accept / not

Слайд 9 Exercises
Sentences are given in the active voice. Change

ExercisesSentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the

them into the passive voice.
1. He teaches English.
2. The

child is eating bananas.
3. She is writing a letter.
4. The master punished the servant.
5. He was writing a book.
6. Who wrote this letter?
7. Somebody cooks meal every day.
8. He wore a blue shirt.
9. May God bless you with happiness!
10. They are building a house.
11. I have finished the job.
12. I sent the report yesterday.
13. She bought a diamond necklace.
14. Somebody had stolen my purse.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-formirovanie-grammaticheskogo-navyka-upotrebleniya-konstruktsii-passive-voice.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 138
  • Количество скачиваний: 0