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Презентация на тему исследовательской ученической работы Like master like dog

The topic of my research is “Like master like dog”. It is generally agreed today that dogs help people and this help is really useful. Since the days of BC dogs and humans have been living
Like Master Like DogPavlovo, 2018Municipal Educational Establishment Secondary School №1Nizhegorodskaya Oblast Pavlovo The topic of my research is “Like master like dog”. It is ActualityI think that this topic is interesting because almost every teenager dreams HypothesisPeople all over the world breed dogs, but in each country there The aim of my research:The objectives:•to analyze the statistics about dogs in Dogs in Great Britain Dogs in Russia Dogs in Russia Keeping dogsIn RussiaIn Great Britain26%25%According to «theTelegrph»According to Levada Centre 30% 86%14% 36% 50%43% Comparison of attitude to dogs in Russia and the UK As you can see from the table. dogs are loved in both ConclusionTo sum up, my hypothesis has been proved. On the example of
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The topic of my research is “Like master

The topic of my research is “Like master like dog”. It

like dog”. It is generally agreed today that dogs

help people and this help is really useful. Since the days of BC dogs and humans have been living together and helping each other. The relationship between man and dog is a mutual exchange. A dog teaches people loyalty, ability to love. Taking care of his pet, the teenager learns independence, responsibility. It will certainly help him in future life – studying, making friends, work.
On the other hand, sometimes people forget that dogs are their best friends. Violence and cruelty towards dogs as well as the number of stray dogs is huge in different countries.


Слайд 3 Actuality
I think that this topic is interesting because

ActualityI think that this topic is interesting because almost every teenager

almost every teenager dreams about a dog, but not

everyone is aware of the importance of acquiring a dog. Moreover, the topic is very acute nowadays because of the wide discussion of the bill on the protection of animals in Russia, which cannot be passed in our Duma despite of the fact that it is so much desired and necessary in our society.

Слайд 4 Hypothesis
People all over the world breed dogs, but

HypothesisPeople all over the world breed dogs, but in each country

in each country there is different attitude to them.

Слайд 5 The aim of my research:

The objectives:
•to analyze the

The aim of my research:The objectives:•to analyze the statistics about dogs

statistics about dogs in the United Kingdom and Russia

point out the reasons of overweigh and obesity in both countries
•to analyze differences and similarities of Russian and British way of treating pets
•to gather information about the attitude to dogs among the students of our school
•to analyze the information and arrange it in the form of a diagram

To compare the attitude to dogs and other pets in Great Britain and Russia

Слайд 6 Dogs in Great Britain

Dogs in Great Britain

Слайд 7 Dogs in Russia

Dogs in Russia

Слайд 8 Dogs in Russia

Dogs in Russia

Слайд 9 Keeping dogs
In Russia
In Great Britain

According to «theTelegrph»
According to

Keeping dogsIn RussiaIn Great Britain26%25%According to «theTelegrph»According to Levada Centre

Levada Centre

Слайд 12 86%


Слайд 15 50%


Слайд 16 Comparison of attitude to dogs
in Russia and

Comparison of attitude to dogs in Russia and the UK

the UK

Слайд 24 As you can see from the table. dogs

As you can see from the table. dogs are loved in

are loved in both countries. But the attitude to

them is different because of differences in cultural tradition, government policy and legal system.

Слайд 25 Conclusion
To sum up, my hypothesis has been proved.

ConclusionTo sum up, my hypothesis has been proved. On the example

On the example of Russia and Great Britain, can

very clearly see the difference between the culture, traditions, ways of breeding dogs, as well as the attitude of people, government and the whole society to their treatment.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-issledovatelskoy-uchenicheskoy-raboty-like-master-like-dog.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 74
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