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Презентация на тему ИТ в нашей жизни, для программистов

Use of Technology in Business”PLC” - automates the all process of manufacturing
IT In Our Life Use of Technology in Business”PLC” The video conferencing technology ’’Facebook Business Pages’’ Use of technology in human relationshipsSocial networks Use of technology in education Use of technology in transportation Thank you For your Attention !!!Made by: Lyudmila Aleksandovna for Saransk Automotive College
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Use

Use of Technology in Business”PLC” - automates

of Technology in Business
”PLC” - automates the all process

of manufacturing

Слайд 3 The video conferencing technology

The video conferencing technology

Слайд 4

’’Facebook Business Pages’’

’’Facebook Business Pages’’

Слайд 5 Use of technology in human relationships
Social networks

Use of technology in human relationshipsSocial networks

Слайд 6 Use of technology in education

Use of technology in education

Слайд 7 Use of technology

Use of technology in transportation

in transportation

  • Имя файла: it-v-nashey-zhizni-dlya-programmistov.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0