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Презентация на тему по английскому языку по теме: Праздники в России и Англии

Main protagonistsRussia Santa Claus England Santa Claus
New Year in Russia and England Main protagonistsRussia Santa Claus Where to put giftsIn Russia, under Dishes on the table In England, the Russia of the mandatory courses Russian salad and tangerines. And the rest is people choose. Main squareIn England, Trafalgar Square. In Russia, Red Square Easter In England, on the table isUsually treated meat honey In Russia, on the table isOn the table must The protagonist in England   Christmas Easter bunny Attractions in EnglandIn England during the Easter period Attractions in RussiaAfter forty days of fasting Traditions in RussiaThe main difference from other Tradition in EnglandToday, on the holy day Thank you for your attention. We hope you enjoyed
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Main protagonists

Main protagonistsRussia Santa Claus   England Santa Claus

Santa Claus England Santa Claus

Слайд 3 Where to

Where to put giftsIn Russia, under the tree  In England, in socks

put gifts
In Russia, under the tree

In England, in socks

Слайд 4 Dishes on the

Dishes on the table In England, the traditional

In England, the traditional Christmas meal is considered

pudding and stuffed turkey with vegetables from the Brussels sprouts. Turkey stuffed with chestnuts traditionally with grated breadcrumbs and sage, and it serves wonderful sauce of gooseberries, cranberries or cream. Pudding made ​​from bread   crumbs, flour, lard, raisins, eggs, and various spices. Before serving, pour rum pudding, and a blazing fire to put on the table.

Слайд 7
Russia of the mandatory courses Russian salad and

Russia of the mandatory courses Russian salad and tangerines. And the rest is people choose.

tangerines. And the rest is people choose.

Слайд 8 Main

Main squareIn England, Trafalgar Square.

In England, Trafalgar Square.

Слайд 9
In Russia, Red Square

In Russia, Red Square

Слайд 10



Слайд 11 In England, on the table

In England, on the table isUsually treated meat honey

Usually treated meat honey garlic meatballs, baked smoked ham,

spring salad, sausage or bacon, toffee apples, potatoes in rosemary-garlic butter. In England, on Easter the whole family, cook Sunday lunch: baked lamb with a variety of vegetables (which, in theory, should be a rabbit), Easter cake bake, paint eggs.

Слайд 13 In Russia, on the table

In Russia, on the table isOn the table must

On the table must be: painted eggs and Easter


Слайд 14 The protagonist in England Christmas Easter

The protagonist in England  Christmas Easter bunny


Слайд 15 Attractions in England
In England

Attractions in EnglandIn England during the Easter period mark

during the Easter period mark special dances - the

so-called Morris Dancing. Dancers dressed as Robin Hood , performing at numerous venues in parks , churches, and even in the streets of British cities . And in the small town of Olney occur famous races with pancakes. This is the last day of Maslenitsa , Tuesday . And this day is called Shrove Tuesday - from the verb Shrive ( forgive sins , confess ) . Participate in the run mostly by women. They run , tossing pancakes on a griddle . The winner should not just come to the finish line first . Must still throw pancakes certain number of times .

Слайд 16 Attractions in Russia


Attractions in RussiaAfter forty days of fasting and

forty days of fasting and abstinence from all sorts

of pleasures and fun Easter holiday became a welcome and loved by all . Therefore, it was invented many folk games and entertainment that loved not only children but also adults. Many of them have come down to our times . For example, the custom of whipping eggs at Easter , one hand holding egg in beak upwards and the other has him spout another egg. Who left an egg , he continues with the next game .Next game - skating eggs. It can be played on a table or on the floor , the main thing that was smooth surface . Also need a tray , which is set at an angle and a blanket. Each player rolled up on a tray egg on a blanket if the skate egg has hit the egg lying on a blanket , it was considered vyigrash . It was necessary to be able to guide the eggs. The more people play , the more fun the game becomes . It was fun.

Слайд 17 Traditions in Russia

Traditions in RussiaThe main difference from other Orthodox

main difference from other Orthodox holidays is festive table

and that on it. At the Easter holiday there are a few special characters - cake and egg. Their cooking is always allocated a lot of time . Dough for cakes prepared long and patiently , using the best products . Then dyed and painted eggs. Beautifully colored eggs were very proud family. The rest of the dishes that were prepared for Easter , too, were special. Most of them within a year no longer prepared . They were mostly meats and baked goods : cakes , Easter , rolls , pies , baked piglets , ham , grilled veal. Easter - a holiday festive and family , celebrated with their family , went to visit distant relatives , homes were lit all the lamps and lights, and in the temples , during the service , all lit candles and lamps .Going to visit, be sure to take with them painted egg. Greet you had to kiss three times and give each arc on egg . This custom feature is Russian Easter , in other countries there is no such custom .

Слайд 18 Tradition in England

Tradition in EnglandToday, on the holy day of

on the holy day of Easter is customary to

exchange sweets to give to family and friends chocolate eggs . Holiday is entire week before the holy Sunday. It is said that on Maundy Thursday any wet cleaning, washing hair and body disposal is accompanied by a negative, purification of the soul . Good Friday bake bread with raisins, glassy surface on which is depicted a cross - the symbol of holiness. On Easter Sunday, people gather at the temple gate , where they meet the dawn. A priest carries a candle with the sacred fire and share it with every visitor . Then each family gathers for a celebratory dinner.

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