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Презентация на тему City at the sea. Anapa (6 класс)

About the cityAnapa is located in the South-Western part of the Krasnodar region of Russia on the Black sea. Anapa is located 1.5 km from Moscow, 190 km from Krasnodar, 360 km from Sochi at the
City AT THE SEA. ANAPA About the cityAnapa is located in the South-Western part of the Krasnodar The climatethe climate of the city is Mediterranean. The Caucasus mountains in ArchitectureDance of the dolphins in the Dolphinarium AnapaArchaeological Museum-reserve Beach in SukkoGolden BeachBeach«Tall shore»Centre Beach
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 About the city
Anapa is located in the South-Western

About the cityAnapa is located in the South-Western part of the

part of the Krasnodar region of Russia on the

Black sea. Anapa is located 1.5 km from Moscow, 190 km from Krasnodar, 360 km from Sochi at the junction of the Greater Caucasus and the Taman Peninsula.
Here the wooded Caucasus foothills give way to the blooming valleys, and plains interspersed Taman sea estuaries. The summer heat is softened by a cool wind from the sea.
The sandy beach is a smooth arc bordering the sea, forming a comfortable and beautiful Bay. Shallow water in the area of Anapa warms up well. The average temperature of the water in the swimming season, which lasts from late may to late September 21-25 °C.

Слайд 3 The climate
the climate of the city is Mediterranean.

The climatethe climate of the city is Mediterranean. The Caucasus mountains

The Caucasus mountains in the region of Anapa are

small and are low, forested hills up to 200 meters high. Due to the low nature of the mountains, the rise of air masses and moisture condensation does not occur here, which is the reason for the arid and hot summer, characteristic of the Mediterranean climate. Winter is dominated by cyclones from the Black sea, the Mediterranean sea or the Atlantic ocean, which cause cloudy weather, with prolonged rainfall cover. Sometimes cold anticyclones from the North and North-East, which bring short-term frosts, invade. The average annual rainfall is 450 mm in Anapa.
Very rarely, about once every ten years, in Anapa there are severe frosts. For example, on January 23, 2006 in the city the temperature fell to -23.9 degrees.

Слайд 4 Architecture
Dance of the dolphins in the Dolphinarium Anapa

ArchitectureDance of the dolphins in the Dolphinarium AnapaArchaeological Museum-reserve

Museum-reserve "Gorgippia" — archaeological excavation of the quarters of

Gorgippia (mainly I—II centuries., excavations have been conducted since 1975), a rich collection of ancient objects
Gates of Turkish fortress ("Russian gates»)
Temple of St. Onuphrius the Great — one of the oldest temples in the Kuban
Anapa lighthouse on the waterfront
On the territory of Anapa is also a reserve "Big Utrish", which is a relic juniper-pistachio forest. Since November 22, 2008 on the territory which, according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, by 2010 had to receive the status of the reserve, laying of highways and mass unpunished cutting down of the trees brought in the Red Book began Anapa Dolphinarium on Bolshoy Utrish — the only Dolphinarium in Russia, located in the open sea

  • Имя файла: city-at-the-sea-anapa-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 138
  • Количество скачиваний: 0